Devolving authority for health care in Canada's provinces

Table 4: Percentage of board members who agreed or strongly agreed with statements about their relationship with the provincial government
Provinces with established boards Provinces with immature boards
Statement All boards Alberta Saskatchewan Prince Edward Island British Columbia Nova Scotia p value*
We're very restricted by rules laid down by the provincial government 49 55 54 21 46 39 < 0.05
The main reason that the government has provided us with local authority is because there are tough budget decisions to be made 57 67 49 71 58 55 < 0.05
Because my main activity is trying to deal with the impact of a reduced budget, I can't focus on long-term plans 26 26 33 50 16 10 < 0.01
Giving local authority to communities will result in different communities having very different standards of health care 26 31 25 22 23 30 NS†
*p values are from chi2 tests with 4 degrees of freedom.

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| CMAJ March 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 5) / JAMC le 1er mars 1997 (vol 156, no 5) |
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