Acetysalicylic-acide-containing drugs and nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory
drugs available in Canada
Table 1: Products containing acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) available in Canada* | |
Over the counter | Dristan Capsules (Whitehall-Robins) |
A.C.&C. (Clark Labs, Pharmascience, Stanley Pharmaceuticals, Wampole, WestCan Pharmaceuticals, Western) | Dry Socket Paste (Sultam Chemists) |
AC with Codeine (Drug Trading) | Entrophen, all formulations (Johnson & Johnson) |
Acetylsalicylic Acid (Drug Trading, Gen Drug, Pharmascience, Pharmel) | Equagesic (Wyeth-Ayerst) |
Acetylsalicylic Acid Boluses (Langford) | Headache Tablets (Romilo Labs) |
Acetylsalicylic Acid Boluses (Gen Drug) | Herbopyrine (Herbes Universelles) |
Acetylsalicylic Acid with caffeine and codeine phosphate (Stanley Pharmaceuticals) | Instantine (Bayer) |
Alka-Seltzer (Bayer) | Kalmex (Rolmex) |
Alka-Seltzer Flavored (Bayer) | Madelon (Romilo Labs) |
Alka-Seltzer Plus Cold Medicine (Bayer) | MED Tigol (Hilary's Distribution) |
Anacin (Whitehall-Robins) | Midol (Bayer) |
Anacin with Codeine (Whitehall-Robins) | MSD Enteric Coated ASA (Merck Sharp & Dohme) |
Anacin Extra Strength (Whitehall-Robins) | Nervine (J.L. Mathieu) |
Antidol (Produits Gerbex) | Nervine (J.L. Mathieu) |
Apo-ASA (Apotex) | Norgesic (3M Pharmaceuticals) |
Arco Pain (Romilo Labs) | Norgesic Forte (3M Pharmaceuticals) |
ASA (Adams Labs, Drug Trading, Everest Pharmaceuticals, Novopharm, Pharmaprix, Pro Doc Lab, Shoppers Drug Mart, Stanley Pharmaceuticals, Wampole, WestCan) | Novasen Sp.C. (Novopharm) |
ASA ECT (Bionatal, Drug Trading, Pharmaprix, Shoppers Drug Mart) | Novo A C & C (Novopharm) |
A.S.A. Enteric Coated (WestCan) | Pain Aid (Zee Medical) |
ASA Suppositories (Pharmascience) | Robaxisal (Whitehall-Robins) |
Asaphen (Pharmascience) | Robaxisal-C_ (Whitehall-Robins) |
Aser Powder (Jaapharm) | Tri-Buffered ASA (Zee Medical) |
Aspergum Cherry/Orange (Schering-Plough) | 217 (Johnson & Johnson) |
Aspirin (Bayer) | 217 Strong (Johnson & Johnson) |
Aspirin Bolus (Med:Biotics) | 222 (Johnson & Johnson) |
Aspirin Chewable (Bayer) | Upsarin Effervescent (UPSA Can) |
Aspirin Children's (Bayer) | Upsarin Effervescent Extra Fort (UPSA Can) |
Aspirin, Coated (Bayer) | |
Aspirin Enteric Coated (Bayer) | Prescription |
Aspirin Extra Strength (Bayer) | AC with Codeine (Drug Trading) |
Aspirin Plus Stomach Guard (Bayer) | Asasantine (Boehringer Ingelheim) |
Aspirin Plus Stomach Guard Extra Strength (Bayer) | Coryphen Codeine (Rougier) |
Astone (Ramelco) | Darvon-N products (Eli Lilly) |
Astrin (Medic Laboratory) | Endodan (Endo) |
Bexton Pwr (Bexco Pharm) | Fiorinal (Sandoz Canada) |
Bufferin (Bristol-Myers Squibb) | Fiorinal-C (Sandoz Canada) |
Bufferin Extra-Strength (Bristol-Myers Squibb) | Novo-Propoxyn Compound (Novopharm) |
CT Acetylsalcylic acid codeine & caffeine (Pharmasave Lab) | Oxycodan (Technilab) |
C2 Buffered (Wampole) | Painex (ICN Canada) |
C2 Buffered with Codeine (Wampole) | Percodan (Du Pont Pharma) |
C2 with Codeine (Wampole) | Percodan-Demi (Du Pont Pharma) |
Calmine (Les Lab Vachon) | Phenaphen No. 2, No. 3, No. 4 (Wyeth-Ayerst) |
Centra ASA boluses (Central) | Robaxisal-C¼, C½ (Whitehall-Robins) |
Coated Aspirin (Bayer) | 692 (Frosst) |
Coricidin (Schering Canada) | Tecnal (Technilab) |
Coricidin "D" (Schering Canada) | Tecnal C¼, C½ (Technilab) |
Coricidin "MD" (Schering Canada) | 282 (Frosst) |
Coryphen (Rougier) | 282 Mep (Frosst) |
Cunnard Casse Grippe Cap Dolomine 37 (Frega) | 292 (Frosst) |