Effectiveness of a call/recall system in improving compliance with cervical cancer screening: a randomized controlled trial


Table 2: Proportion of women who had a Pap test, by age and residence
CharacteristicGroup; % (and no.) of women p value
n = 178
n = 208
Age, yr
<= 40
6.9  (7/101) 6.9  (9/131)0.81
> 4015.6(12/77)5.2(4/77) 0.06
8.7(9/103) 5.6(8/142)0.49
Rural13.3(10/75)7.6(5/66) 0.40

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| CMAJ September 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 5) / JAMC le 1er septembre 1997 (vol 157, no 5) |

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