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CMAJ - June 27, 2000JAMC - le 27 juin 2000

TB among aboriginal Canadians [Correction]

CMAJ 2000;162(13):1807

The third sentence in the second paragraph of a recent letter to the editor from Leo Kahana1 contained a copyediting error. It should have read: "In controlled studies the protective efficacy varies from –57% to more than 75%, and it is not clear that averaging such disparate results by meta-analysis is of any significance."2 Kahana's affiliation should have been given as Department of Medicine, McMaster University, Hamilton, Ont. The online version is correct.
  1. Kahana LM. TB among aboriginal Canadians [letter]. CMAJ 2000;162(10):1404.
  2. Bloom BR, Fine PEM. The BCG experience: implications for future vaccines against tuberculosis. In: Bloom BR, editor. Tuberculosis: pathogenesis, protection, and controls. Washington: ASM Press; 1994. p. 531-57.

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