Review of published recommendations and guidelines for the transfusion of allogeneic red blood cells and plasma


Table 2: Evaluation of 17* guidelines by 2 reviewers using a checklist
Guideline evaluation criteriaYesNoDisagreement
Was the rationale for the guideline stated? 1420
Were all appropriate health care professionals involved in guideline formulation?† 931
Methods, general
How were the methods for guideline development described?   
1. Fully described and reproducible?0160
2. Refer to a process but insufficient detail to reproduce?790
3. No method was described? 970
Was a target patient population specified? 853
Were all relevant outcomes identified (e.g., mortality, morbidity, quality of life)? 2122
Were alternative interventions identified? 1150
Does the guideline include a definition of the intervention and its optimal role in patient management? 6100
Search strategy
Was a computer search conducted?
Was a manual search of references from relevant articles conducted? 2140
Is the search strategy reproducible?0 160
Literature selection
Were reasons for inclusion of literature explicitly stated?
Were reasons for exclusion of literature explicitly stated? 0160
Data synthesis
Was an attempt made to evaluate the strength of evidence? (i.e., Did the authors distinguish between randomized, controlled trials and animal studies?) 1150
If so, was a system of evidence evaluation determined? 1141
Was the process of recommendation formulation specified? 2140
Does each recommendation cite specific evidence bearing upon the conclusion? 970
Are each of the recommendations appropriate given the strength of the evidence?† 340
Does the guideline explicitly state the strength of the recommendation? 2140
Are all of the recommendations in the document consistent with each other? 1321
Do the guidelines provide the option of choice for the patient, if appropriate? 3130
Have the guidelines been peer reviewed? 1240
Have the guidelines been pilot tested? 0160
Is there a stated plan for revisions or renewal? 0160
Has the effectiveness of the guidelines been evaluated? 0160
Note: "Guidelines" refers to the entire document; "recommendations" refers to the individual statements in the document.
*Two guidelines80,81 were treated as 1 as they were virtually identical.
†There was insufficient information provided to answer this question in the remaining guidelines.

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| CMAJ June 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 11) / JAMC le 1er juin 1997 (vol 156, no 11) |
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