

The US attack on Cuba's health

CMAJ 1997;157:1510
Re: "The US attack on Cuba's health" (CMAJ 1997;157[3]:281-4 [full text / résumé]), by Dr. Anthony F. Kirkpatrick

See response from: A.F. Kirkpatrick

Although an anti-US mode is almost mandatory in Canadian journalism, it is unacceptable that our journal should be used by an American dissident to expound his political distortions against his own country. He has done the same thing in the United Kingdom and elsewhere. To make matters worse, you have obviously not peer reviewed his contentions properly.

Please tell me which dread epidemic caused 50 000 people to suffer from "optic neuropathy, deafness, loss of sensation and pain in the extremities and a spinal cord disorder that impaired walking and bladder control" as a result of the Cuban Democracy Act, within 5 months of the act being passed by Congress. What is the diagnosis and how is it so rapidly attributable to US calumny? Who is blockading supplies from Cuba's friends in China and Europe? Why should the US provide succour to a country that voluntarily lent its territory as a platform for nuclear Armageddon?

Today the US is in the forefront of the movement to return Cuba to democracy. As a senior member of the CMA, I support your right to discuss politics, but this inaccurate, scientifically unchecked political diatribe is too much.

Donald T.H. Paine, MD
Georgetown, SC

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| CMAJ December 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 11) / JAMC le 1er décembre 1997 (vol 157, no 11) |