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CMAJ - May 18, 1999JAMC - le May 18, 1999

Tuberculosis: 5. Pediatric disease

Table 1: Rate of tuberculosis (TB) by age group in Canada, 1975 to 1995*

  Age group; rate, no. of cases per 100 000 population
Year  4 yr 5–14 yr All ages

1975 5.5 4.0 15.6
1980 4.5 3.1 11.2
1985 4.0 1.0  8.3
1990 7.0 1.7  7.2
1991 6.1 1.6  7.2
1992 5.5 2.2  7.4
1993 4.7 2.8  7.0
1994 4.6 2.5  7.1
1995 4.6 2.1  6.5

*Source: Statistics Canada and Health Canada data.1

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