Newspaper employees report RSI
CMAJ 1997;156:628
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
A research initiative to provide better understanding of the causes of repetitive strain injury (RSI) at the Toronto Star found that more than 500 employees experienced at least mild upper-limb pain 3 times over the past year. At Work, the newsletter of the Institute for Work and Health, recently reported that an RSI Watch team representing the institute, the newspaper and the Southern Ontario Newspaper Guild also found that just over 20% of the more than 1000 respondents reported moderate or worse upper-limb pain recurring monthly or lasting more than a week. Moderate, severe or unbearable neck, arm or hand pain was most commonly reported by employees who spend more time using keyboards, working under hectic conditions, facing frequent deadlines and conflicting demands, and having their computer screen in "ergonomically nonoptimal positions."
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