Acknowledgements, by Jennifer W. Jay i
Preface, by Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek ii
Jeffrey G. Barlow,
Culture, Ethnic Identity, and Early Weapons Systems:
The Sino-Vietnamese Frontier 1-15
Mike Danaher,
Public Awareness of Environmental Issues in Japan
Teofilo C. Daquila,
The Role of Japan and Other Northeast Asian Countries
The Case of Foreign Direct Investments 35-50
Brian L. Evans,
Pon Yin versus City of Edmonton (1915): Politics
and Justice on the Canadian Prairies 51-59
Jennifer W. Jay,
Conceptualizing the Frontier in Tang and Song China:
A Cultural Perspective 61-69
Graeme Lang,
Structural Factors in the Origins of Modern Science:
A Comparison of China and Europe 71-96
Alfred L. Oehlers,
Cultural Values in Singapore: Continuity and Change
since 1959 97-121
Joanne Mei-chu Poon,
Miss Queen of Cathay and the Chinese Community of
Vancouver, 1953-54 123-34
Terence C. Russell,
Spiritualizing Feminine Virtue: Religion and Social
Conservativism in the Late Qing 135-51
Margaret C. Shim and James W. Vargo,
Culture and Mental Health: A Comparison of Asian
and Caucasian Psychiatric Inpatients 153-62
Susan L. Smith,
The "Midwife Problem" in the Far West: Japanese
Immigrant Midwives in Hawaii and Washington 163-71
Marc Song,
Towards a History of Koreans in Canada 173-82
Anny Wong,
Japan's Approach to and Impact on Asia-Pacific Development
and the Environment:
Old Ways and New Trends 183-192
Yasukawa Etsuko,
Ideologies of Family in the Modernization of Japan
Janice Brown,
Shinsh otogisshi: Fairytales as Subversion in the
Writing of ba Minako 201-09
Michèle Gunderson,
Representing Motherhood in Denise Chong's The Concubine's
Children and Sky Lee's Disappearing Moon Cafe 211-20
Lynn Kalinauskas,
The Conflation of Missing Remembrances in Xiao Hong's
Fiction 221-39
Li Wendan,
The Discourse Function of Classifier Phrases in
Mandarin Chinese 241-54
Lin Ting Ting,
Sampaguita, Calamansi, and Halo-Halo: An Overview
of Filipino-Chinese Writing 255-66
Liu Joyce Chi-Hui,
Re-Staging Cultural Memories in Contemporary Theatre
in Taiwan:
Wang Qimei, Stanley Lai, and Lin Huaimin 267-78
Lu Dan Huai
Issues of Language and the Future of Hong Kong 279-87
Alison Marshall,
The Changes of Spirit: A Comparison of the Australian
Aboriginal Dreamtime
and the Chinese Yi Jing 289-300
Eva K. Neumaier-Dargyay,
A Traditional Culture in Transition: Observations
on the Tibetans in Sichuan and Gansu 301-12
Peng Hsiao-yen,
Seven Decades of Taiwan Literature: An Outline 313-21
Qiu Peipei,
Daoist Concepts in Bashô's Critical Thought
Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek,
The Study of Literature in China and Taiwan Today:
Impressions of a Visitor 341-50
Wang I-Chun,
Identity Construction and the Boundaries of the
Moral Domain: Widowhood in Chieh Fu Yin 351-56
Xu Dongfeng,
"Other" Rhetoric: Reading Matteo Ricci's
A Treatise
on Friendship 357-71
Teresa Yu,
Selfhood, Identity, and Relatedness: Conflict Dynamics
and the Chinese-Canadian Experience 373-83