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CMAJ - April 4, 2000JAMC - le 4 avril 2000

Editor's note: What exactly were you highlighting?

CMAJ 2000;162:972

In response to: W.S. Lofters; M.B. Abdurrahman
The image was chosen to highlight editorialist Brian Willoughby's [full article]1 concern for populations, such as children in sub-Saharan Africa, who face the prospect and the toll of HIV infection and AIDS2 with little hope of sharing in the pharmacological advances available in Europe and North America. CMAJ is committed to the policy of obtaining consent from patients before publication of personal and medical information about them. However, the issues that surround this policy can become complex, and one might reasonably expect to run into grey areas from time to time [full article].3 In the present case, the image was taken from a stock photo library and was used to draw attention to a population at risk. There was no disclosure of personal or medical information.

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  1. Willoughby BC. HIV: the millennium bug. CMAJ 2000;162(1):52-3.
  2. Mukwaya J. The AIDS emergency. In: The progress of nations 1999. New York: UNICEF; 1999. Available: www.unicef.org (accessed 2000 Feb 22).
  3. Hoey J. Patient consent for publication — an apology. CMAJ 1998;159(5):503-4.

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