Defining inappropriate practices in prescribing for elderly people

Table 1: Inappropriate practices in prescribing drugs to treat cardiovascular diseases for elderly people, according to 32 members of a national consensus panel
PracticeMean clinical significance rating* Risk to patientAlternative therapy % of panel members who agreed with alternative
Prescription of ß-adrenergic blocking agent to treat hypertension for patients with a history of asthma or COPD† 3.83May exacerbate respiratory disease Another class of antihypertensive drugs 94
Prescription of ß-adrenergic blocking agent to treat angina for patients with a history of asthma, COPD or heart failure 3.63May exacerbate respiratory disease or heart failure Nitrate or calcium-channel blocker94
Prescription of reserpine to treat hypertension 3.14May cause depression and extrapyramidal effects in high dosages Another antihypertensive drug76
Prescription of disopyramide to treat atrial fibrillation 3.09May cause anticholinergic side effects and sudden cardiac death Digoxin
Prescription of thiazide diuretic to treat hypertension for patients with a history of gout 3.07May precipitate or worsen gout Another antihypertensive drug74
Prescription of calcium-channel blocker to treat hypertension for patients with a history of heart failure 3.06May worsen heart failure Diuretic or ACE‡ inhibitor or both 94
Prescription of ß-adrenergic blocking agent to treat hypertension for patients with a history of heart failure 3.00May worsen heart failure Diuretic or ACE inhibitor
Lower dosage of ß­adrenergic blocking agent and monitor effects


Long-term prescription of ß-adrenergic blocking agent to treat angina or hypertension for patients with a history of Raynaud disease 3.00May worsen Raynaud disease Calcium-channel blocker91
*Rating scale from 1 (not significant) to 4 (highly significant).
COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease.
ACE = angiotensin-converting-enzyme.

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| CMAJ February 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 3) / JAMC le 1er février 1997 (vol 156, no 3) |