Induction of labour versus expectant management for prelabour rupture of the membranes at term: an economic evaluation


Table 1: Health care utilization, by management strategy
Item* Induction with oxytocin (IwO)
Induction with prostaglandin (IwP)
Expectant management with oxytocin (EM-O)
Expectant management with prostaglandin (EM-P)
Outpatient visits, mean no. (range) 0.01  (0–2)†‡ 0.06  (0–3)‡§ 0.17  (0–5)† 0.16  (0–5)§
Ultrasound of AFV, mean no. (range) 0.05  (0–3)† 0.04  (0–3)§ 0.09  (0–4)† 0.09  (0–6)§
LOS in antenatal ward, median hours (5th and 95th percentiles) 3.50  (0.65, 16.75)†‡ 11.17  (2.33, 30.67)‡§ 8.33  (0, 57.88)† 8.92  (0, 62.42)§
Time from oxytocin induction to labour, median hours (5th and 95th percentiles) 2.33  (0, 9.92)†‡ 0  (0, 2.50)‡ 0  (0, 5.75)† 0  (0, 2.50)
Induction with oxytocin, no. (%) of women 1115  (88.63) 130  (10.33) 264  (20.90) 106  (8.41)
Labour augmented with oxytocin, no. (%) of women 41  (3.26) 413  (32.80) 366  (28.98) 446  (35.37)
Induction with prostaglandin gel, no. (%) of women 8  (0.64) 1112  (88.32) 31  (2.45) 199  (15.78)
Prostaglandin gel applications, mean no. (range) 0.01  (0–1)†‡ 1.23  (0–4)‡§ 0.03  (0–3)† 0.22  (0–4)§
Type of delivery, no. (%) of women
   Spontaneous vaginal 898  (71.38) 910  (72.28) 884  (69.99) 897  (71.13)
   Operative vaginal 233  (18.52) 228  (18.11) 256  (20.27) 226  (17.92)
   Cesarean section 127  (10.10) 121  (9.61) 123  (9.74) 138  (10.94)
Infants seen in NICU or SCN, no. (%) 152  (12.08)† 178  (14.14) 229  (18.13)† 207  (16.42)
LOS, median hours (5th and 95th percentiles)
   In NICU 0  (0, 3.75) 0  (0, 14.00) 0  (0, 16.75) 0  (0, 31.98)
   In SCN 0  (0, 17.82)† 0  (0, 29.50) 0  (0, 40.00)† 0  (0, 28.83)
   In postpartum ward 62.97  (22.40, 130.78) 62.50  (20.03, 136.88) 63.02  (23.05, 137.18) 62.97  (23.03, 134.22)
*AVF = amniotic fluid volume, LOS = length of stay, NICU = neonatal intensive care unit, SCN = special care nursery.
p < 0.001 for difference between IwO and EM-O.
p < 0.001 for difference between IwO and IwP.
§p < 0.001 for difference between IwP and EM-P.

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| CMAJ December 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 11) / JAMC le 1er décembre 1997 (vol 157, no 11) |

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