

Addressing needle-stick concerns

CMAJ 1997;157:1510
One solution to the problem of patients not consenting to testing for diseases communicable to a health care provider, described in the letter "Needle-stick concerns," by Dr. Jeffrey R. Sloan (CMAJ 1997;156[9]:1267 [full text]) is to get consent for such testing in advance. Every consent form used in an institution should contain a section stating that if a health care provider is exposed to the patient's blood or body fluids, consent is given for appropriate testing of the patient for communicable disease.

Harry E. Emson, MA, MD
Saskatoon, Sask.

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| CMAJ December 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 11) / JAMC le 1er décembre 1997 (vol 157, no 11) |