A Selected Bibliography of Works for the Study of Film and Literature 1985-1999
In the past two decades, the area of film studies has thrived in scholarship,
institutionally, and in publishing. The following selected bibliography,
therefore, cannot even come near to an exhaustive presentation of everything
published on the relationship between film and literature. The focus in
the process of selection has been to highlight some lesser known works,
often in languages other than the lingua franca of modern scholarship,
English. Thus, publications in French, German, Dutch, Russian, Polish,
etc., have deliberately been included. Attention was directed to those
studies which present a more general approach to the topic; individual
case studies of film adaptations have been omitted. However, exception
has been made where there has been a strong theoretical description
and whenever cultural spheres less known in Canada and the United States,
e.g., Africa, the Middle East, Central and East Central Europe, the former
Soviet republics, etc., were the object of the study. Finally, some theoretical
works, which do not belong strictly to the area of film adaptation, have
purposefully been included, since by virtue of their interdisciplinary
approach they have an impact on the study of the relationship between literature
and film. The present selected bibliography is of studies published in
hard copy only; however, further work is planned to place online a bibliography
that includes links to studies of film and literature on the world wide
Aarseth, Asbjorn. "Ibsen from Stage to Screen: Structural Effects from a Change in Medium." Contemporary Approaches to Ibsen. Ed. Bjorn Hemmer and Vigdis Ystad. Oslo: Norwegian UP, 1991. 65-73.
Acker, Robert. "The Filming of Literary Works in the German Democratic Republic." Literature / Film Quarterly 17.3 (1989): 168-76.
Agaeva, G.G. "Turkmenskoe khudozhestvennoe kino vchera i sevodnia." Izvestiia Akademii Nauk Turkmenskoi SSR 4 (1989): 83-89.
Altman, Rick. "Dickens, Griffith, and Film Theory Today." South Atlantic Quarterly 88.2 (1989): 321-59.
Ammon, Martin and Eckart Gottwald, eds. Kino und Kirche im Dialog. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1996.
Andreev, Iurii. "Literatura i kino: K printsipam klassifikatsii iskusstva." Voprosy Literatury 8 (1982): 8-49.
Andrew, Dudley. "The Impact of the Novel on French Cinema of the 30's." L'Esprit Créateur 30.2 (1990): 3-13.
Andrew, Dudley, ed. Recent Film Theory in Europe. Special issue of SubStance: A Review of Theory and Literary Criticism 15.3 (1986).
Anzalone, John. "Sound/Tracks: Zola, Renoir and La Bête humaine." The French Review: Journal of the American Association of Teachers of French 62.4 (1989): 583-90.
Art et littérature. Aix-en-Provence: U de Provence, 1988.
Avrutin, Lilia. "Metatextuality in Post-Soviet Cinema:
Kovalov's Scorpion's Gardens as Semantic Drama." Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 739-51.
Augustin, Bettina. "Raban im Kino: Kafka und die zeitgenössische Kinematographie." Franz Kafka. Vienna: Braumüller, 1987. 38-69.
Aumont, Jacques. Montage Eisenstein. Trans. Lee Hildreth, Constance Penley, and Andrew Ross. London: BFI, 1987.
Aycock, Wendell and Michael Schoenecke, eds. Film and Literature: A Comparative Approach to Adaptation. Lubbock: Texas Tech UP, 1988.
Bacarisse, Pamela. Carnal Knowledge: Essays on the Flesh, Sex, and Sexuality in Hispanic Letters and Film. Pittsburgh: Tres ríos, 1991.
Banks, Jared. "Cinematic Adaptation: Orfeu Negro da Conceição." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 791-801.
Barrett, Donald. "Lindsay's Picnic at Hanging Rock: Origins and Offshoots." Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 753-62.
Bauschinger, Sigrid et al., eds. Film und Literatur. Literarische Texte und der neue deutsche Film. Berne: Francke, 1984.
Beard, William. "The Visceral Mind: The Major Films of David Cronenberg." The Shape of Rage: The Films of David Cronenberg. Ed. Piers Handling. Toronto: Academy of Canadian Cinema, 1983. 1-79.
Beard, William. "Cronenberg, Flyness and the Other-self." Cinémas 4.2 (1994): 153-73.
Beard, William. "Insect Poetics: Cronenberg's Naked Lunch." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 823-52.
Beeson, Diana. "Translating Nancy Drew from Fiction to Film." The Lion and the Unicorn: A Critical Journal of Children's Literature 18.1 (1994): 37-47.
Behrens, Volker. Das Spiel mit der Illusion in The French Lieutenant's Woman: Ein Vergleich von Roman, Film und Drebuch. Würzburg: Königshausen and Neumann, 1994.
Bertrand, Ina. "`Woman's Voice': The Autobiographical Form in Three Australian Filmed Novels." Literature / Film Quarterly 21.1 (1993): 130-37.
Beyer, John. "Party Novel, Risque Film: Zhao Shuli's Sanliwan and the Scenario Lovers Happy Ever After." Essays in Modern Chinese Literature and Literary Criticism. Ed. Wolfgang Kubin and Rudolf G. Wagner. Bochum: Brockmeyer, 1982. 90-116.
Bilodeau, Daniel. "La Synchronisation interne dans le cinéma de S.M. Eisenstein." Études Littéraires 20.3 (1987-88): 61-74.
Bolter, J David. Writing Space: The Computer, Hypertext, and the History of Writing. Hillsdale: Erlbaum, 1991.
Bondanella, Peter. "Borges, Bertolucci, and the Mythology of Revolution." Teaching Language through Literature 27.2 (1988): 3-14.
Bordwell, David. Narration in the Fiction Film. Madison: U of Wisconsin P, 1986.
Bordwell, David. Ozu and the Poetics of Cinema. London: BFI, 1988.
Bordwell, David. Making Meaning: Inference and Rhetoric in the Interpretation of Cinema. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1989.
Bordwell, David. The Cinema of Eisenstein. Cambridge, MA: Harvard UP, 1993.
Bordwell, David, Janet Steiger, and Kristin Thompson. The Classical Hollywood Cinema: Film Style and Mode of Production to 1960. New York: Columbia UP, 1985.
Bourassa, Alan. "Tracking the Dialectic: Theodor Adorno and Michael Mann's The Last of the Mohicans." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 725-37.
Boyd, David. "Rashomon: From Akutagawa to Kurosawa." Literature / Film Quarterly 15.3 (1987): 155-58.
Boyum, Joy Gould. Double Exposure: Fiction into Film. New York: New American Library, 1985.
Brady, Ben. Principles of Adaptation for Film and Television. Austin: U of Texas P, 1994.
Braendlin, Hans P., ed. Ambiguities in Literature and Film. Tallahassee: Florida State UP, 1988.
Brondsted, Mogens. "Karen Blixen au cinéma." Nouvelle Revue Française 428 (1988): 80-88.
Browne, Pat, ed. Heroines of Popular Culture. Bowling Green: Popular, 1987.
Brumm, Anne-Marie. "Migration, Marginality, and Cultural Conflict in Recent Israeli and Palestinian Cinema." Canadian Review of Comaparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.2 (1996): 561-76.
Brunette, Peter and David Wills. Screen/Play: Derrida and Film Theory. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1989.
Buks, Nora. "`Volshebnyi fonar' -- ili `kamera obskura' -- kino: Roman V. Nabokova." Cahiers du Monde Russe et Soviétique 33.2-3 (1992): 181-206.
Burgoyne, Robert. "Le Narrateur au cinema: Logique et pragmatique de la narration impersonnelle." Poétique: Revue de Théorie et d'Analyse Littéraires 22.87 (1991): 271-88.
Burns, Dan E. "Pistols and Cherry Pies: Lolita from Page to Screen." Literature / Film Quarterly 12.4 (1984): 245-50.
Burzlaff, Werner. "A Peircean Theory of Film / Une Théorie peircienne du film." Signs of Humanity / L'Homme et ses signes. Ed. Michel Balat and Janice Deledalle-Rhodes. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1992. 849-62.
Cahir, Linda Constanzo. "Narratological Parallels in Joseph Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now." Literature / Film Quarterly 20.3 (1992): 181-87.
Callens Johan, ed. American Literature and the Arts. Bruxelles: Vubpress, 1991.
Campbell, Ian. "Jekyll, Hyde, Frankenstein and the Uncertain Self." Cahiers Victoriens et Édouardiens 40 (1994): 51-62.
"Can Great Books Make Good Movies? 7 Writers Just Say No." American Film 12.9 (1987): 36-40.
Cancalon, Elaine D. and Antoine Spacagna, eds. Intertextuality in Literature and Film. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994.
Carbonneau, Alain. "Kamouraska, roman et film." Revue d'Histoire Littéraire du Québec et du Canada Français 11 (1986): 93-100.
Carson, Diana, et al., eds. Multiple Voices in Feminist Film Criticism. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1994.
Carvalheiro, Manuel. "Jorge Luis Borges: Um exemplo exemplar de crítica cineliterária." Colóquio Letras 92 (1986): 71-73.
Caspar, Günter. "Eine unglückliche Liebe. Fallada und der Film." Film und Fernsehen 15 (1987): 38-41.
Cattrysse, Patrick. "Film (Adaptation) as Translation: Some Methodological Proposals." Target: International Journal of Translation Studies 4.1 (1992): 53-70.
Cattrysse, Patrick. Pour une théorie de l'adaptation filmique: le film noir américain. Bern: Peter Lang, 1992.
Cernjenko, Miron. "`Ta nedostizna proza...': Romani Mihaila Lalica i problemi realizma u jugoslovenskom filmu." Trans. Mitar Popovic. Stvaranje: Casopis za knjizevnost i kulturu 43.7 (1988): 635-49.
Champagne, Roland A. "My Cup Runneth Over: The Semiotic Stakes of the Courtesan Myth in the Metamorphoses of Marguerite Gautier." The American Journal of Semiotics 8.4 (1991): 53-71.
Chapple, Richard, ed. Social and Political Change in Literature and Film. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1994.
Charney, Mark J. "Voice and Perspective in the Film Adaptations of Gaines's Fiction." Critical Reflections on the Fiction of Ernest J. Gaines. Ed. David C. Estes. Athens: U of Georgia P, 1994. 124-38.
Chatman, Seymour. Coming to Terms: The Rhetoric of Narrative in Fiction and Film. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1990.
Cheney, Liana DeGirolami, ed. The Symbolism of Vanitas in the Arts, Literature, and Music: Comparative and Historical Studies. Lewiston: Mellen, 1992.
Chisholm, Brad. "Reading Intertitles." Journal of Popular Film and Television 15.3 (1987): 137-42.
Christensen, Peter Glenn. "The Figure of the Artist in Andrei Tarkovsky's Andrei Rublev and Merezhkovsky's The Romance of Leonardo da Vinci." Soviet and East European Drama, Theatre, and Film 6.2 (1986): 415-26.
Cismaru, Alfred. "Promiscuity on the Screen?" Lamar Journal of the Humanities 19.2 (1993): 35-43.
Clerc, Jeanne-Marie. Écrivains et cinéma: Des mots aux images, des images aux mots -- adaptations et ciné-romans. Paris: PU de Metz, 1985.
Coates, Paul. "Revolutionary Spirits: The Wedding of Wajda and Wyspianski." Literature / Film Quarterly 20.2 (1992): 127-32.
Cohen, Paula Marantz. "The Ideological Transformation of Conrad's The Secret Agent into Hitchcock's Sabotage." Literature / Film Quarterly 22.3 (1994): 199-209.
Cole, Michael and Helen Keyssar. "The Concept of Literacy in Print and Film." Literacy, Language, and Learning: The Nature and Consequences of Reading and Writing. Ed. David R. Olson et al. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1985. 50-72.
Collick, John. Shakespeare, Cinema and Society. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1989.
Conger, S.M. and J.R. Welsh, eds. Narrative Strategies: Original Essays in Film and Prose Fiction. Macomb: Western Illinois P, 1984.
Coremans, L. "De intertextuele relaties tussen een literaire tekst en een filmtekst: Cadaveri eccellenti van Fr. Rosi naar de roman Il contesto van L. Sciascia." Spiegel der Letteren: Tijdschrift voor Nederlandse Literatuurgeschiedenis en voor Literatuurwetenschap 29.1-2 (1987): 119-26.
Covel, Robert C. "James Dickey's Deliverance: Screenplay as Intertext." James Dickey Newsletter 4.2 (1988): 12-19.
Cox, Carole. "Children's Films: The Literature Connection." Children's Literature Association Quarterly 7.3 (1982): 10-13.
Cox, Michael. "Reflections on Film Adaptation of Fiction." It's a Print!: Detective Fiction from Page to Screen. Ed. William Reynolds and Elizabeth A. Trembley. Bowling Green: Popular P, 1994. 207-20.
Craven, Alice. "Literary History Is a Dream: Or, How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love Film." Discours Social / Social Discourse 2.4 (1989): 161-74.
Crook, Eugene J., ed. Fearful Symmetry: Doubles and Doubling in Literature and Film. Tallahassee: UP of Florida, 1982.
Crowl, Samuel. "The Bow Is Bent and Drawn: Kurosawa's Ran and the Shakespearean Arrow of Desire." Literature / Film Quarterly 22.2 (1994): 109-16.
Cunningham, Frank R. "The Insistence of Memory: The Opening Sequences of Lumet's Pawnbroker." Literature / Film Quarterly 17.1 (1989): 39-43.
Curry, Renée R. Perspectives on Woody Allen. New York: G.K Hall, 1996.
Danan, Martine. "Subtitling: Multiculturalism or Commodification of Culture?" Comparative Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 763-73.
DeBona, Guerric. "Into Africa: Orson Welles and Heart of Darkness." Cinema Journal 33.3 (1994): 16-34.
Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 1: The Movement-Image. Trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Barbara Habberjam. London: Athlone, 1986. Trans. of Cinéma 1. L'Image-mouvement. Paris: Minuit, 1983.
Deleuze, Gilles. Cinema 2: The Time Image. Trans. Hugh Tomlinson and Robert Galeta. Minneapolis: U of Minnesota P, 1989. Trans. of Cinéma 2. L'Image-temps. Paris: Minuit, 1985.
Deltcheva, Roumiana. "Destination Classified: On the Transformation of Spatial Forms in Applying the Narrative Text to Film (The Case of Conrad's Heart of Darkness and Coppola's Apocalypse Now)." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 753-64.
Deltcheva, Roumiana and Eduard Vlasov. "From the Wax of History: Leni's Das Wachsfigurenkabinett and the Cinema of German Expressionism as a Source for Eisenstein's Ivan Groznyi." Studies in the Humanities 23.1 (1996): 99-108.
Deltcheva, Roumiana, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov, eds. Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996).
Dermody, Susan and Elizabeth Jacka. The Screening of Australia: Anatomy of a National Cinema. Sydney: Currency, 1988.
Diawara, Manthia. "Oral Literature and African Film: Narratology in Wend Kuuni." Questions of Third Cinema. Ed. Jim Pines and Paul Willemen. London: British Film Inst., 1989. 199-211.
Dick, Eddie, ed. From Limelight to Satellite: A Scottish Film Book. London: BFI, 1990.
Diethe, Carol. "Beauty and the Beast: An Investigation into the Role and Function of Women in German Expressionist Film." Visions of the "Neue Frau." Ed. Marsha Meskimmon and Shearer West. Aldershot: Scholar P, 1995. 108-23.
Diniz, Thaïs Flores Nogueira. "King Lear's Filmic Adaptation: A Chaos?" Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 775-80.
Dittmar, Linda. "Beyond Gender and within It: The Social Construction of Female Desire." Wide Angle: A Film Quarterly of Theory, Criticism, and Practice 8.3-4 (1986): 79-88.
Dixon, Wheeler W. "Cinematic Adaptations of the Works of Sinclair Lewis." Sinclair Lewis at 100: Papers Presented at a Centennial Conference. St. Cloud: St. Cloud State U, 1985. 191-200.
Dixon, Wheeler W. The Cinematic Vision of F. Scott Fitzgerald. Ann Arbor: U Microfilms International Research P, 1986.
Dixon, Wheeler W. "The Films of Frankenstein." Approaches to Teaching Shelley's Frankenstein. Ed. Stephen C. Behrendt. New York: MLA, 1990. 166-79.
Doherty, Thomas. Projections of War: Hollywood, American Culture, and World War II. New York: Columbia UP, 1993.
Drummond, Lee. "The Story of Bond." Symbolizing America. Ed. Herve Varenne. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1986. 66-89.
Du Plooy, Heilna. "Roman en film -- Stories in woorde en beelde: `N Voorstel vir' en gevorderde kursus in literatuurwetenskap." Literator: Journal of Literary Criticism 13.3 (1992): 135-50.
Durham, Carolyn A. "Taking the Baby Out of the Basket and/or Robbing the Cradle: `Remaking' Gender and Culture in Franco American Film." The French Review 65.5 (1992): 774-84.
Durosay, Daniel. "Analyse synoptique du Voyage au Congo de Marc Allegret, avec l'integralité des intertitres." Bulletin des Amis d'André Gide 22.101 (1994): 71-85.
Dzholdasova, A.A. "Osobennosti funktsionirovaniia kazakhsko russkogo dvuiazychiia v sfere kino: Na materiale tvorchestva kazakhskikh kinodramaturgov bilingvov." Tiurkologiia 3 (1992): 46-51.
Egger, Rebecca. "Deaf Ears and Dark Continents: Dorothy Richardson's Cinematic Epistemology." Camera Obscura: A Journal of Feminism, Culture, and Media Studies 30 (1992): 5-33.
Elder, Bruce. Image and Identity: Reflections on Canadian Film and Culture. Waterloo: Wilfred Laurier UP, 1989.
Enser, A.G.S. Filmed Books and Plays: A List of Books and Plays from Which Films Have Been Made, 1928-1983. Aldershot: Gower, 1985.
Faulstich, Werner. Die Filminterpretation. Göttingen: Vandenhoeck & Ruprecht, 1995.
Fenton, Jill Rubinson et al., eds. Women Writers from Page to Screen. New York: Garland, 1990.
Ferrara, Patricia. "Towards a Theory of Shakespearean Film." Literature / Film Quarterly 16.3 (1988): 167-73.
Fleishman, Avrom. Narrated Films: Storytelling Situations in Cinema History. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1992.
Fragola, Anthony. "Bunuel's Re-Vision of Wuthering Heights: The Triumph of l'amour fou over Hollywood Romanticism." Literature / Film Quarterly 22.1 (1994): 50-56.
French, Warren. "Fiction vs. Film, 1960-1985." Contemporary American Fiction. Ed. Malcolm Bradbury and Sigmund Ro. London: Arnold, 1987. 106-21.
Frentz, Thomas S. and Janice Hocker Rushing. "The Frankenstein Myth in Contemporary Cinema." Critical Questions: Invention, Creativity, and the Criticism of Discourse and Media. Ed. William L. Nothstine et al. New York: St. Martin's, 1994. 155-82.
Frick, Thomas. "Ghost Texts: Film about Writing / Writing about Film." The Kenyon Review 4.4 (1982): 99-112.
Frieden, Sandra et al., eds. Gender and German Cinema: Feminist Interventions. Providence: Berg, 1993.
Galan, F.W. "Film as Poetry and Prose: Viktor Shklovsky's Contribution to Poetics of Cinema." Essays in Poetics: The Journal of the British Neo-Formalist School 9.1 (1984): 95-104.
Garard, Charles. Point of View in Fiction and Film: Focus on John Fowles. New York: Peter Lang, 1991.
Gaudreault, André. "Showing and Telling: Image and Word in Early Cinema." Early Cinema: Space, Frame, Narrative. Ed. Thomas Elsaesser. London: BFI, 1990. 274-81.
Gaudreault, André. "De la narratologie littéraire a la narratologie cinématographique (et vice-versa)." La Recherche littéraire: Objets et méthodes. Ed. Claude Duchet and Stéphane Vachon. Montréal: XYZ, 1993. 267-74.
Geary, Robert F. "The Exorcist: Deep Horror?" Journal of the Fantastic in the Arts 5.4 (1993): 55-63.
Geloin, Ghislaine. "The Plight of Film Adaptations in France: Toward a Dialogic Process in the Auteur Film." Film and Literature: A Comparative Approach to Adaptation. Ed. Wendell Aycock and Michael Schoenecke. Lubbock: Texas Tech UP, 1988. 135-48.
Gianakaris, C.J. "Peter Shaffer and the Dilemma of Adapting for Film." Text and Presentation 8 (1992): 17-23.
Giddings, Robert, K. Selby, and Ch. Wensley. Screening the Novel: The Theory and Practise of Literary Dramatization. Basingstoke: Macmillan, 1990.
Gillon, Adam. "Adapting Conrad to Film." The Conradian 13.2 (1988): 158-70.
Girgus, Sam B. The Films of Woody Allen. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.
Goodkin, Richard E. "Film and Fiction: Hitchcock's Vertigo and Proust's `Vertigo'." MLN: Modern Language Notes 102.5 (1987): 1171-81.
Goodwin, James. Akira Kurosawa and Intertextual Cinema. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1994.
Greenaway, Peter. "The Exposing of Human Beings." Theaterschrift:Border Violations 3 (1993): 24-48.
Greene, Naomi. "Artaud and Film: A Reconsideration." Cinema Journal 23.4 (1984): 28-40.
Greif, Louis K. "Soldier, Sailor, Surfer, Chef: Conrad's Ethics and the Margins of Apocalypse Now." Literature / Film Quarterly 20.3 (1992): 188-98.
Güntner, Lawrence and Peter Drexler. "Recycled Film Codes and the Study of Shakespeare on Film." Deutsche Shakespeare-Gesellschaft West (1993): 31-40.
Gutierrez-Carbajo, Francisco. "Analisis filmicos inspirados en Greimas." Semiotica(s): Homenaje a Greimas. Ed. Jose Romera Castillo, Alicia Yllera, and Mario Garcia-Page. Madrid : Visor, 1994. 241-50.
Haas, Franz. "The Crooked Triangle, `Malina': Novel, Screenplay, Film." Trans. Katherine Arens. Elfriede Jelinek: Framed by Language. Ed. Jorun B. Johns and Katherine Arens. Riverside: Ariadne, 1994. 270-86.
Haltof, Marek. Kino lekóv. Kielce: Szumacher, 1992.
Haltof, Marek. "From Gothicism to Demonism: A Literary Transition to German Expressionist Film." S: European Journal for Semiotic Studies 4.3 (1992): 441-58.
Haltof, Marek. "`Producing' Auteur: The Concept of Authorship in Film Theory and Criticism. S: European Journal for Semiotic Studies 6.1-2 (1994): 349-69.
Haltof, Marek. "The Spirit of Australia in Picnic at Hanging Rock: A Case Study in Film Adaptation." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 809-22.
Haltof, Marek. Kino Australii: O ekranowej konstrukcji Australii. Lodz: Film and Television UP, 1996.
Handling, Piers, ed. The Shape of Rage: The Films of David Cronenberg. Toronto: Academy of Canadian Cinema, 1983.
Hansen, Miriam. "Messages in a Bottle? Miriam Hansen Examines `Frauen und Film': Women's Cinema and Feminist Film Theory in West Germany." Screen 28.4 (1987): 30-39.
Hansen, Miriam. "Benjamin, Cinema and Experience: `The Blue Flower in the Land of Technology.'" New German Critique: An Interdisciplinary Journal of German Studies 40 (1987): 179-224.
Hansen, Miriam. "`With Skin and Hair': Kracauer's Theory of Film, Marseille 1940." Critical Inquiry 19.3 (1993): 437-69.
Hansen, Miriam. "Massenkultur als Hieroglyphenschrift: Adorno, Derrida, Kracauer." Zur Verteidigung der Vernunft gegen ihre Liebhaber und Verachter. Ed. Christoph Menke and Martin Seel. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1993. 333-67.
Hapgood, Robert. "Chimes at Midnight from Stage to Screen: The Art of Adaptation." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 39 (1987): 39-52.
Hark, Ina Rae. "Twelve Angry People: Conflicting Revelatory Strategies in Murder on the Orient Express." Literature / Film Quarterly 15.1 (1987): 36-42.
Harris, Geoffrey T., ed. On Translating French Literature and Film. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996.
Harty, Kevin J., ed. Cinema Arthuriana: Essays on Arthurian Film. New York: Garland, 1991.
Hatzig, Hansotto. "Durch Wüste und Kino." Karl Mays Orientzyklus. Ed. Dieter Südhoff and Hartmut Vollmer. Paderborn: Igel, 1991. 294-304.
Hawkins, Harriett. Strange Attractors: Literature, Culture and Chaos Theory. New York: Prentice Hall, 1995.
Hayward, Susan and Ginette Vincendeau. French Film: Texts and Contexts. London: Routledge, 1990.
Helman, Alicja. "Konteksty Amadeusza." Dialog: Miesiecznik Poswiecony Dramaturgii Wspolczesnej: Teatralnej, Filmowej, Radiowej, Telewizyj 30.8 (1985): 75-84.
Helman, Alicja and Waclaw M. Osadnik: "Film and Literature: Historical Models of Film Adaptation and a Proposal for a (Poly)System Approach." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 645-58.
Herrero, Alejandro. "The Filming of a Novel: An Analysis of Lispector's The Hour of the Star and Amaral's Adaptation." Aleph 5 (1990): 4-11.
Hess Lüttich, Ernest W.B. and Roland Posner, eds. Code Wechsel: Texte im Medienvergleich. Opladen: Westdeutscher, 1990.
Hillen, Sabine and Nathalie Roelens. "Orphée à l'écran: Un défi représentatif." Literature and Film: Models of Adaptation. Ed. Roumiana Deltcheva, Waclaw M. Osadnik, and Eduard Vlasov. Special issue of Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 23.3 (1996): 781-90.
Hoare, Stephanie. "`Hsiao hsiao' and Girl from Hunan: Teaching Chinese Narrative, Not Just Chinese Fiction." Journal of the Chinese Language Teachers Association 26.2 (1991): 25-32.
Hoare, Stephanie. "Innovation through Adaptation: The Use of Literature in New Taiwan Film and Its Consequences." Modern Chinese Literature 7.2 (1993): 33-58.
Holderness, Graham and Christopher McCullough. "Shakespeare on the Screen: A Selective Filmography." Shakespeare Survey: An Annual Survey of Shakespeare Studies and Production 39 (1987): 13-37.
Holston, Kim. The English Speaking Cinema: An Illustrated History. New York: McFarland, 1994.
Horne, William. "See Shooting Script: Reflections on the Ontology of the Screenplay." Literature / Film Quarterly 20.1 (1992): 48-54.
Horton, Andrew, ed. Inside Soviet Film Satire: Laughter with a Lash. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1993.
Hurst, Matthias. Erzählsituationen in Literatur und Film. Tübingen: Niemeyer, 1996.
Hussman, Lawrence E. "Dreiser's (Bad) Luck with Hollywood." Dreiser Studies 21.2 (1990): 14-16.
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