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CMAJ - November 17, 1998JAMC - le 17 novembre 1998

Adverse effects associated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors and tricyclic antidepressants: a meta-analysis

Table 2: Pooled differences between SSRIs and TCAs in percentages of patients reporting adverse effects
  SSRI; pooled difference relative to TCAs, %
Adverse effect Fluoxetine Fluvoxamine Paroxetine Sertraline All SSRIs
Adverse effects for which there was no statistically significant difference between any 1 of the 4 SSRIs and all TCAs
Headache +2 +2 –2 +4 +2
Tremor –2 +1 –2 +5 –1
Urinary disturbance –2 –2 +1 –2 –1
Hypotension –9 –17 +12 +2 –5
Adverse effects that occurred statistically significantly more often with TCAs than with at least one of the SSRIs
Dry mouth –32* –22* –21* –30* –29*
Constipation –14* –6 –4* –10* –11*
Dizziness –13* –6* –8* –7 –9*
Sweating –3 –8* –5 +1 –3*
Blurred vision –5* +1 –2 –4 –3*
Palpitations –1 +3 –4* –1 –2
Adverse effects that occurred statistically significantly more often with at least one of the SSRIs than with TCAs
Nausea +10* +12* +2* +18* +10*
Anorexia +4* +2 +2 +5* +5*
Diarrhea +5 +13* +6 +8 +8*
Insomnia +8* 0 0 +5 +4*
Nervousness +3 +7* –4 +2 +4*
Fatigue –4 –10 +2* –6 –2
Adverse effects for which there was a statistically significant difference (occurring more often with SSRIs than with the group of TCAs) only for pooled rates
Agitation +13 +7 +4 0 +6*
Anxiety +4 +7 –1 +5*
Note: The entries in each of the columns headed by a specific drug name are from meta-analyses of trials of each of these SSRIs against any TCA. The entries in the final column are from meta-analyses of all of the trials of SSRIs against any TCA.
*Adverse event occurred statistically significantly more frequently with SSRI (positive value) or TCA (negative value). Based on pooled rate difference obtained by meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials.

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