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Steven TÖTÖSY de ZEPETNEK, Milan V. DIMIC, with Irene SYWENKY, eds.
Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. ISBN 2-85203-605-3 / ISSN 1262-2850. 930 pages, bibliography.

An Introduction to Comparative Literature Now,
à l'heure actuelle 13-18

Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

Le Concept de métafiction: Typologie, stratégies fictionnelles,
croyances fictionnelles et partages culturels 21-30
    Hendrik BIRUS
Main Features of Goethe's Conception of World Literature 31-41
    Patrick BRADY
Narrativity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity:
From History as Fiction to Fiction as History 43-50
    Yves CHEVREL
Littérature comparée et histoire des mentalités:
Concurrence ou collaboration? 51-63
    Amiya Kumar DEV
Unity and Diversity in India and Comparative Literature 65-74
    Jacques DUGAST
La Notion de littérature européenne 75-83
    Douwe FOKKEMA
Cultural Relativism and Cultural Identity:
Contradictory Tendencies 85-93
    Marián GÁLIK
Comparative Literature as a Concept of
Interliterariness and Interliterary Process 95-104
    GU Ming Dong
A Comparison of Some Chinese and English Poetic Concepts 105-115
    Karl KAO
The Ideology of Metaphor: East and West 117-128
Is Comparative Literature Ready for the Twenty-First Century? 129-139
    José Manuel LOSADA GOYA
Principes méthodologiques pour les bibliographies comparées 141-151
Formal, Semantic, and Pragmatic Aspects of Metatextuality:
Comparatism Revisited 153-163
    Manuela MOURÃO
Comparative Literature Past and Present 165-172
    Manuel RIBEIRO
Le Discours critique littéraire:
Un Enjeu nécessaire du comparatisme 173-181
Entre o narrador omnisciente e o monologo interior:
Deveremos voltar ao autor / Entre le narrateur omniscient et
le monologue intérieur: Faut-il retourner à l'auteur? 183-193
    Manfred SCHMELING
Point de vue narratif et altérité culturelle 195-207
    Jola ŠKULJ
Comparative Literature and Cultural Identity:
A Bakhtinian Proposal 209-217
    Antony TATLOW
Literature and Textual Anthropology 219-227
    Willie VAN PEER
The Dialectic of Negative Identity in Literary Reading 229-239
    Thomas WÄGENBAUR
Comparative Literature as Anti-Racist Ethnocriticism 241-249
    YUE Daiyun
Word, Symbol, and Meaning in the Context of Chinese Poetics 251-258

Literary History and Histories of Literature

    Karin BEELER
Foreign Theories and Cultural Diversity:
Writing by Women in Canada 261-269
    Christian BERG
La Fin-de-siècle en Belgique comme polysystème 271-281
    Michel BRIX
Le Romantisme français et la question des chansons populaires 283-296
    Assumpta CAMPS
La Réception des nouvelles tendances littéraires dans
le contexte plurilinguistique catalan (1900-1930) 291-306
    Paul CORNEA
Genres traditionnels de l'histoire littéraire à la recherche
d'une nouvelle identité: Statut actuel de l'histoire de la
littérature et de l'anthologie 307-317
    F. Elizabeth DAHAB
L'Exil aux portes du paradis:
Ecritures et écrivains canadiens du Moyen-Orient 319-331
    Vincent DUBOST
Poètes nationaux et institutionnalisation
de la littérature québécoise au XIXe siècle 333-342
Blake, Hölderlin, and a Speech-Act Paradigm
for the Romantic Period 343-351
    John Burt FOSTER, Jr.
Beyond "Domestic" and "Foreign":
Nietzsche and Nabokov as Transnational Authors 353-364
    Donald Flanell FRIEDMAN
Belgian Symbolist Poetry: Regionalism and Cosmopolitanism 365-374
    Jonathan HART
The Black Legend: English and French Representations
of Spanish Cruelty in the New World 375-387
    Joep LEERSEN
Literary History, Cultural Identity, and Tradition 389-397
    Luiza LOBO
Aspects of Postmodern Literature in Brazil 399-406
    Ruth MARTIN
Multicultural Translations and the Canadian Literary Institution 407-414
    K.S. Narayana RAO and Susheela N. RAO
India's Valmiki Ramayana and Thailand's Ramakien 415-423
    Walter F. VEIT
Comparative Literature, Interculturality,
and the History of Australian Literature 425-437
    WANG Ning
Comparative Aspects of Contemporary
Popular Literature in China 439-449

Genres and Textual Properties

    João Ferreira DUARTE
Assertion and Canonization:
Towards a Semiotics of Blurb-Discourse 453-461
    Manfred ENGEL
Polyphony, Dialogism, and Poetic Interculturalism
in T.S. Eliot's Waste Land and Rilke's Duineser Elegien 463-473
    Lídia FACHIN
Les Languages de la représentation romantique:
Le Cas de Nerval 475-482
    Doris KOLESCH
La Provocation du poème en prose 483-489
    Yiu-Nam LEUNG
Lord Chesterfield and Tseng Kuo-fan:
Representatives of the Father-Son Epistolary Genre 491-496
    Christian MOSER
Otherness and the Construction of the Self in Autobiography 497-504
    María Inés PALLEIRO
A Comparative Approach to the Folktale 505-511
    Domenico TANTERI
Constantes et variantes dans la littérature utopique 513-524

The Novel and Other Prose

    Sylvie ANDRÉ
Identité et influence dans le roman congolais 527-536
    Peng-hsiang CHEN
Laughter, Heteroglossia, and Identity in Yao T'o's Fiction 537-546
    Svend Erik LARSEN
Localizing the Universal:
Literature of the City and of the Street 547-555
    Gabriel Louis MOYAL
Cousins, Colonies, Collections:
The Fit of the Novel in Nineteenth-Century France 557-568
    Solange Ribeiro de OLIVEIRA
The Meeting of Two Traditions in the Analysis
of the Künstlerroman 569-581
    Nora STOVEL
Chain Letter:
From Poem through Opera and Ballet to Novel 583-593
    Hendrik VAN GORP
Cultural Diversities in the Reception
of the Gothic Novel (1790-1820) 595-604
    Steven F. WALKER
Scapegoating and the Xenophobic Imagination
in Ulysses and the Satanic Verses 605-613
    Nathaniel WALLACE
Confrontations with Longevity in French and Chinese Literature 615-624
    Werner WOLF
Nature, Landscapes, and the Early English Novel 625-636

Drama and Literature and Other Arts

    irkku AALTONEN
Rewriting the Other:
The Irish milieux in Finnish Translated Drama 639-647
    Anikó ÁDÁM
Littérature et architecture: Le Symbole cathédrale
dans la littérature française du XIXe siècle 649-655
    Judith BARBAN
Reprise of the Renaissance:
Ned Rorem's Song Settings of Early French Poems for Peace 657-667
    Alberto CAPRIOLI
Poésie, musique et critique musicale: Le Jeune Schumann 669-681
    Theodore GRAMMATAS
Aspects de l'adaptation par le théâtre néo-hellénique 683-691
    Katalin KÜRTÖSI
Bi- and Multi-Lingualism in Canadian Drama 693-703
    Mary POLITO
"What's Open Made to Justice"
in Early Modern English Law and Drama 705-716
    Hans-Günter SCHWARZ
Ornament, Literature, and Art 717-723
    Rakesh H. SOLOMON
Virata-Parvan on the Pune Stage:
Kichaka-Vadha as Insurgent Melodrama 725-736

Literature and Film

    Lilia AVRUTIN
Metatextuality in Post-Soviet Cinema:
Kovalov's Scorpion's Gardens as Semantic Drama 739-751
    Donald BARRETT
Lindsay's Picnic at Hanging Rock: Origins and Offshoots 753-762
    Martine DANAN
Multiculturalism or Commodification of Culture? 763-773
    Antonio Eduardo de OLIVEIRA
A Comparison of David Lynch and Joseph Conrad 775-780
    T. Jefferson KLINE
Drawing the Map of Incest:
Louis Malle's Adaptation of Damage 781-794
    William H. THORNTON
From Dialectics to Dialogics:
Two Case Studies for Filmic Historiography 795-804

Literature and Technology

    Harold D. BAKER
A Computer Method for Literary Scholarship 807-814
    Stan BEELER
Computer Database Use in Literary Studies 815-822
    Rüdiger CAMPE
Musical Automata and the Speaking Machine in
E.T.A. Hoffmann and Others 823-834
The Machine as Allegory and the Literary Text 835-846
    Benzi ZHANG
From Hypertext to Textual Heterarchy:
Postmodern Textuality in the Age of the Computer 847-859

Bibliography of Comparative Literature

A Bibliography of Theories, Methods,
and Histories of Comparative Literature 863-921

Addresses of Selected Journals with an Active Interest in
Comparative Literature 923-926

Milan V. DIMIC
Future(s) of Comparative Literature 927-930
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