Effectiveness of antigliadin antibodies as a screening test for celiac disease in children


Table 2: Reported effectiveness of IgA and IgG antigliadin antibody (AGA) testing in screening for celiac disease
Study; patient populationNo. of patients AGA test method*Effectiveness of AGA testing, %
Sensitivity SpecificityPositive predictive value Negative predictive value
With disease Without disease IgAIgG BothIgAIgG BothIgAIgG BothIgAIgG Both
Bürgin-Wolff et al10
FIST---- 89----96 ----97 ----87
Guandalini et al11359 1376ELISA91 98­-98 85­-92 63­98 99--
Tucker et al1217 114ELISA73 888665 9090---- 56---- --
Savilahti et al13
  Children < 2 yr
1836ELISA 100100-- ------ -------- ----
  Children > 2 yr11 0ELISA64 54---- -------- ------ --
Rich et al1415 45ELISA53 100--93 58--73 44--86100 --
Bodé et al1514 177DIG-ELISA79 9310098 989779 76709899 100
Lerner et al1634 41ELISA52 88 94 92 8788  7492  
Present study30146 ELISA8083 939279 71674543 969698
Hill et al17
61283ELISA 93---- 95----50 ----99.7 ----
O'Farrelly et al1844 46ELISA82 ----87 ----86-- --83-- --
McMillan et al1928 68ELISA100 57--100 87--100 64--100 83--
*FIST = fluorescent immunosorbent test; ELISA = enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay, DIG = diffusion in gel.

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| CMAJ September 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 5) / JAMC le 1er septembre 1997 (vol 157, no 5) |

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