Éditorial · Editorial |
95 |
Understanding autism a work in progress P.E. Tanguay [full text] |
Commentaire · Commentary |
97 |
Transcranial magnetic stimulation: using a law of physics to treat psychopathology G.M. Hasey [full text] |
Examens critiques · Review Papers |
103 |
Etiology of infantile autism: a review of recent advances in genetic and neurobiological research G. Trottier, L. Srivastava, C.-D. Walker [full text / résumé] |
116 |
Assessing the machinery of mind: synapses in neuropsychiatric disorders W.G. Honer [abstract / résumé] |
Articles de recherche · Research Papers |
122 |
Discriminative stimulus properties of indorenate, a serotonin agonist D.N. Velázquez-Martinez, M. López Cabrera, H. Sánchez, J.I. Ramírez, E. Hong [abstract / résumé] |
131 |
Computed tomographic findings in schizophrenia: relation with symptom dimensions and sex differences A.K. Malla, J. Takhar, R.M.G. Norman, L. Assis [abstract / résumé] |
Section spéciale sur la pharmacogénétique · Special section: Pharmacogenics |
Éditorial · Editorial |
139 |
Pharmacogenetic research: a revolutionary science W. Kalow [full text] |
Article de recherche · Research Paper |
141 |
T102C polymorphism in the 5HT2A gene and schizophrenia: relation to phenotype and drug response variability R. Joober, C. Benkelfat, K. Brisebois, A. Toulouse, G. Turecki, S. Lal, D. Bloom, A. Labelle, P. Lalonde, D. Fortin, M. Alda, R. Palmour, G.A. Rouleau [abstract / résumé] |
Examens critiques · Review Papers |
147 |
Apolipoprotein E4, cholinergic integrity and the pharmacogenetics of Alzheimer's disease J. Poirier [abstract / résumé] |
154 |
Pharmacogenetics of lithium response in bipolar disorder M. Alda [abstract / résumé] |
159 |
Heterogeneity and the genetics of autism P. Szatmari [abstract / résumé] |
166 |
Recensions· Book Reviews |
192 |
Psychopharmacologie pratique · Psychopharmacology for the Clinician |