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CMAJ - May 30, 2000JAMC - le 30 mai 2000

Deaths · Nécrologie

CMAJ 2000;162:1647

Adamson, John D., Winnipeg; University of Manitoba, 1956; psychiatry; former staff consultant, Health Sciences Centre; professor and senior scholar, University of Manitoba. Died Jan. 4, 2000, aged 67; survived by 6 children. His obituary stated: "He was instrumental in developing community support for people with mental illness, and in particular took a lead role in the development of the Manitoba Mental Health Research Foundation in the 1970s. He felt a spiritual connection with nature and spent many hours in quite observation, but he also enjoyed his NFL football."

Bala, R. Marvin, Edmonton; University of Alberta, 1958; internal medicine; FACP, FRCPC; former staff and head, Department of Medicine, and chair, endocrinology and metabolism, University Hospital; consultant, St. Paul's and Saskatoon hospitals; professor and head, Department of Medicine, University of Saskatchewan. Died Jan. 4, 2000, aged 64; survived by 3 children.

Clairman, Arnold I., North York, Ont.; University of Ottawa, 1976; family medicine; CCFP; former staff, North York Branson Hospital; courtesy staff, Doctors Hospital. Died Nov. 28, 1999, aged 47; survived by his wife, Dr. Holli.

Epp, Frank L., Richmond, BC; University of Alberta, 1950; MCFP, DDS. Died Jan. 7, 2000, aged 93.

Frackowiak, Janusz T. (John), Scarborough, Ont.; University of Cracow (Poland), 1952; urology; former staff, Central and Scarborough General hospitals. Died Jan. 8, 2000, aged 77; survived by his wife, Angela, and 2 children.

Lamont, William E., Toronto; University of Western Ontario, 1934; obstetrics; FRCSC; former honorary consulting staff, Hamilton Civic Hospitals; courtesy staff, Chedoke–McMaster and Joseph Brant Memorial hospitals. Died Jan. 4, 2000, aged 97; survived by 2 daughters and 2 stepdaughters. His obituary stated: "He taught his family to love life, to take a keen interest in history, to appreciate nature and to value our Scottish heritage."

Lowrey, Mark R., Toronto; University of Ottawa, 1975; psychiatry; DABPN, FRCPC; former staff psychiatrist, Queen Street Mental Health, Centre; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died Jan. 6, 2000, aged 51; survived by his mother, Margaret.

Morse, Frank W., Lawrencetown, NS; Dalhousie University, 1938; general surgery; FRCSC; former attending surgeon, Soldiers' Memorial Hospital. Died Dec. 14, 1999, aged 86.

O'Sullivan, Alvin B., Hamilton; University of Western Ontario, 1964; former staff, St. Joseph's Hospital; courtesy staff, Chedoke–McMaster and Hamilton Civic hospitals. Died Dec. 9, 1999, aged 62.

Reynolds, F. Barrie, Saskatoon; University of Saskatchewan, 1962; anesthesia; former director, resident program, University of Saskatchewan; staff, University Hospital; director and associate professor of anesthesia, University of Saskatchewan. Died Jan. 4, 2000, aged 63; survived by his wife, Betty, and 3 children.

Scott, Anthony F., Brechin, Ont.; University of Dublin (Ireland), 1952; RAF, WW II; former pension medical examiner; physician, Glazier Medical Clinic, Oshawa; staff, Department of Veterans Affairs, Sunnybrook Medical Centre. Died Jan. 1, 2000, aged 73; survived by 3 children.

Steeds, J. Leslie, Mississauga, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1946; obstetrics/gynecology; FACOG, FRCSC; former staff, Mississauga Hospital; courtesy staff, Queensway General Hospital. Died Jan. 3, 2000, aged 76; survived by his wife, Ruth, and 4 children.

Steele, Robert J., Kelowna, BC; Loma Linda University (California), 1951; general practice; DPH; former courtesy staff, Kelowna General Hospital. Died Jan. 8, 2000, aged 85; survived by his wife, Ethel, and 3 children. For almost 20 years he served as a missionary doctor at the Youngberg Memorial Hospital, Singapore.

Varadi, David P., North York, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1960; dermatology; DABD, FRCPC; former staff, the Wellesley Central Hospital; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died Nov. 27, 1999, aged 63; survived by his wife, Mercedes, and 2 children.

Weldhen, John W., Brantford, Ont.; University of Western Ontario, 1946; RCAMC, WW II; former staff, Brantford General, St. Joseph's and Willett hospitals; coroner, Brant County. He practised in the Brantford area for 52 consecutive years. Died Dec. 30, 1999, aged 78; survived by his wife, Audrey, and 3 children.

Wylie, H. Laird, Victoria; University of Manitoba, 1941; flight surgeon, RCAF, WW II. Died Jan. 7, 2000, aged 88; survived by his wife, Dorothy, and 2 children. His obituary stated: "During the Depression he taught in a rural Prairie school. While in university in Manitoba, he spent summers working as a lay minister of the United Church. He was married on May 18, 1942, and on the same day he joined the RCAF."

Yao, Ming Y. (Chong), Toronto; University of Toronto, 1942; anesthesia; FACA; physician, Woodstock and Grace Hospital. Died Jan. 5, 2000, aged 85; survived by her husband, Yu Lin, and 2 sons. She was one of the first women of Chinese descent to practise medicine in Canada, and the first anesthetist.

Zalesky, Christine A., Etobicoke, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1962; pediatrics; FRCPC; former staff, the Hospital for Sick Children. Died of cancer Jan. 6, 2000, aged 63; survived by her husband, Dr. Nicholas Kraw, and 3 daughters.

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