Cancer patients urged to inform MDs of pain
CMAJ 1997;157:9
© 1997 Canadian Medical Association
The Canadian Cancer Society (CCS) and Canadian Palliative Care Association have launched a poster campaign to encourage cancer patients to talk to physicians about pain management. The 4-colour poster, suitable for waiting rooms, encourages patients not to mask pain but to communicate with physicians and nurses so that their pain can be effectively relieved and managed.
"The first step to pain relief is for the patient to tell others, especially health care professionals, how they feel," Dr. Neil Hagen, chair of the CCS's National Medical Advisory Committee, stated in a news release. "We hope this new poster will prompt patients to start talking and will remind professionals to do their utmost to encourage patients to report pain." Supported by a grant from Janssen-Ortho Inc., the campaign got under way during National Palliative Care Week in May. Details about the poster are available from any provincial division of the CCS.
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