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February 8, 2000 / le 8 février 2000

CMAJ 2000; 162(3)

© 2000 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

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In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

  Editorial · Éditorial
309 Klein's surgical strike at medicare [HTML / PDF]
311 Attaque chirurgicale de Klein contre l'assurance-maladie [HTML / PDF]

Anemia is common among First Nations infants. In this issue, Noreen Willows and colleagues report findings from a screening protocol for anemia among 9-month-old Cree children in northern Quebec (page 323).

Screening protocol for anemia

313 Letters · CorrespondancePDF ]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research · Recherche
323 Prevalence of anemia among James Bay Cree infants of northern Quebec
N.D. Willows, J. Morel, K. Gray-Donald
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
331 Gay and lesbian physicians in training: a qualitative study
C. Risdon, D. Cook, D. Willms
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Research letter · Exposés de recherche
339 Use of physical and chemical restraints in medical teaching units
J.V. Kow, D.B. Hogan
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Commentary · Commentaire
343 Breast-feeding and anemia: Let's be careful
J.C. Godel
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
344 Education of medical students and house staff to prevent hazardous occupational exposure
C. Doig
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
346 Equity in health
B. Starfield
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Review · Synthèse
351 Tuberculosis: 13. Control of the disease among aboriginal people in Canada
J.M. FitzGerald, L. Wang, R.K. Elwood
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
359 Safrole in betel quid may be a risk factor for hepatocellular carcinoma: case report
C.-J Liu, C.-L. Chen, K.-W. Chang, C.-H. Chu, T.-Y. Liu
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
362 The Internet and evidence-based decision-making: a needed synergy for efficient knowledge management in health care
A.R. Jadad, R.B. Haynes, D. Hunt, G.P. Browman
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
369 Septic shock: treating more than just blood pressure
I. Mayers, D. Johnson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
371 The urea breath test for Helicobacter pylori infection: taking the wind out of the sails of endoscopy
C.A. Fallone, S.J.O.V. van Zanten, N. Chiba
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

377 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche
  • Occasional poetics (book review by S. Neilson)
  • A photographic portrait of Scottish rural practice
  • L. Kramer makes a memorable house call

389 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses
409 Will it be third time lucky for Ralph Klein?
R. Cairney
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
411 Alberta is back at it, goading the feds
C. Gray
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

475 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
476 Medicine and chiropractic are partners in Ontario office
L. Swanson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

After physicians in Edmonton performed a heart transplant on a 79-year-old man, Richard Cairney sought responses from Canadian ethicists. The man is thought to be the oldest patient ever to receive the operation – in Canada or elsewhere (p. 390).