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CMAJ - April 4, 2000JAMC - le 4 avril 2000

Technology list found wanting

CMAJ 2000;162:969

See response from: C.E. Caplan
I read with interest Caralee Caplan's attempt to chronicle recent technological advances in medicine [editorial].1 I was disappointed, however, to note the lack of a section dealing with geriatric medicine. Given the changing demographics of the population, seniors are certainly going to continue to be beneficiaries of advances in diagnostic and therapeutic technology. I proffer my own incomplete list in this regard, hoping that more erudite readers will add to the list (Caplan mentioned some of these items under other specialties and subspecialties): advanced neuroimaging in dementia, newer and more accessible methods of bone-density measurement, cognition-enhancing pharmacotherapy, intelligent drug-monitoring computer systems to decrease or prevent adverse drug events, electronic mobility aids, electronic antiwandering devices and safe environments for habitual wanderers, and computerized gait-analysis devices to prevent falls.

Shabbir M.H. Alibhai
University Health Network
Toronto, Ont.

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  1. Caplan C. A technological journey: specialty spotlights and beyond [editorial]. CMAJ 1999;161(9):1124-7.

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