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CMAJ - April 4, 2000JAMC - le 4 avril 2000

It's uncanny

CMAJ 2000;162:973

In response to: W.E. Goodman; F.Rosner
We couldn't agree more with William Goodman. The fact that chicken soup has been around for at least 2000 years implies that only the genuine article has true medicinal qualities, and not the precooked, synthetic or dehydrated upstart.

We thank Fred Rosner for his illuminating remarks. We had decided, for the sake of brevity, to refer only to his 1980 article in Chest, which contained the references to Maimonides' writings, but are grateful that he has now expanded the information to include fuller details of the therapeutic properties of chicken soup and of other fowl-associated remedies.

Abraham Ohry
Department of Neurorehabilitation
Chaim Sheba Medical Center
Tel Hashomer, Israel
Jenni Tsafrir
Medical Library
Chaim Sheba Medical Center
Tel Hashomer and Tel Aviv University Israel

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