Review of physiologic mechanisms in response to anemia


Table 3: Inferences drawn from and the quality of evidence graded by 2 observers
InferenceQuality of evidence
Oxyhemoglobin dissociation curve
Anemia shifts the oxyhemoglobin curve to the right because of increased 2,3­DPG levelsCi
Anemia causes clinically significant rightward shifts in the oxyhemoglobin curve because of the Bohr effect Civ
The shift in the oxyhemoglobin curve has been clearly established in many forms of anemia (excluding hemoglobinopathies) Cii
The shift in the oxyhemoglobin curve has been clearly established in a number of human diseases Civ
Cardiac output
Cardiac output increases with increasing degrees of normovolemic anemia provided that blood volume is adequateCi
Increased cardiac output in normovolemic anemia is a result of increased stroke volume Ci
The contribution of increased heart rate to the increase in cardiac output following normovolemic anemia is variable Ci
Other hemodynamic alteration
Changes in blood viscosity result in many of the hemodynamic changes in normovolemic anemiaCi
Normovolemic anemia is accompanied by increased sympathetic activity Ci
Normovolemic anemia causes increased myocardial contractility Cii
Normovolemic anemia causes a decrease in systemic vascular resistance Ci
Normovolemic anemia results in a redistribution of cardiac output toward the heart and brain and away from the splanchnic circulation Ci
Maximum global O2 delivery occurs at hemoglobin concentrations ([Hb]) of 100-110 g/LCiii
Global O2 delivery declines above and below [Hb] of 100-160 g/L Ci
Coronary and cerebral blood flow
Coronary blood flow is increased during anemiaCi
Cerebral blood flow is increased during anemia Ci
Coronary artery disease in the presence of moderate degrees of anemia ([Hb] below 90 g/L) results in impaired left ventricle contractility or ischemia Ci
Moderate anemia does not aggravate cerebral ischemia in patients with cerebrovascular disease Ci
Note: 2,3­DPG = 2,3­diphosphoglycerate.

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| CMAJ June 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 11) / JAMC le 1er juin 1997 (vol 156, no 11) |
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