1) Material of CLCweb is placed online in its world wide web site quarterly in March, June, September, and December.
2) At present,CLCweb and its material are unrestricted for access on the world wide web.
3) CLCWeb is a peer-refereed scholarly journal. Submissions for publication are assessed by the editor and two associate editors or by the editor, one associate editor and an outside expert selected by the editor or recommended by an associate editor.
4) Copyright of all material in CLCWeb rests with the editor, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, and with the authors of their contributions. No part or parts of any material published in CLCWeb may be reprinted or reproduced or utilized in any form or by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, including printing, photocopying, and recording, or in any information storage or retrieval system, without permission from the editor of CLCWeb at steven.totosy@ualberta.ca
5) The language of publication of articles and book reviews in CLCWeb is English only.
6) Books for review are welcome. A publisher interested in a review is required to send one copy directly to the reviewer (the address will be forwarded by CLCWeb to the publisher) and the second copy to the editor of CLCWeb (Steven Tötösy, Comparative Literature, University of Alberta, Edmonton, Alta., T6G 2E6 Canada).
7) All correspondence is by e-mail only.
8) CLCWeb is text-only -- unless a parallel and duplicate web text is indicated -- with a minimum of graphics for the reason that in countries of lesser technological development the speed of downloading of pictures and other visual niceties would be detrimental for the access and reading of the e-journal.
9) Webmaster of CLCWeb is the editor of the e-journal, Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, at steven.totosy@ualberta.ca
10) CLCWeb is mirrored and archived by the National Library of Canada at its Electronic Collection (direct link to the mirror site of CLCWeb is http://collection.nlc.bnc.ca/100/201/300/clcweb/index.html) and its bibliographic record can be searched on the world wide web via the National Library of Canada's bibliographic database resAnet.
11) Articles and bibliographies published in CLCWeb
are indexed yearly in the International Bibliography of the MLA: Modern
Language Association of America in its hard copy version as well as in
the electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography. Distributors
of the electronic version of the MLA International Bibliography are:
11.1 OCLC (Online Computer
Library Center, Inc.): distributes the MLA International Bibliography
via online and internet access; updated ten times each year. Address: 665
Frantz Road, Dublin, OH 43017, Fax: 614-764-6096, Email: support@oclc.org
11.2 Ovid (Ovid Technologies,
Inc.): distributes the MLA International Bibliography via online and
internet access; includes the MLA Bibliography Thesaurus; updated ten times
each year. Address: 333 Seventh Ave., New York, NY 10001, Tel: 800-940-2035,
Fax: 212-563-3784, Email: support@ovid.com
11.3 SilverPlatter:
distributes the MLA International Bibliography on CD-ROM and via the internet;
includes the MLA Bibliography Thesaurus; updated quarterly. Address: 100
River Ridge Road, Norwood, MA 02062, Tel: 800-343-0064, Fax: 781-769-8763,
Email: info@silverplatter.com