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A Selected Bibliography of Work in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory

1. Selected Bibliography of Bibliographies

Au, Susan, et al., comp. and eds. "Bibliography on the Relations of Literature and Other Arts." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 34 (1985): 167-191.

Baldensperger, Fernand, and Werner P. Friedrich. Bibliography of Comparative Literature. 1950. New York: Russell and Russell, 1960.

Chi, Ch'iu-lang, and John J. Deeney. An Annotated Bibliography of English, American, and Comparative Literature for Chinese Scholars. Taipei: Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, Western Literature Research Institute, 1975.

Clüver, Claus, et al. eds. "1987 Bibliography on the Relations of Literature and Other Arts." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 36 (1987): 205-248.

Deeney, John J., comp. "Bibliography of Chinese-Western Comparative Literature: English Sources 1988." Chinese International Comparative Literature Bulletin 2 (December 1990): 27-30.

Dyserinck, Hugo, and Manfred S. Fischer. Internationale Bibliographie zur Geschichte und Theorie der Komparatistik. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1985.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian) Seventh Supplement, 1981-82." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 10.1 (1983): 80-85.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature: Second Supplement, 1976-77." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 5.1 (1978): 114-19.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 3.2 (1976): 124-36.

Hayne, David M., comp. "Preliminary Bibliography of the Literary Relations Between Québec and the Francophone World." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 6.2 (1979): 206-18.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian) Sixth Supplement, 1980-81." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 9.2 (1982): 235-40.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian): Fourth Supplement, 1978-79." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 7.1 (1980): 93-98.

Hayne, David M., Antoine Sirois and Jean Vigneault, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian): Ninth Supplement, 1983-84." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 12.3 (1985): 462-68.

Hayne, David M., Antoine Sirois, and Jean Vigneault, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Literature: Tenth Supplement, 1984-85." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 13.3 (1986): 450-57.

Hayne, David M. and Antoine Sirois, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian): Eighth Supplement, 1982-83." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 11.1 (1984): 84-90.

Ibrovac, Miodrag. Uvod u proucavanje romanistike i uporedne knjizevnosti I: Bibliografski prirucnik (Introduction to the Study of Romance Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature: A Bibliographical Manual). Beograd: Naucna knjiga, 1959.

International Bibliography of the Modern Language Association of America. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1968-. Hard-Copy, CD-ROM, and World Wide Web:

Leerssen, Joseph Th. ed. "Bibliography of Comparative Literature in Britain and Ireland." Comparative Criticism: A Yearbook 12 (1990): 303-23.

Leerssen, Joseph Th. "Bibliography of Comparative Literature in Britain and Ireland." Comparative Criticism: A Yearbook 13 (1991): 283-303.

Leerssen, Joseph Th. "Bibliography of Comparative Literature in Britain and Ireland, 1800-1950." Comparative Criticism: A Yearbook 7 (1985): 303-16.

Liang, Gong, comp., and T.W. Wong, ed. "Studies of the Bible as Literature in China: A Chronological Bibliography (1980-1990)." Chinese International Comparative Literature Bulletin 2 (December 1990): 35-36.

Liu, Jiemin, and John J. Deeney. Twentieth-Century Comparative Literature Bib-liography from Chinese Perspectives. Hong Kong: The Chinese U of Hong Kong, Comparative Literature Research Program, 1994.

Marino, James A.G. "An Annotated Bibliography of Play and Literature." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 12.2 (1985): 306-58.

Mezei, Kathy, ed. Bibliography of Criticism on English and French Literary Translations in Canada / Bibliographie de la critique des traductions littéraires anglaises et françaises au Canada. Ottawa: P de l'U d'Ottawa / Fédération canadienne des études humaines, 1988.

Momigliano, A. Letterature comparate. Vol. 4. Problemi e orientamenti critici di lingua e do letterature italiana. Milano: Marzorati, 1948.

Richmond, Elizabeth. "Annotated Bibliography of Narrative Theory and Renaissance Drama." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 18.2-3 (1991): 393-469.

Sirois, Antoine, Jean Vigneault, and Maria van Sundert, compilers. "Prelimanary Bib-liography of Comparative Canadian Literature: Eleventh Supplement, 1985-86." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 14.2 (1987): 251-56.

Sirois, Antoine and David M. Hayne, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Compara-tive Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian): Third Supplement, 1977-78." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 6.1 (1979): 75-81.

Sirois, Antoine and David M. Hayne, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature: First Supplement, 1975-76." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 4.2 (Spring 1977): 205-09.

Sirois, Antoine and David M. Hayne, compilers. "Preliminary Bibliography of Compara-tive Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian) Fifth Supplement, 1979-80." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 8.1 (1981): 93-98.

Sirois, Antoine. "La Périodisation dans les littératures du Canada." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 6.2 (1979): 119-21.

Sirois, Antoine, Jean Vigneault, Maria van Sundert, and David M. Hayne, Bibliography of Studies in Comparative Canadian Literature / Bibliographie d'études de littérature canadienne comparée, 1930-1987, "Historical Introduction" by David M. Hayne, "Bilan de la recherche" by Antoine Sirois, Sherbrooke: U de Sherbrooke, Départment des lettres et communications, 1989.

Sirois, Antoine, Jean Vigneault, Maria van Sundert, and David M. Hayne. Bibliography of Studies in Comparative Canadian Literature / Bibliographie d'études de littérature canadienne comparée, 1930-1987. Sherbrooke: U de Sherbrooke, Départment des lettres et communications, 1989.

Sirois, Antoine and Maria van Sundert, compilers. "Supplementary Bibliography of Comparative Canadian Literature (English-Canadian and French-Canadian): First Supplement 1988-1989." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 16.1-2 (1989): 170-76.

Thompson, G.A. Key Sources in Comparative and World Literature: An Annotated Guide to Reference Materials. New York: Ungar, 1982.

Wang, Lixin, comp., and T.W. Wong, ed. "D.H. Lawrence in China 1932-1989: A Chronological Bibliography of Translations and Studies." Chinese International Comparative Literature Bulletin 2 (December 1990): 31-34.

2. Bibliography

Aarseth, Asbjorn. "Literary Periods and the Hermeneutics of History." Toward a Theory of Comparative Literature. Ed. Mario J. Valdés. New York: Peter Lang, 1990. 229-36.

Abbott, H. Porter. "The Diary Novel/Diary Fiction." Diary Fiction: Writing as Action. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1984.

Abe, Jiro. Hikaku bungaku (Comparative Literature). Tokyo: Iwanami shoten, 1932. 2 vols.

Abe, Yoshio. "Poésie d'avant-garde au Japon de 1923-1939." Nichifutsu-Bunka 37 (1979).

Abe, Yoshio. "Un Malentendu: T.E. Hulme et une poétique surréalistes de la conservation au Japon moderne: idéologie et historicité." Acts of the XXVth International Congress of the History of Art. Vol. 3. Washington, 1985.

Abe, Yoshio. "La Culture japanaise à la recherche de son identité." Ésprit (février 1973).

Abel, Lionel. Metatheatre: A New View of Dramatic Form. New York: Hill and Wang, 1963.

Abelove, Henry , Michèle Aina Barale and David M. Halperin, eds. The Lesbian and Gay Studies Reader. New York and London: Routledge, 1993.

Abicht, Ludo. "Peter Weiss: Exile, Resistance, Aesthetics." Exile and Enlightenment: Studies in German and Comparative Literature. Ed. Uwe Faulhaber, et al. Detroit: Wayne State UP, 1987. 123-130.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Réalité historique, création romanesque." Récit et Histoire. Paris: PUF, 1982.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Le fonctionnement des images dans Le Paysan de Paris." L'Ordre du descriptif. Paris: PUF, 1988.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Le roman et le romanesque." Le Genre du roman. Paris: PUF, 1980.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Le romanesque et le cosial." La pensée sociale dans la littérature française. Katowice: (n.p.), 1981.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Nadja -- modèle de portrait surréaliste." Portrait littéraire. Lyon: PUL, 1988.

Ablamowicz, Aleksander. "Le mythologie romanesque." Prace historyczn literackie 19 (1982).

Abousena, Mona. Alienation in Brecht's Theatre. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, 1981.

Abousena, Mona. Violence and the System in the English Theatre of the 1970's. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, 1983.

Abousena, Mona. "Brecht and Modern English Dramatists." Comparative Drama. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, 1982.

Abousena, Mona. Literature and Culture: Essays in Comparative Literature. Cairo: Anglo-Egyptian Bookshop, 1985.

Abousenna, Mona. "Nationalism versus Universalism in Comparative Literature." Differential Multilogue: Comparative Literrature and National Literatures. Ed. Gurbhagat Singh. Delhi: Ajanta, 1991. 115-25.

Abousenna, Mona. "Nationalism versus Internationalism in Comparative Literature." Images of Egypt in Twentieth Century Literature. Ed. Hoda Gindi. Cairo: U of Cairo, 1991. 115-24.

Abrams, M.H. "The Deconstructive Angel." Critical Inquiry 3.3 (1977): 425-38.

Abrioux, M. "Intertitres et épigraphes chez Stendhal." Poétique 69 (1987): 21-34.

Achebe, C. Morning Yet on Creation Day. London: Heinemann, 1975.

Ackeren, Margarete van. Das Niederlandebild in der deutschen romantischen Literatur. Das Eigene und die Eigenheiten der Fremde. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992.

Adam, Alfred Mac. "D. H. Lawrence and Alejo Carpentier. The Politics of Religion." A History of Literature in the Caribbean. Ed. A. James Arnold. Vol. 3. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1997. 351-56.

Adam, Barry D. The Rise of a Gay and Lesbian Movement. Boston: Twayne, 1987.

Adam, I., and H. Tiffin, eds. Past the Last Post: Theorizing Post-Colonialism and Post-Modernism. New York: Harvester Wheatsheaf, 1991.

Adams, D.J. and A.R.W. James. "Bibliographie sommaire des oeuvres de Hugo traduites en anglais de son vivant." Victor Hugo et la Grande-Bretagne. Ed. A.R.W. James. Liverpool: Francis Cairns, 1986. 203-16.

Adams, Alison. "Jean Renart's L'escoufle and the Tristan Legend: Virtue Rewarded." Rewards and Punishments in the Arthurian Romances and Lyric Poetry of Medieval France. Ed. P.V. Davis and A.J. Kennedy. Cambridge: D.S. Brewer, 1987. 1-8.

Adams, Alison. "The Shape of Arthurian Verse Romance (to 1300)." The Legacy of Chrétien de Troyes. Vol. 1. Ed. N.J. Lacy, D. Kelly, and K. Busby. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987. 141-65.

Adams, Alison. "The Shape of Arthurian Verse Romance (to 1300)." The Legacy of Chrétien de Troyes. Vol. 1. Ed. N.J. Lacy, D. Kelly, and K. Busby. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1987. 141-65.

Adams, Alison. "In Search of Sixteenth-Century French Translations of Cicero's Somnium Scipionis." Bibliothèque d'humanisme et de renaissance 49 (1987): 103-06.

Adams, P.L. "History, Literary History and Criticism: A Disagreement." Oxford Review 1 (1966): 64-68.

Adams, Michael. Censorship: The Irish Experience. Dublin: Scepter, 1968.

Adams, Robert M., ed. and trans. Sir Thomas More, Utopia: A New Translation, Backgrounds, Criticism. New York: Norton, 1975.

Adamson, Joseph. "Apocalyptic Hysteria in Stevens." The Wallace Stevens Journal 11 (1987).

Adamson, Joseph. "Getting the Point: Rereading Roland Barthes." Semiotica 61 (1986).

Adamson, Joseph. Wounded Fiction: Modern Poetry and Deconstruction. New York: Garland, 1988.

Adebayo, Aduke Grace. "The Criticism of African Literature: Its Evolution and Present State." Kiabara 5.1 (1982).

Adebayo, Aduke Grace. "Protest and Commitment in Black Literatures." JICLA 2 (1982).

Adebayo, Aduke Grace. "The Place of Comparative Literature in the Nigerian University Curriculum." Comparative Literature and Foreign Languages in Africa Today. Ibadan: Port-Harcourt, 1987.

Adereth, M. "Sartre and Communism." Journal of European Studies 17 (1987): 1-48.

Adler, Jeremy. "Friedrich Hölderlin on Tragedy, Part II: `The Ground of Empedocles' and `On the Process of Becoming in Passing Away': Translated with an Introductory Essay." Comparative Criticism 7 (1985): 147-73.

Adler, Jeremy. "On Tragedy: `Notes on the Oedipus" and `Notes on the Antigone'." Comparative Criticism 5 (1983): 205-44.

Adler, Jeremy. "Philosophical Archaeology: Hölderlin's `Pindar Fragments': A Translation with an Interpretation." Comparative Criticism 6 (1984): 23-46.

Adorno, Theodor W. Negative Dialektik. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1966.

Aers, D. "Reflections on the `Allegory of the Theologians': Ideology and Piers Plowman." Medieval Literature: Criticism, Ideology and History. Ed. D. Aers. Brighton: Harvester, 1986. 58-73.

Agamieh, Rawhieh M. "The Reception of Naguib Mahfouz: Nobel Prize Winner; Proceedings: International Symposium on Comparative Literature, 18th-20th December 1989." Images of Egypt in Twentieth Century Literature. ED. Hoda Gindi. Cairo: Dept. of Eng. Lang.& Lit., Fac. of Arts, Univ. of Cairo, 1991. 367-75.

Aguilar, Nadine. "Saturnino Muniagurria y el mito de la metamorfosis." Mito y Religión. Corrientes: Min. de Cultura y Educación, 1988.

Aguilar, Nadine. Mariano de Vedia y Mitre entre Wilde y Flaubert. Buenos Aires: Universidad Católica Argentina, 1985.

Ahearne, Ed, and Arnold Weinstein. "The Function of Criticism at the Present Time: The Promise of Comparative Literature." Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Charles Bernheimer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 77-85.

Ahmed, Aijaz. In Theory: Classes, Nations, Literatures. London: Verso, 1992.

Ahmed, Saleem. "Euripides's Electra and Eugene O'Neill's Mourning Becomes Electra: A Study in Sexual Jealousy." Meerut Journal of Comparative Literature and Language 1.2 (1988): 19-32.

Aidoussi, Nadia. "Suzanne et le Pacifique ou l'exil parmi les hommes." Recherches et Travaux (U.E.R. de Lettres, Grenoble) 30 (1986): 145-50.

Akenson, Donald. At Face Value: The Life and Times of ElizaMcCormack/John White. Montreal and Kingston: McGill-Queen's, 1990.

Akiner, Shirin. "Contemporary Byelorussian Literature in Poland (1956-81)." Modern Language Review 78 (1983): 113-29.

Akiyama, Masayuki. "James and Nanboku: A Comparative Study of Supernatural Stories in the West and East." Comparative Literature Studies 22.1 (Spring 1985): 43-52.

Al Ayouty, Amin. "The Egyptian Theatre: The Search for Identity; Proceedings: International Symposium on Comparative Literature, 18th-20th December 1989." Images of Egypt in Twentieth Century Literature. Ed. Hoda Gindi. Cairo: Dept. of Eng. Lang. & Lit., Fac. of Arts, Univ. of Cairo, 1991. 47-51.

Al Saleh, Fadia S. "Egyptian Student Demonstrations in the Late Forties as Depicted by Three British Academic Novelists; Proceedings: International Symposium on Comparative Literature, 18th-20th December 1989." Images of Egypt in Twentieth Century Literature. Ed. Hoda Gindi. Cairo: Dept. of Eng. Lang. & Lit., Fac. of Arts, Univ. of Cairo, 1991. 303-10.

Al-Khateeb, Hussam. "Comparative Literature in Arabic: History and Major Tendencies to the 1980s." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 41 (1994): 12-20.

Al-Shetawi, Mahmoud F. "The Treatment of Greek Drama by Tawfiq al-Hakim." World Literature Today (1989).

Al-Shetawi, Mahmoud F. "The Arab-West Conflict as Represented in Arabic Drama." World Literature Today (1987).

Al-Shetawi, Mahmoud F. "Arabic Verse Drama and Western Literary Influence." International Journal of Islamic and Arabic Studies, forthcoming.

Aldiss, Brian. "C.S. Lewis Discusses Science Fiction with Kingsley Amis." SF Horizon 1 (1964): 5-12.

Aldridge, A. Owen. The Reemergence of World Literature: A Study of Asia and the West. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1986.

Aldridge, A. Owen, ed. Comparative Literature: Matter and Method. Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1969.

Aldridge, A. Owen. "The Comparative Literature Syndrome." Modern Language Journal 53.2 (1969): 110-16.

Aldridge, A. Owen. "Irving Babbitt and the Standards of Aesthetic Judgment." Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 14.2 (1987): 23-32.

Aldridge, A. Owen. "Will Durant as Comparatist." International Perspectives in Comparative Literature: Essays in Honor of Charles Dedeyan. Ed. Virginia M. Shaddy. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1991. 17-43.

Alekséev, M.P. "Le plurilinguisme et la création littéraire." Actes du VIe Congrès de l'AILC. Stuttgart: Bieber, 1975. 37-40

Alewyn, Richard. "Comparative Literature in Germany." Comparative Literature News-Letter 1.4 (1942-43): 1-2.

Alexakis, Aris. "Les genres en vers dans la littérature néo-hellénique." Le Tournant du Siècle de Lumières 1760-1820. Ed. György M. Vajda. Budapest: Akadémiai, 1982. 561-66.

Alexander, I.W. and A.J.L. Busst, eds. French Literature and the Philosophy of Conscience: Phenomenological Essays. Cardiff: U of Wales P, 1985.

Alexander, Meena. "`Fallings from us, Vanishings...': Composition and the Structure of Loss." The Existential Coordinates of the Human Condition: Poetic/Epic/Tragic: The Literary Genre. Ed. A.-T. Tymienecka. Dordrecht: Reidel, 1984. 91-97.

Ali, Sofia and Gordon Brotherston. ""Painted Screenfolds of Mesoamerica": Pages from an Exhibition." Comparative Criticism 8 (1986): 321-32.

Alisky, Marvin. Latin American Media: Guidance and Censorship. Ames: Iowa UP, 1981.

Allard, Jacques. "Entrevue avec Naïm Kattan." Voix et Images 11.1 (1985): 10-32.

Allard, J. "Le Libraire de Gérard Bessette ou `comment la parole vient au pays du silence'." Voix et Images du Pays (1967): 51-62.

Allen, L. "Letters of Huysmans and Zola to Raffalovitch." Forum for Modern Language Studies 2 (1966): 214-21.

Allen, Paula Gunn. The Sacred Hoop: Recovering the Feminine in Native American Traditions. Boston: Beacon Press, 1986.

Allen, John. Masters of European Drama. London: Dobson, 1962.

Allen, Walter. "The Novelist's Use of People." The Listener 6 October 1954: 541-42.

Allen, John. Masters of European Drama. London: Dobson, 1962.

Allen, Carleton. "The Literature of the Law." Essays by Divers Hands 29 (1958): 37-54.

Allentuch, Harriet Ray. "Narcissus Redivivus: The Psychology of Corneille's Comic Liar and His Divergence from Alarcón." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 16.1-2 (1989): 16-29.

Allerkamp, Andrea. "Innere Kolonisierung oder das verzerrte Spiegelbild." Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes du XIIe congres de l'Association Internationale de Litterature Comparee. Ed. Roger Bauer, et al. München: Iudicium, 1990. II. 175-81.

Alliston, April. "Gender and the Rhetoric of Evidence in Early-Modern Historical Narratives." Comparative Literature Studies 33.3 (1996): 233-57.

Allott, Mirian. Novelists on the Novel. London: Routledge/Kegan Paul, 1959.

Alpers, Paul. "King Lear and the Theory of the `Sight Pattern.'" In Defense of Reading: A Reader's Approach to Literary Criticism. Ed. Reuben A. Brower. New York: Dutton & Co., 1962. 133-52.

Alphonso-Karkal, John B. Comparative World Literature: Essays. Bombay: Popular Books, 1974.

Alphonso-Karkal, John B. Indo-English Literature in the 19th Century. London: Mysore Literary P, 1970.

Alphonso-Karkal, John B, ed. Anthology of Indian Literature: With Notes Annotations, and Introductions to Ages: Age of Rishis, Gurus, Acharyas, Bhaktas, and Mahatma. London: Penguin, 1971. Rev. ed. New Delhi: Indian Council of Cultural Relations, 1987.

Alsop, J.D. "The Sixth Eclogue of Baptista Mantuan and the Elizabethan Poet Barnabe Googe." Cahiers Elizabéthains 25 (1984): 1-8.

Alt, A. Tilo. "Die ideologische Komponente der jiddischen Literatur und die Frage der Modernität." Auseinandersetzungen um jiddische Sprache und Literatur / Jüdische Komponente in der deutschen Literatur: die Assimilationskontroverse. Ed. W. Roll and H.-P. Bayerdörfer. Kontroversen, alte und neue. Ed. A. Schöne. Göttingen: Niemeyer, 1986. V. 72-80.

Alter, Jean. "La Tension dans la fiction: Structures narratives et sociales." Actes du VIIIe Congres de l'Association Internationale de Litterature Comparee/Proceedings of the 8th Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association Ed. Béla Köpeczi and György M. Vajda. Stuttgart: Bieber, 1980. II. 785-87.

Althusser, Louis. Lenin and Philosophy and Other Essays. Trans. Ben Brewster. London: New Left Books, 1983.

Althusser, Louis. "Ideology and Ideological State Apparatuses." Dan Latimer, ed., Contemporary Critical Theory. San Diego: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1989. 60-102.

Althusser, Louis. "Idéologie et appareils idéologiques d'État." Positions. Paris: Éditions Sociales, 1976. 78-137. [Première Parution: La Pensée, 151 (Juin 1970)]

Altman, Dennis. The Homosexualization of America, The Americanization of the Homosexual. New York: St. Martin's, 1982.

Ambrose, Mary. "Scott, Sicily and Michele Amari." Scott and his Influence: The Papers of the Aberdeen Scott Conference, 1982. Ed. J.H. Alexander and David Hewitt. Aberdeen: Association for Scottish Literary Studies, 1983. 485-94.

Amin, Samir. Eurocentrism. 1988. Trans. Russell Moore. New York: Monthly Review, 1989.

Amis, Kingsley. "Laughter's to Be Taken Seriously." New York Times Book Review 7 July 1957: 13.

Amis, Kingsley. "Starting Points." Mark Rose, ed. Science Fiction: A Collection of Critical Essays. Englewood Cliffs, NJ: Prentice Hall, 1976. 9-29.

Ammer, Andreas. "Verzeichnung der Begierden: Zur Semantik von Körper, Raum und Schrift in Goethes Römischen Elegien." Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes du XIIe congres de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. Ed. Roger Bauer, et al. München: Iudicium, 1990. III. 43-49.

Amorós, Andrés. Introducción a la novela contemporánea. 5th ed. Madrid: Cátedra, 1979.

Amorós, Andrés. Introducción a la literatura. Madrid: Castalia, 1980.

Amorós, Andrés. Tomos y cultura. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1987.

Amorós, Andrés. Diario cultural. Madrid: Espasa-Calpe, 1983.

Amuta, Chidi. The Theory of African Literature. London: Zed Books, 1989.

Anderson, Michael. "A Note on Lessing's Misinterpretation of Aristotle." Greece & Rome 15 (1968): 59-62.

Anderson, Andrew A. "Some Shakespearian Reminiscences in García Lorca's Drama." Comparative Literature Studies 22 (1985): 187-210.

Anderson, P. "Components of the National Culture." New Left Review 50 (1968): 52-59.

Anderson, M.S. "Some British Influences on Russian Intellectual Life and Society in the Eighteenth Century." Slavonic and East European Review 39 (1961): 148-63.

Anderson, Linda. "At the Threshold of the Self: Women and Autobiography." Women's Writing: A Challenge to Theory. Ed. Moira Monteith. Brighton: Harvester, 1986. 54-71.

Anderson, Linda. "Review Article: Questions of Feminist Criticism." Prose Studies 10 (1987): 225-30.

Anderson, Graham. Ancient Fiction: The Novel in the Graeco-Roman World. London: Croom Helm, 1984.

Anderson, Elliot and Mary Kinzie, eds. The Little Magazine in America: A Modern Documentary History. Yonkers, N.Y.: Pushcart Press, 1978.

Anderson, Elizabeth. "Should Voltaire Have Killed Off Pangloss?" International Perspectives in Comparative Literature. Ed. Virginia M. Shaddy. Lewiston, NY: Mellen, 1991. 67-80.

Anderson, Perry. Passages from Antiquity to Feudalism. London: New Left Books, 1974.

Anderson, Andrew A. "Some Shakespearian Reminiscences in García Lorca's Drama." Comparative Literature Studies 22 (1985): 187-210.

Anderson, B. Imagined Communities: Reflections on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. 1983. London: Verso, 1991.

Andreeva Popova, Nadezda. "Die Übersetzung als Weg zur literarhistorischen Charakteristik der Dichtung von Assen Rastzwetnikov." Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes du XIIe congres de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. Ed. Roger Bauer, et al. München: Iudicium, 1990. IV. 397-402.

Andreeva-Popova, Nadezda. L'Expressionisme dans la poésie allemande. Sofia: BAN, 1983.

Andrews, John S. "The Reception of Fritz Reuter in Victorian England." Modern Language Review 56 (1961): 54-56.

Andrews, John S. "The Reception of Gottfried Keller in Victorian England." Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society: Literary and Historical Section 9 (1961): 167-85.

Andrews, Malcolm. "Narrative versus Tableau: Literature and Painting in Early Victorian England." Home, Sweet Home or Bleak House? Art et littérature à l'époque victorienne. Paris: Belles Lettres, 1985. 9-21.

Andrews, John S. "The Reception of Gotthelf in British and American Nineteenth-Century Periodicals." Modern Language Review 51 (1956): 543-54.

Andrews, John S. "The Reception of Fontane in Nineteenth-Century Britain." Modern Language Review 52 (1957): 403-06.

Angelet, Christian. "Le Theme primitiviste de l'existence en confusion: Du philosophique au rhetorique; In Five Volumes/En Cinq volumes." Proceedings of the XIIth Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association/Actes du XIIe congres de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée. Ed. Roger Bauer, et al. München: Iudicium, 1990. II. 38-45.

Angenot, Marc. La Parole pamphlétaire. Paris: Payot, 1982.

Angenot, Marc. "La Littérature populaire française au dix-neuvième siècle." Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 9.3 (1982): 307-33.

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