medialog for work in media and communication studies
this is an example of a "medialog." the purpose of the medialog is to reflect, analyse, and to organize bits of observation in media such as newspapers, magazines, television, radio, advertisement, film, etc. the medialog should be one page maximum (single spaced), with a number of items with the observer's reflections on the item selected. the observation should not be more than a few sentences for each item. this means that the one-page length of the medialog would require about 10-15 items. the items selected by the observer may be from one medium (e.g. television) or several (e.g. television, newspaper, advertisement). the items selected need to be with a minimum of bibliographical data such as the source of the item, date, time, etc. occasionally, if the item is of particular interest to the observer, the response to the item can include a note to research the item further (e.g., for term paper 1).
demographic profile
male: female:
age: total income of household:
highest education in household:
daily record data of how long you
watch television
listen to radio
read newspaper
listen to music on CD
read magazine
surf world wide web
intake other form(s) of media
media intake, weekly
list type of TV you watch (name of show, channel, time of show)
list type of and media through wich you listen to music
list generic type(s) of web offerings you surf and/or use
list film in movie theater you see
list video you watch
list DVD you watch
list type of hard-cover text (book, newspaper, magazine, etc.) of reading
you do
list genre of hard-cover text (novel, short story, magazine article,
newspaper item, etc.) of reading you do
list other type(s) of media intake
which items on your lists belong to high-brow and which to low-brow
cultural participation
high-brow items
low-brow items
in the last six months, how often
read book of fiction
read book of other genre(s)
see film in a movie theater
see video
see DVD
go to concert
see play in a theater
see/listen to other forms of entertainment
items of media intake other than english
last six months' media intake
films (title, director, film company)
books (author, title, place of publication, publisher, and year)
videos (title, director, company)
DVD (title, director, company)
music (title, artist, company
items of media intake other than english
list of your most favoured items of media intake / cultural participation
which items on your lists belong to high-brow and which to low-brow
cultural participation
high-brow items
low-brow items
- which medium, if removed from your life, would leave a significant
- which media or media intake do you find most pleasurable and why
- which medium or media do you find most important and why
- if you could spend time as you please, which medium or media would
you spend most of your time with
- which media experiences do you categorize as entertainment and which
as useful/practical
- are there overlaps between categories of entertainment and useful/practical
and if yes, list
- when and how were your habits of media intake established
- which type(s) of media do you intake most often
- do you read/watch advertisements (TV, magazine, newpaper, web)
- do different media serve different areas of your needs (list and
- record your switch from or abandonement of a particular media offering
and your reason(s) of switching or abandoning
- list which type(s) of media you use for intake of the following categories
a) entertainment
b) music
c) celebrities
d) gender issues
e) politics
f) new technologies
g) fashion
h) other culture(s) than american