What are the facts concerning the number of residency positions in Canada?

Table 1: Trends in postgraduate medical education, 1988-95
Training year Current-year Canadian graduates in PGY-1 positions Government-funded trainees
Canadian graduates Ratio: Canadian graduates/ current-year graduates Re-entry trainees (Canadian graduates) International medical school graduates Total government- funded positions*
1988 1683 5972 3.5:1 677 981 6953
1989 1641 5992 3.7:1 671 966 6958
1990 1632 5895 3.6:1 644 907 6802
1991 1610 5823 3.6:1 651 916 6739
1992 1646 5877 3.6:1 615 904 6781
1993 1589 5937 3.7:1 632 905 6842
1994 1582 6092 3.9:1 489 704 6796
1995 1646 6327 3.8:1 403 572 6899
* Government-funded positions comprise regular ministry-funded positions, those funded by the transfer of provincial government funds between provinces, dedicated provincial government funds (e.g., neonatal program funds in Ontario) and federal government funds (National Defence and Medical Research Council)

Source: CAPER annual census, 1988-95

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| CMAJ March 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 5) / JAMC le 1er mars 1997 (vol 156, no 5) |
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