communication and new media
1) course description and objectives: "new media" describes any digital media production that is interactive and digitally distributed. there are two fundamental points that distinguish "new" media from media that preceded it, much of which still exists: 1) how it is transmitted and accessible: both the new emphasis on the integration of text, pictures, video, sound; and the increasing use of the internet as the vehicle and 2) interactivity: this is both a defining feature of "new" media and likely to be the most significant area for "future new" media development. in the course we will study the history and current situation of new media in most of its aspects, incl. the impact of new media in mass communication.
2) required text(s): wilson dizard, jr. old media new media: mass communication in the information age. 3rd. ed. (longman, 2000).
3) evaluation: media log 30%, formal presentation 15%, participation 15%, term paper 40%.
4) the media log serves to observe and reflect on communication and new media. on a weekly basis and following a week's worth of data collection, participants in the class submit data to the instructor. the data collected is with reference to any data in any medium (TV, the world wide web, news papers, magazines, radio, etc.) and about new media in its widest definition: discussion, announcement and advertisement of new products, government regulation, effects/impact of new media in whatever aspect and perspective wherever (business, technology, culture in all of its areas and aspects, society in all of its aspects e.g., health, education, etc.). the data to compile is no less than 300 words per week, to submit each week by sunday 12:00 midnight by regular e-mail to the instructor at <> (but not in an attachment: if the paper is written in a word processing program, please cut-and-paste the text into a regular e-mail and send).
5) the presentation consists of a formal oral delivery of any aspect of media old or new. topics may include such as a brief story of the printing press, the history of the type writer, the history of the computer, or any other medium of communication, or any aspects of new media. the formal presentation includes the data and their preliminary evaluation. the length of the formal presentation is five minutes followed by a question period of three minutes.
6) the term paper consists of a research paper with a minimum of three secondary sources and in the length of 1500 words. the format of the paper is the MLA parenthetical sources and a works cited (no footnotes or end notes are allowed). the term paper is to be submitted by regular e-mail (not by attachment: if the paper is written in a word processing program, please cut-and-paste the text into a regular e-mail and send) to the instructor at <>. it is encouraged that participants in the course submit the term paper to the instructor prior to the deadline in order to receive comments to improve the paper.
7) participation: students are encouraged to participate actively in all discussions taking place in class and the mark assigned to participation reflects involvement in class discussion.
8) discussion: class discussion occurs in groups assigned as
well as in the form of open discussion.