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Medical Writing Centre

Information for authors for journals published by the CMA
Guidelines from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors (includes the Uniform requirements)
Guidelines for randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses (includes the CONSORT, QUORUM and MOOSE statements)
Guidelines for systematic reviews
Ethical guidelines
Organizations for medical writers and editors
Selected writing resources elsewhere on the Web

Information for authors for journals published by the CMA

Guidelines from the International Committee of Medical Journal Editors
Uniform requirements for manuscripts submitted to biomedical journals
This is an essential guide for biomedical authors. Over 500 journals have agreed to receive manuscripts prepared in accordance with these guidelines. Includes additional statements covering ethical concerns related to editorial, advertising, supplements, etc.

Guidelines for randomized controlled trials and meta-analyses

Guidelines for systematic reviews
(series published in Annals of Internal Medicine)

Ethical guidelines

Organizations for medical writers and editors

Selected writing resources elsewhere on the Web

To suggest an online resource for this listing, please send details to:

CMA Publications