I was dismayed, however, that the University of Calgary Faculty of Medicine was not discussed. Gay and lesbian issues have been on the curriculum here for 25 years. These issues currently constitute at least 4 hours of core curriculum, half of which involves large-group presentation, including gay and lesbian patients discussing their experiences with the health care system in Calgary. The other half of the time is devoted to small-group, preceptor-led sessions at which gay and lesbian issues in general and gay and lesbian health care in particular are discussed in a problem-based-learning contxVolunteer patients are available to the small groups to discuss their health care experience as well as issues concerning gay and lesbian experience and their effects on health.
These sessions are highly valued by the medical students and are often touted as one of the most meaningful of the learning opportunities in the entire core curriculum. I have been approached by students, residents and staff who acknowledge the importance of this area not only in health care delivery but in gay and lesbian physicians' place in the health care system.
We are now expanding the curriculum to include gay and lesbian youth issues, particularly cultural oppression and suicide, in the curriculum dealing with child, adolescent and family development.
I would be happy to share our curriculum with any interested readers.
Gary L. Sanders, BSc, MD
Associate Clinical Professor
Sexuality Theme
Human Sexuality Program
Acting Director
Family Therapy Program
University of Calgary
Calgary, Alta.