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CMAJ - April 4, 2000JAMC - le 4 avril 2000

Deaths · Nécrologie

CMAJ 2000;162:1107

Allanach, John R. (Ralph), Fredericton; University of Toronto, 1943; public health; RCAMC, WW II; former consultant, Dr. G.E. Chalmers Hospital; district medical officer of health, Woodstock and Fredericton; New Brunswick Medical Society representative, CMA Council on Community Health; president and honorary member, NB­PEI Branch, Canadian Public Health Association; life member, NBMS; senior member, CMA. Died Dec. 3, 1999, aged 83; survived by 2 children. He attended many CMA General Council sessions, and was renowned for bringing lobsters to these annual meetings.

Bartram, Edward A., London, Ont.; University of Western Ontario, 1928; internal medicine; FRCPC; former cardiology staff, Victoria and St. Joseph's hospitals; professor emeritus, University of Western Ontario. Died Nov. 6, 1999, aged 97; survived by 2 sons and 1 stepdaughter.

Bigelow, George B., Victoria; University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 1932; anesthesia; FRCPC; RCAMC, WW II; former staff anesthetist, Veterans Hospital; physician, CPR; winner of the Governor General's Medal, 1927. Died Nov. 24, 1999, aged 90; survived by 3 children. "During his lifetime he made 23 holes-in-one," his obituary stated, "and in 1972 he became the youngest Canadian to shoot his age for 18 holes."

Burns, Robert J., Toronto; University of Toronto, 1977; cardiology; FACC, FRCPC; former teaching staff, and director, Nuclear Cardiology and Exercise ECG Laboratory, Toronto Western Hospital; founding president, Canadian Nuclear Cardiology Society; assistant professor, University of Toronto. Died Nov. 20, 1999, aged 48; survived by his wife, Debra, and 2 children.

Chaput, Normand, Longueuil (Qué.); Université de Montréal, 1950; ancien membre du personnel de l'Hôpital Charles-Lemoyne. Décédé le 22 novembre 1999, à l'âge de 76 ans.

Fraser, James J., Haliburton, Ont.; Queen's University, 1955; obstetrics/gynecology; FRCSC; former staff, St. Catharines General and Hotel Dieu hospitals. Died Nov. 25, 1999, aged 68; survived by his wife, Do, and 5 children.

Henderson, David R., Ajax, Ont.; University of Newcastle-Upon-Tyne (England), 1964; obstetrics/gynecology; MRCOG, FRCOG, FRCSC; former associate staff, Oshawa General and J.O. Ruddy hospitals; chief of obstetrics/gynecology and surgery, and consultant, Ajax and Pickering General Hospital. Died Dec. 8, 1999, aged 60; survived by his wife, Penny, and 4 children. He died "while skiing in his beloved Rocky Mountains 3 days after his 60th birthday. His living monument will be the 10 000 babies he delivered in the Ajax/Pickering area."

Jenkins, John R., Toronto; University of London (England), 1939. Died of prostate cancer Dec. 7, 1999, aged 91; survived by his wife, Betty, and 3 children. He practised medicine on 4 continents.

Kassner, Edward, Stratford, PEI; University of Vienna (Austria), 1937; MCFP, FCFP; former staff, Prince Edward Island Hospital; senior member, CMA. Died Nov. 25, 1999, aged 88; survived by his wife, Irene, and children Dr. Rachel, David and Richard.

Lipski, Alex A., Rothesay, NB; Karlova University (Czechoslovakia), 1963; family practice; MCFP; former staff, Workers' Rehabilitation Centre and Workman's Compensation Commission of New Brunswick. Died Dec. 3, 1999, aged 61.

McKenzie, George J., Victoria; McGill University, 1945; pediatrics; FAAP, FRCPC; former emeritus medical staff, Royal Jubilee Hospital; associate staff, Victoria General Hospital. Died Nov. 24, 1999, aged 80; survived by 4 children.

Sedlezky, Isadore, Sarasota, Florida; McGill, University, 1937; diagnostic radiology; flight lieutenant, RCAF, WW II; former radiologist-in-chief, Jewish General Hospital; teaching staff, McGill University; associate professor of radiology, University of Connecticut Faculty of Medicine. Died Nov. 28, 1999, aged 85; survived by his wife, Roselyn.

Spilsbury, Bertram W., Cobourg, Ont.; University of Toronto, 1953; general surgery; FRCSC; former staff and chief of staff, Port Hope and District Hospital. Died Oct. 31, 1999, aged 77; survived by his wife, Greta, and 7 children.

Strachan, Stewart A., Victoria; University of Manitoba, 1946. Died Nov. 21, 1999, aged 81; survived by 2 daughters.

Taylor, John R., Toronto; University of Toronto, 1963; obstetrics/gynecology; FACOG, FSOGC FRCSC; former associate chief, Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, Markham-Stouffville Hospital; active teaching staff, Women's College Hospital; coroner, Metropolitan Toronto; associate professor and coordinator, Residency Program, Department of Obstetrics/Gynecology, University of Toronto. Died Dec. 3, 1999, aged 65; survived by his wife, Joan, and 3 children.

Wade, Noel St. G., London, Ont.; University of Edinburgh (Scotland), 1940; LRCP, MRCS, LRCP&S(Glas.), FRCS(Ed.); group captain, RCAF, WW II; former senior treatment medical officer, Veterans Affairs, Westminster Campus, Victoria Hospital; medical director, Westminster Hospital. Died Oct. 26, 1999, aged 83; survived by his wife, Enid, and 3 children.

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