Advertisers' Index

CMAJ 1997;156(6)

Abbott Laboratories, Limited
886, 887, 888 A,B
Biaxin 854, 861, 863, 872, 923, 924
Prevacid 758, 759, 929, 930

Astra Pharma Inc.

Losec 747, 785, 878, 931
Pulmicort 809, 917

Bayer Inc.
Adalat XL 772, 773, 940

Boehringer Ingelheim (Canada) Ltd.
Combivent 932, Outside Back Cover

Bristol-Myers Squibb
Pravachol Inside Front Cover, 745, 933

Canadian Medical Association

Fournier Pharma Inc.
Lipidil 795, 934

Glaxo Wellcome Inc.
Ceftin 897, 904, 942
Flonase 830, 930
Lanoxin 810, 927
Valtrex 762, 763, 922, 923

Hoechst Marion Roussel Canada Inc.
Altace 760, 920
Nicoderm 816, 935

Dove 748, 829

Medipoint Data Systems

Merck Frosst Canada Inc.
Cozaar/Hyzaar 786, 787, 914, 915, 916, 917
Vasotec 859, 928, 929

Para-med Health Services

Pfizer Canada Inc.
Norvasc 752, 753, 836, 837, 936
Zithromax 796, 845, 925, 926, 927
Zoloft 853, 944, 945

Rhône-Poulenc Rorer Canada Inc.
Nasacort 838, 943

Sandoz Canada Inc.
Migranal 937, Inside Back Cover

Searle Canada Inc.
Arthrotec 804, 913

Servier Canada Inc.
Coversyl 864, 938
Diamicron 774, 813

SmithKline Beecham Pharma
Paxil 788, 868, 869, 871, 918
Relafen 750, 912

Solvay Pharma
Pantoloc 803, 921

Wyeth-Ayerst Canada Inc.
Effexor 814, 815, 919
Premarin 754, 941
Triphasil 765, 767, 769, 939

Advertisers' IndexAngiotensin converting enzyme inhibitor
Altace 920
Coversyl 938
Vasotec 928, 929

Angiotensin II receptor antagonist
Cozaar/Hyzaar 914, 915, 916, 917

Antianginal/Antihypertensive agent
Adalat XL 940
Norvasc 936

Biaxin 923, 924
Ceftin 942
Zithromax 925, 926, 927

Effexor 919
Paxil 918
Zoloft 944, 945

Antihyperlipidemic agent
Lipidil 934

Anti-inflammatory agent
Arthrotec 913

Antiviral agent
Valtrex 922, 923

Combivent 932

Cardiotonic glycoside
Lanoxin 927

Corticosteroid for nasal use
Flonase 930
Nasacort 943

Estrogenic hormones
Premarin 941

Glucocorticosteroid for the treatment
of bronchial asthma
Pulmicort 917

H+, K+ ­ATPase inhibitor
Losec 931
Pantoloc 921
Prevacid 929, 930

Lipid metabolism regulator
Pravachol 933

Migraine therapy
Migranal 937

Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory agent
Relafen 912

Oral contraceptive
Triphasil 939

Oral hypoglycemic
Diamicron 813

Smoking cessation aid
Nicoderm 935

| CMAJ March 15, 1997 (vol 156, no 6) / JAMC le 15 mars 1997 (vol 156, no 6) |
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