Devolving authority for health care in Canada's provinces

Table 1: Percentage of board members who agreed with responses to questions concerning their motivations for and concerns about sitting on local or regional boards*
    Provinces with established boards† Provinces with immature boards†
Question and response All boards n = 514 Alberta n = 106 Saskatchewan n = 200 Prince Edward Island n = 22 British Columbia n = 152 Nova Scotia n = 34
Why did you agree to sit on this local or regional board?  
I am interested in health issues 74 66 82 86 68 75
I want to be part of decision-making 51 63 52 50 45 50
So I can change the way things are done 34 42 9 18 39 44
It's a civic responsibility 19 12 22 18 23 9
I get recognition in my community 1 0 0 0 3 3
What are your biggest concerns (if any) about sitting on this local or regional board?  
Not having the data needed to make decisions 49 55 45 39 50 55
The board not being effective 43 40 42 39 45 61
Not understanding the issues well enough 35 37 34 56 34 27
Board duties taking up more of my time than I planned 21 14 24 17 30 21
Being blamed for the tough decisions 11 17 20 11 8 9
*Totals sum to greater than 100 because respondents could choose up to 2 responses.
†For an explanation of the distinction between established and immature boards, see our second article in this series. (CMAJ 1997;156:513­20).

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| CMAJ March 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 5) / JAMC le 1er mars 1997 (vol 156, no 5) |
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