Devolving authority for health care in Canada's provinces

Table 5: Percentage of board members with characteristics or who agreed with statements, according to whether members were employees in health care or social services. Only characteristics and statements for which there was a significant difference between the 2 groups are shown.
Characteristic or statement Employees in health care or social services n = 90 Others n = 418 p value*
Previous experience serving on a board 77 91 < 0.01
Age 35-54 yr 86 82 < 0.05
University education 60 44 < 0.05
Female sex 76 47 < 0.01
Member of a visible or ethnic minority, according to self-report 19 8 < 0.01
We're very restricted by rules laid down by the provincial government 62 47 < 0.05
Because my main activity is trying to deal with the impact of a reduced budget, I can't focus on long-term plans 34 24 < 0.05
Even if a decision is opposed by the majority of citizens in my community, I will support it if I believe it is the right decision 91 83 < 0.05
*p value from chi2 test with 1 degree of freedom, except in tests for age and education, which had 2 degrees of freedom.

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| CMAJ March 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 5) / JAMC le 1er mars 1997 (vol 156, no 5) |
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