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CMAJ - October 20, 1998JAMC - le 20 october 1998

Prostate cancer: 4. Screening

Table 1: Outcome of initial screening for prostate cancer by prostate-specific antigen (PSA) testing and digital rectal examination (DRE) in 7223 men 55–74 years of age4,9
  Prostate cancer  
Test result Present Absent Total
Positive* 197 1169 1366
Negative   29† 5828 5857
Total 226 6997 7223
*A positive test result corresponds to a PSA level of more than 4 ng/mL, a suspicious DRE result or both.
†Men with a false-negative screening test result are those in whom prostate cancer was discovered by biopsy after transurethral ultrasonography yielded abnormal findings.

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