NS enjoys success recruiting rural docs
CMAJ 1997;156:972
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
A decision by the Medical Society of Nova Scotia and the provincial government to cohire a physician recruiter appears to be paying off. Since 1995, when former drug-company sales representative and continuing-medical-education coordinator Frank Peters hung up his shingle at the society, 20 medical positions have been filled in the province, including 9 under a special incentive package designed to attract physicians to rural areas (Robb N. Nova Scotia hopes to solve recruitment problem with joint effort from MDs, government. CMAJ 1996;155:1615-6 [full text / résumé]).
Unfortunately, one province's success can be another's bad news. Several of the physicians recruited by communities in Nova Scotia are moving from small communities in other parts of Canada.
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| CMAJ April 1, 1997 (vol 156, no 7)
/ JAMC le 1er avril 1997 (vol 156, no 7) |