Pharmacologic treatment of hypertensive disorders in pregnancy


Appendix 2: Recommended dosages of antihypertensive drugs (grade D)
Condition; drug    Dosage
Nonsevere hypertension
Methyldopa 500 mg bid–qid
Labetalol 200–600 mg bid–tid
Oxprenolol 20–80 mg bid–tid
Pindolol 5–15 mg bid
Nifedipine 20–40 mg of long-acting formulation (PA) bid
Clonidine 0.05–0.2 mg bid–qid
Hydralazine 10–50 mg bid–qid
Severe hypertension
Hydralazine 5–10 mg intravenously (IV) q 20 min or infusion of 0.5–10 mg/h
Labetalol 10–20 mg IV q 10 min up to 300 mg or infusion of 1–2 mg/min
Nifedipine 10 mg orally q 2–3 h

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| CMAJ November 1, 1997 (vol 157, no 9) / JAMC le 1er novembre 1997 (vol 157, no 9) |

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