CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal ISSN 1481-4374
CLCWeb Library of Research and Information
<> © Purdue University Press

Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek and Irene Sywenky, eds. The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture as Theory and Application Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature, University of Alberta and Siegen: Institute for Empirical Literature and Media Research, Siegen University, 1997. 605 pages, bibliography, and index. ISBN 0-921490-08-09 (Canada) / ISSN 0934-8697 (Germany).

Orders to Gebhard Rusch, Institute for Empirical Literature and Media Research, Siegen University, D-57068 Siegen, Germany.
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Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven
    Text in Context alias The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture 1-5

Theory and Meta-Theory

Cupchik, Gerald C.
    Identification as a Basic Problem for Aesthetic Reception 11-22
De Berg, Henk.
    Reception Theory or Preception Theory? 23-30
Hakemulder, Jamèljan.
    Effects of Literature: A Review 31-50
Harker, John W.
    Literary Texts as Models: Implications for the Empirical Study of Literature 51-65
Hoorn, Johan.
    Electrocortical Evidence for the Anomaly Theory of Metaphor Processing: A Brief Introduction 67-74 Martindale, Colin.
    The Laws of Literary History 75-82
Reinfandt, Christoph.
    Dimensions of Meaning in Modern Narrative: A System-Theoretical Approach to Narratology 83-90
Rusch, Gebhard.
    Literature, Media, and Society: Toward a Media Description Standard 91-105
Rusch, Gebhard.
    Comprehension vs. Understanding of Literature 107-119
Ryan, Marie-Laure.
    Virtuality and Textuality: Reading in the Electronic Age 121-136
Schmidt, Siegfried J.
    Empirical Study of Literature: Why and Why Not? 137-153
Schreier, Margrit.
    Computer-Aided Qualitative Data Analysis and Its Uses in the Empirical Study of Literature 155-162
Seixo, Maria Alzira.
    The Study and the Teaching of Literature and Scientific Humanism 163-168
Shen, Yeshayahu.
    Cognition and the Use of Figurative Language in Poetry:  The Case of Poetic Synaesthesia 169-179
Viehoff, Reinhold.
    Literature and Cultural Identity 181-188
Worthmann, Friederike.
    The Empirical Study of Literature and Literary Actions: A New Perspective on Literary Evaluation 189-200


1. Literature, Culture, and Media

Andringa, Els, Ed Tan, Petra van Horssen, and Astrid Jacobs.
    Effects of Focalization in Film Narration 203-215
Cha, Bonghi.
    Problems in the Reception of German Literature in Korea and Prospects for Intercultural Communication 217-223
Dahab, Elizabeth F.
    On the Making of a Book: An Author's Perspective of  the Literary System 225-235
Deltcheva, Roumiana.
    Totalitarian Journalism and the Media from a Systemic and Dialogic Perspective: The Case of Bulgaria 237-254
Dijk, Nel van and Jeroen K. Vermunt.
    Literary Careers and Critical Reputation: A Longitudinal Study 255-265
Esteves, Rosa.
    Discourse Genres in Nineteenth-Century Portuguese Newspapers and Literary Journals 267-277
Janssen, Susanne.
    Literary Reputation and Authors' Intervention in Critical Reception 278-297
Ma, RuiQi.
    The Function of Literary Journals in the Literary System of Mainland China 299-307
Perkes, Carolyn.
    The Québécois- and English-Canadian Literary System: Translation, Republishing, and the Preface 310-319
Perrot, Jean.
    Children's Literature and the Changing Status of Child Readers 321-332
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven
    Factors of Cumulative Canon Formation: Examples in Canada and Hungary 333-340
Tschernokoshewa, Elka.
    East Europe Meets West Europe: Differences and Similarities 341-351
Wehn, Karin.
    Canon Formation in Television Studies 353-368

2. Literature and Reading

Barsch, Achim.
    Young People Reading Popular/Commercial Fiction 371-383
Blazic, Milena.
    The Understanding of Metaphor by Elementary School Students 385-391
Ghesquiere, Rita.
    The Reading Behaviour of Maroccan, Turkish, and Italian Children in Flanders 393-405
Graesser, Arthur, Cheryl Bowers, Brent Olde, and Mary Chen.
    Remembering Who Said What in Short Stories 407-421
Graves, Barabara.
    Literary Reading and the Role of Domain-Specific and Generic Literary Knowledge 423-436
Halász, László.
    Literary vs. Historical Text Understanding: A Comparative Study of Emotional Effect 437-452
Hanauer, David.
    Reading Poetry and Surface Information Recall 453-469
Leontiev, Dmitry A., Nataila Zherdeva, and Inna Chugunova.
    Readers' Perception of Commercial Genres and Book Covers: A Psychosemantic Study 471-483
Noice, Tony and Helga Noice.
    Retention of Theatrical Scripts by Means of Character Analysis 485-504
Oetelaar, Sabine van den, Saskia Tellegen, and Mallory Wober.
    Affective Response to Reading: A Comparison of Reading in the United Kingdom
    and The Netherlands 505-513
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven.
    Reading Pornographic Literature: The Author and Gender Appropriation 515-525
Trabasso, Tom and Soyoung Soh.
    Using Think-Aloud Protocols to Reveal Readers' Understanding  of and Responses to Narratives 527-547
Van Peer, Will.
    The Empirical Study of Literary Evaluation 549-558
Vorderer, Peter, Gerald C. Cupchik, and Keith Oatley.
    Reading and Literary Landscapes: Experience and Action from Self-Oriented
    and Spectator Perspectives 559-571

Selected Bibliography

Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven.
   A Selected Bibliography of Works in The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature and Culture
<> 575-590

Index  591-605

CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal ISSN 1481-4374
CLCWeb Library of Research and Information
<> © Purdue University Press