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CMA reports and discussion papers

These documents are not available through the CMA Publications Catalogue or Prescribed Reading — CMA's Online Bookstore because of the limited numbers published in paper, but they are available on the Web. Some are in portable document format (PDF). To view PDF documents, you need Adobe Acrobat Reader (version 3.0 and above), downloadable for free from Adobe Systems.

CMA's National Report Card on Health Care 2001
September update [PDF]

CMA Series of Health Care Discussion Papers
CMA is leading the debate on the future of health and health care in Canada.

  • Specialty Care in Canada: Issue Identification and Policy Challenge
  • In Search of Sustainability: Prospects for Canada's Health Care System
  • Looking at the Future of Health, Health Care and Medicine

General Agreement on Trade in Services
More consultations with Canadians are required to discuss the effects of GATS on health care.
General Agreement on Trade in Services (GATS) and the Canadian Health Care System [PDF]

Medicare — Sustainability and Accountability
For our health care system to thrive in the new millennium we must ensure that adequate, long-term funding is available to meet the health care needs of all Canadians.

  • In Search of Sustainability: Prospects for Canada's Health Care System
See also:
  • Towards a Sustainable Health Care System in the New Millennium (PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Hugh Scully to promote an understanding of what sustainability means for health care in Canada;, April 2000)

On the road to recovery . . . CMA's 10-Point Plan
Prior to the September 2000 meeting of federal, provincial and territorial First Ministers, the CMA released its plan to revitalize Canada's health care system. The CMA reviewed the First Ministers' agreement on an action plan for health system renewal and called on the Prime Minister to ensure that enabling legislation was passed before Parliament was adjourned for a federal election.

  • On the Road to Recovery . . . an Action Plan for the Federal Government to Revitalize Canada's Health Care System [PDF]
  • Proposals for a National Health Technology Fund [PDF]
  • First Ministers' Action Plan for Health System Renewal (September 11, 2000): CMA's Review

Physician Supply in Canada
The Canadian Medical Forum Task Force on Physician Supply prepared a report to help stakeholders make timely and strategic decisions to address the issue of physician supply in Canada.

  • Physician Workforce
See also:
  • Planning the Canadian Physician Workforce: The Role of the Profession (PowerPoint presentation by Dr. Hugh Scully, May 1, 2000)

Tuition fees
CMA's position paper and other initiatives.
  • Tuition fee escalation and deregulation in undergraduate programs in medicine (CMA's position paper)
See also:
  • Submission by the National Professional Association Coalition on Tuition to the Standing Committee on Finance, as part of the federal government's 2001 pre-budget consultations, September 15, 2000 [PDF]