Needs-based planning: the case of Manitoba


Table 3: Factors used in estimating physician deficits and surpluses across Manitoba
Factor Region; value of factor
North Rural South Brandon Winnipeg All regions
Actual no. of visits per resident (A)* 4.04 4.37 4.87 5.06 4.78
Estimated no. of visits needed per resident (B) 6.27 4.44 3.89 4.19 4.38
Population (C) 69 410 356 362 46 297 667 003 1 139 072
Visit deficit (-) or surplus (+)
(D = [A - B] × C)†
-154 784 -29 945 +45 371 +580 293 +440 935
% of visits to generalists (E) 93.59 89.17 82.78 78.98
Generalist visit deficit (-) or surplus (+)
(F = D × E)†
-144 863 -26 702 +37 559 +458 337 +324 331
Generalist visit workload (G) 3 504 4 675 4 707 5 696
Generalist deficit (-) or surplus (+) (F/G)† -41 -6 +8 +80 +41
No. of generalist physicians (full-time equivalent) practising in the region 59.2 257.9 41.8 527.8 886.7
Deficit (-) or surplus (+) as % of current supply -69 -2 +19 +15 +5
*These rates have not been adjusted for age and sex.
†Except for provincial total, which is a simple sum of the regional values.

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| CMAJ November 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 9) / JAMC le 1er novembre 1997 (vol 157, no 9) |

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