

How far away is the nearest physician?

CMAJ 1997;157:228

© 1997 Canadian Medical Association

A 1993 Statistics Canada study found that at least 90% of Canadians in the 25 census metropolitan areas (at least 100 000 residents) live less than 5 km from the nearest physician. This increased to 99% for centres with a population of 1 million or more. Outside urban centres, however, only 56% of Canadians live within 5 km of a physician. The survey also revealed that the 23% of Canadians living in nonurban areas must travel further for specialist care, since only 3% of specialists practise outside of urban areas.

The study, published in the spring 1997 edition of the Statistics Canada publication Health Reports, assigned geographic latitude and longitude to all Canadian physicians based on the postal codes of their practices. Aerial distances to the nearest physician were calculated using a represen-tative point within each of Canada's census enumeration areas.

In some cases the lack of a vehicle or public transportation compounds access problems facing patients who are some distance from a physician. Statistics Canada reported that no vehicles were available in 24% of households in rural areas that had an annual income of less than $15 000.

Provincial analyses showed that 91% of residents in British Columbia, Ontario and Quebec live less than 5 km from a physician, while fewer than two-thirds of people living in New Brunswick and Prince Edward Island live within 5 km of the nearest doctor.

Percentage of population less than 5 km from a physician, by province, Canada, 1993

distance to physician

Source: 1993 Canadian Medical Association Physician Master File; 1991 Census

This column was written by Lynda Buske, chief, physician resources information planning, CMA. Readers may send potential research topics to Patrick Sullivan (; 613 731-8610 or 800 663-7336, x2126; fax 613 523-0937).

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