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CMAJ - May 18, 1999JAMC - le May 18, 1999

Norwood reconstruction

CMAJ 1999;160:1433

We read with interest the comments by Robert J. Adderley concerning the Norwood reconstruction for infants born with hypoplastic left heart syndrome [letter].1 We completely agree that it is the preferred procedure and that, for most of these infants, transplantation is not an option.

The author neglects to say that, in addition to being available in Toronto, Edmonton, Vancouver and Montreal, for a number of years it has been performed in Halifax at the IWK Grace Health Centre. Although the risk remains high, all 3 patients who underwent the procedure at our centre in 1998 survived and are doing well. Our oldest survivor is now 7 years old.

David B. Ross, MD
Cardiovascular Surgery
IWK Grace Health Centre
Halifax, NS

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  1. Adderley RJ. Norwood reconstruction [letter]. CMAJ 1999;160(3):313.