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March 7, 2000 / le 7 mars 2000

CMAJ 2000; 162(5)

© 2000 Canadian Medical Association / Association médicale canadienne

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In this issue · Dans ce numéro

    Press release
    Highlights of this issue

  Editorial · Éditorial
625 The fragrance of feminism [HTML / PDF]
627 Le parfum du féminisme [HTML / PDF]

The symbol of bread and roses is connected with the dawn of the women's movement (page 625). CMAJ commemorates International Women's Day, March 8, with a collection of articles on women's health issues (page 621).

International Women's Day

631 Letters · Correspondance [PDF]
Instructions to correspondents

  Research · Recherche
637 Career and parenting satisfaction among medical students, residents and physician teachers at a Canadian medical school
B. Cujec, T. Oancia, C. Bohm, D. Johnson
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
641 Offering HIV prophylaxis to people who have been sexually assaulted: 16 months' experience in a sexual assault service
E.R. Wiebe, S.E. Comay, M. McGregor, S. Ducceschi
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
647 Neonatal hypernatremic dehydration associated with breast-feeding malnutrition: a retrospective survey
V.H. Livingstone, C.E. Willis, L.O. Abdel-Wareth, P. Thiessen, G. Lockitch
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Research letter · Exposés de recherche
657 Would female inmates accept Papanicolaou smear screening if it was offered to them during their incarceration?
R.E. Martin
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
659 Why don't more women report sexual assault to the police?
M.J. McGregor, E. Wiebe, S.A. Marion, C. Livingstone
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Commentary · Commentaire
663 Parenting, puppies and practice: juggling and gender in medicine
S.P. Phillips
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
664 Health care problems in prisons
P.M. Ford, W.L. Wobeser
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
666 Is it feasible for women to perform their own Pap smears? A research question in progress
R.E. Martin
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
668 Professionalism: a contract between medicine and society
S.R. Cruess, R.L. Cruess
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

  Review · Synthèse
673 Medicine under threat: professionalism and professional identity
W.M. Sullivan
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

676 The Left Atrium · De l'Oreille Gauche [HTML / PDF]
  • The fruits of generosity (book review by M. Klompas)
  • Going to America
  • Two thousand words
  • Send us your regrets
  • The art of being an Inuit woman
  • The doctor's farewell

681 News and analysis · Nouvelles et analyses [PDF]
691 Quebec says "small is beautiful" when it comes to blood
S. Pinker
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]
692 Better to mediate than litigate, MDs argue
B. Sibbald
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

739 Deaths · Nécrologie

  Heart and Soul · Gens de cœur
740 Canada's flying doctor in Africa
J. Hass
[full article in HTML / full article in PDF]

Jane Carter has a medical practice that covers 1.5 million square km. Her days are never dull: "You have to do everything here," she says (page 740).

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