Ontario Maternal Serum Screening Program

Table 1: Characteristics of health care providers who responded to a survey on the Ontario Maternal Serum Screening (MSS) Program
Characteristic Group; no. (and %) of respondents*p value
Family physicians n = 778 Obstetricians n = 273Midwives n = 46
Mean age, yr (and SD†) 38.7 ( 7.5)48.0 (10.4)40.9 ( 7.1)0.0001
Sexn = 763 n = 268n = 460.001
Male 410 (53)201 (75)0     
Female363 (47) 67 (25)46 (100) 
Practice location n = 769n = 273 n = 430.001
Urban 529 (69)250 (92)35 (81) 
Small town or rural‡ 240 (31)23 (8)8 (19) 
Practice type n = 739n = 265 n = 440.001
Solo 196 (27)147 (55)4 (9) 
Group 543 (73)118 (45)40 (91) 
Mean no. of pregnant women cared for in the past year (and SD) 32 (30)276 (147)47 (20)0.0001
Mean no. of years providing antenatal care (and SD) 10 (8)17 (11)8 (4)0.0001
*Unless otherwise specified.
†SD = standard deviation.
‡Population less than 50 000.

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| CMAJ March 15, 1997 (vol 156, no 6) / JAMC le 15 mars 1997 (vol 156, no 6) |
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