

April 20, 1999 / le 20 avril 1999
CMAJ 1999; 160(8)
© 1999 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne
In this issue · Dans ce numéro
1115 |
Editor's preface
Mot du rédacteur en chef
What persuades doctors to practise in rural areas? An old question, but new evidence suggests that having country roots helps (page 1159). An accompanying editorial relates this finding to possible long-term remedies for the shortage of rural physicians (page 1173). |
1119 |
News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
Evidence · Études |
1137 |
Missed opportunities for prevention in general internal medicine R. Brull, W.A. Ghali, H. Quan [full text / abstract] |
1145 |
Effect of labour induction on rates of stillbirth and cesarean section in post-term pregnancies A.K. Sue-A-Quan, M.E. Hannah, M.M. Cohen, G.A. Foster, R.M. Liston [abstract] |
1151 |
The health and cost effects of substituting home care for inpatient acute care: a review of the evidence L. Soderstrom, P. Tousignant, T. Kaufman [full text / abstract] |
1159 |
Rural background and clinical rural rotations during medical training: effect on practice location M. Easterbrook, M. Godwin, R. Wilson, G. Hodgetts, G. Brown, R. Pong, E. Najgebauer [full text / abstract] |
1165 |
No impact from active dissemination of the Ottawa Ankle Rules: further evidence of the need for local implementation of practice guidelines C. Cameron, C.D. Naylor [full text / abstract] |
Editorials · Éditoriaux |
1171 |
Incorporating preventive care recommendations into clinical practice: How do we bridge the gap? J.D. Douketis [full text] |
1173 |
Recruiting rural doctors: ending a Sisyphean task J.D. Tepper, J.T.B. Rourke [full text] |
1179 |
Krever 2008 M.T. Schechter, M.V. O'Shaughnessy [full text] |
1181 |
When atrial fibrillation occurs with pulmonary embolism, is it the chicken or the egg? K.M. Flegel [full text] |
· Chroniques |
1200 |
The 1999 residency match: finally, some good news for anesthesia P. Sullivan [full text] |
1201 |
Infected MD calls for tougher medical screening of newcomers to Canada B. Sibbald [full text] |
1202 |
MDs hope to cash in on boomers' desire to take control of their health H. Kent |
1203 |
Patients buy peace of mind at breast cancer centre S. Pinker [full text] |
1204 |
Are MDs more intent on maintaining their élite status than in promoting public good? C. Gray [full text / in brief] |
Heart and Soul
· Gens de cur |
1268 |
What? A young MD who wants to stay in rural Manitoba? D. Square [full text] |
