Sophia A. McCLENNEN, Comp.
The objective of this bibliography is to present a resource for scholars engaged in the comparative study of Latin American culture and literature. The bibliography includes general theoretical works that contribute to comparative studies of Latin American culture and literature as well as examples of the practice of comparative cultural studies of Latin America. It also includes works about Latin American literature in exile or in diaspora as well as work that touch upon Latin American literature and culture tangentially. Most items in the bibliography are works in English, Spanish, and Portuguese, but works in other languages are represented as well. A number of websites are included in order to provide scholarly resources available online and that lead to further bibliographical references.
1) Bibliographies and Web Sites
Associação Brasileira de Literatura
Comparada (ABRALIC) (2002): <>.
Biblioteca Virtual de Estudos Culturais (2000):
Buchenau, Barbara, and Marietta Messmer, comp. "Selected
Bibliography for the Study of Interculturality in the Americas: Theories
and Practice." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2001): <>.
Fitz, Earl E., comp. Inter-American Literature
and Criticism: An Electronic Annotated Bibliography (2001): <>.
Gac-Artigas, Priscilla. Reflexiones: Essays on
Contemporary Spanish-American Women Writers (1998): <>.
Juan-Navarro, Santiago. Hispanet: Recursos en
Internet para la enseñanza de la Literatura Hispánica
(1999): <>.
Lajolo, Marisa, and João Roberto Faria. História
da literatura <
Landow, George P. "Contemporary Postcolonial and
Postimperial Literatures in English." Websites Created and Managed by
George P. Landow (2001): <>.
LANIC: Latin American Network Information Center:
Humanities in Latin America (2001): <>.
McClennen, Sophia A. Cinergía: A Web Site
Dedicated to the Study of Spanish, Latin American and Latino Cinema, Film,
Movies, and Media for Students and Scholars (2001): <
Molloy, Molly. Internet Resources for Latin America
"The Guide." (2002): <>.
Parks, Melissa, and Robin Pruter. Postcolonialism
for Beginners: A Brief Annotated Bibliography (2002): <>.
Programa Avançado de Cultura Contemporânea
(1988): <>.
Puleo, Augustus C., and James F. Crapotta. Gay
& Lesbian Themes in Hispanic Literatures & Cultures (1994):
SAIL: Studies in American Indian Literatures
Scharlau, Birgit, Mark Münzel, and Karsten
Garscha, eds. Kulturelle Heterogenität in Lateinamerika. Bibliographie
mit Kommentaren. Tübingen: Narr, 1991.
Siegmund, Marianne. Film in Latin America: A
Selective Bibliography (1999): <
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Postcolonial
Literatures: A Selected Bibliography of Theory and Criticism (to 1995)."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library)
(1998-): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Selected
Bibliography of Theoretical and Critical Works about Canadian Ethnic Minority
Writing." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(1998-): <>.
Valdés, Mario J., and Djelal Kadir, eds.
Comparative History of Latin American Literary Cultures (2001): <>.
Velarde, Hector. Patria Grande (2002): <>.
2) Theories and Practice
Achugar, Hugo. “El parnaso es la nación o
reflexiones a propósito de la violencia de la lectura y el simulacro.”
y miserias del siglo XIX. Ed. Beatriz González Stephan et al.
Caracas: Monte Avila, 1994. 53-72.
Adams, Florence. Latinos and Local Representation:
Changing Realities, Emerging Theories. New York: Garland, 1999.
Adams, Percy G. “The Discovery of America and European
Renaissance Literature.” Comparative Literature Studies 13.2 (1976):
Adorno, Rolena. "Cultures in Contact: Mesoamerica,
the Andes, and the European Written Tradition." The Cambridge History
of Latin American Literature. Ed. Roberto González Echevarría
and Enrique Pupo-Walker. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1996. 33-57.
Agosin, Marjorie. “In Search of Memory: Women and
the Jewish Imaginary in Latin America.” Multicultural Review. 8(1):36-40.
1999 Mar.
Agosin, Marjorie, ed. Passion, Memory, and Identity:
Twentieth-Century Latin American Jewish Women Writers. Albuquerque:
U of New Mexico P., 1999.
Agosin, Marjorie, ed. A Woman's Gaze: Latin American
Women Artists. Fredonia: White Pine, 1998.
Ainsa, Fernando. Identidad cultural de Iberoamérica
en su narrativa. Madrid: Gredos, 1986.
Albuquerque, Severino João. Violent Acts:
A Study of Contemporary Latin American Theatre. Detroit: Wayne State
UP, 1991.
Aldaraca, Bridget, Edward Baker, and John Beverley,
eds. Texto y sociedad: Problemas de historia literaria. Amsterdam:
Rodopi, 1990.
Aldridge, A. Owen. Early American Literature:
A Comparatist's Approach. Princeton: Princeton UP, 1982.
Aldridge, A. Owen. “The Enlightenment in the Americas.”
of the Seventh Congress of the ICLA [International Comparative Literature
Association. Stuttgart: Kunst und Wissen / Erich Bieber, 1979. Vol.
1, 59-67.
Aldridge, A. Owen. “The Influences of Thomas Paine
in the United States, England, France, Germany, and South America.” Proceedings
of the Second Congress of the International Comparative Literature Association.
Ed. Werner P. Friederich. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1959. Vol.
3, 369-83.
Aldridge, A. Owen, ed. Ibero-American Enlightenment.
Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1971.
Alisky, Marvin. Latin American Media: Guidance
and Censorship. Ames: Iowa UP, 1981.
Alonso, Carlos. The Spanish American Regional
Novel: Modernity and Autochthony. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1989.
Altamiranda, Daniel, ed. Segundas Jornadas Internacionales
de Literatura Argentina / Comparatistica. Buenos Aires: U de Buenos
Aires, 1997.
Alva, Klor de. “Colonialism and Postcolonialism
as (Latin) American Mirages.” Colonial Latin American Review 1.1-2
(1992): 2-23.
Alvarez-Altman, Grace. “A Comparative Onomastic
Vignette of the Picaresque Novel in Spain and Mexico.” Literary Onomastics
Studies 13 (1986): 183-92.
Amar Sánchez, Ana María. Juegos
y seducción y traición: Literatura y cultura de masas.
Buenos Aires: Beatriz Viterbo Editora, 2000.
Amirthanayagam, Guy. The Marriage of Continents:
Multiculturalism in Modern Literature. Lanham: UP of America, 2000.
Anderson, Benedict. Imagined Communities: Reflections
on the Origin and Spread of Nationalism. London: Verso, 1991.
Anzaldúa, Gloria. Borderlands: The New
Mestiza / La Frontera. San Francisco: Aunt Lute Books, 1987.
Arieli, Yehoshua. Individualism and Nationalism
in American Ideology. Cambridge: Harvard UP, 1964.
Arnold, James A., Julio Rodriguez-Luis, J. Michael
Dash et al., eds.
A History of Literature in the Caribbean, I: Hispanic
and Francophone Regions. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1994.
Arnold, A. James. “Caribbean Literature/Comparative
Literature.” Semper Aliquid Novi: Litterature comparee et litteratures
d'Afriqued'Afrique. Ed. J. Riesz and A. Ricard. Tübingen: Narr,
1990. 39-46.
James, A. Arnold, ed. A History of Literature
in the Caribbean . 3 vols. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1994. Vol. 1 Hispanic
and francophone regions. Vol. 2 English- and Dutch-speaking regions. Vol.
3 Cross-cultural studies.
Asante-Darko, Kwaku. "Language and Culture in African
Postcolonial Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000): <>.
Alegría, Fernando. Walt Whitman en Hispanoamérica.
Mexico City: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1954.
Antelo, Raúl. “Borges/Brasil.” Boletim
bibliográfico, Biblioteca Mário de Andrade 45.1-4 (1984):
Ashcroft, Bill. “Modernity's First Born: Latin America
and Postcolonial Transformation.” Ariel: Review of International English
Literature 29.2 (1998): 7-29.
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffith, and Helen Tiffin,
eds. Key Concepts in Post-Colonial Studies. London: Routledge, 1998.
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffith, and Helen Tiffin,
eds. The Post-Colonial Studies Reader. London: Routledge, 1995.
Ashcroft, Bill, Gareth Griffith, and Helen Tiffin,
eds. The Empire Writes Back: Theory and Practice in Post-Colonial Literatures.
London: Routledge, 1989.
Assmann, Jan. Das kulturelle Gedächtnis.
Schrift, Erinnerung und politische Identität in frühen Hochkulturen.
München: Beck, 1992.
Atwood, Margaret. Survival: A Thematic Guide
to Canadian Literature. Toronto: Anansi, 1972.
Auerbach, Susan, ed. Encyclopedia of Multiculturalism.
New York: Marshall Cavendish, 1994.
Balakian, Anna, and M.J. Valdés, eds. Inter-American
Literary Relation. New York: Garland, 1985.
Balderston, Daniel, ed. Sexualidad y nación.
Pittsburgh: Biblioteca de América, Instituto Internacional de Literatura
Iberoamericana, 2000.
Ballón, José. Autonomía
cultural de América: Emerson y Martí. Madrid: Pliegos,
Bammer, Angelika, ed. Displacements: Cultural
Identities in Question. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.
Barber, Benjamin R. Jihad vs. McWorld: How Globalism
and Tribalism Are Reshaping the World. New York: Random House, 1996.
Barbosa, Maria José Somerlate. “Life as an
Opera: Dom Casmurro and The Floating Opera.” Comparative
Literature Studies 29.3 (1992): 223-37.
Barkan, Elliott Robert, ed. A Nation of Peoples:
A Sourcebook on America's Multicultural Heritage. Westport: Greenwood,
Barth, John. “The Literature of Exhaustion.” Atlantic
(August 1967): 29-34.
Barth, John. “The Literature of Replenishment: Postmodernist
Atlantic (January 1980): 65-71.
Barthold, Bonnie. Black Time: Fiction of Africa,
the Caribbean and the United States. New Haven: Yale UP, 1981.
Baym, Nina. "Early Histories of American Literature:
A Chapter in the Institution of New England." American Literary History
1.3 (1989): 459-88.
Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical
Introduction. Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
Beardsell, Peter. Europe and Latin America: Returning
the Gaze. Manchester, England: Manchester UP, 2000.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. "The Canon is el Boom, et.
al., or the Hispanic Difference." Comparative Cultural Studies and Latin
America. Ed. Sophia A. McClennen and Earl E. Fitz. Thematic issue of
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.2 (2002): <>.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. Art for Art's Sake and
Literary Life: How Politics and Markets Helped Shape the Ideology and Culture
of Aestheticism, 1790-1990. Lincoln: U of Nebraska P, 1996.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. Borges and his Fiction:
A Guide to His Mind and Art. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1981.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. “Functional Criticism.” Review
(1979): 79-81.
Bell-Villada, Gene H.García Márquez:
The Man and His Work. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1990.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. “Lit. Crit. in Latin America,
or the Advantages of Underdevelopment.” American Book Review 5.6
(1983): 4-5.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. “Two Americas, Two World Views,
and a Widening Gap.” Monthly Review 34 (1982): 37-43.
Bell-Villada, Gene H. “What the Young Gabriel Garcia
Marquez Learned from the Master Graham Greene: The Case of 'Un Dia de Estos'.”
Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative Literature Association
24 (2000):146-56.
Bennett, Maurice J. “The Detective Fiction of Poe
and Borges.” Comparative Literature 35.3 (1983): 262-75.
Bercovitch, Sacvan. "America as Canon and Context:
Literary History in a Time of Dissensus." American Literature 58.1
(1986): 99-107.
Bercovitch, Sacvan, ed. The Cambridge History
of American Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1994.
Berding, Helmut, ed. Nationales Bewusstsein und
kollektive Identität. Studien zur Entwicklung des kollektiven Bewußtseins
in der Neuzeit. Frankfurt: Suhrkamp, 1994.
Berg, Henk de, and Matthias Prangel, eds. Interkulturalität.
Zur Konzeptualisierung eines Leitbegriffs interkultureller Literaturwissenschaft.
Heidelberg: Winter, 1999.
Berg, Walter Bruno. Lateinamerika. Literatur,
Geschichte, Kultur. Eine Einführung. Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche
Buchgesellschaft, 1995.
Berger, Mark T. Under Northern Eyes: Latin American
Studies and US Hegemony in the Americas 1898-1990. Bloomington: Indiana
UP, 1995.
Bergmann, E. et al. Women, Culture, and Politics
in Latin America. Berkeley: U of California P, 1990.
Bergmann, Emilie L., and Paul Julian Smith, eds.
Queer Readings, Hispanic Writing. Durham: Duke University Press, 1995.
Bernheimer, Charles, ed. Comparative Literature
in the Age of Multiculturalism. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.
Bernucci, Leo. Historia de un malentendido: Un
estudio transtextual de La guerra del fin del mundo. New York: Peter
Lang, 1989.
Beverley, John. Against Literature. Minneapolis:
U of Minnesota P, 1993.
Beverley, John. “Can Hispanism Be a Radical Practice?”
& Literature: A Journal of Hispanic & Luso-Brazilian Studies
4.16 (1983): 9-22.
Beverley, John. Del Lazarillo al sandinismo:
estudios sobre la función ideológica de la literatura española
e hispanoamericana. Minneapolis: Prisma Institute and Institute for
the Study of Ideologies and Literature, 1987
Beverley, John. “On the Subject of 'Studies': Subaltern,
Cultural, Women's, Ethnic, etc.” Journal of Iberian & Latin American
Studies 5.2 (1999): 45-63.
Beverley, John. “Subalternidad/Modernidad/Multiculturalismo.”
de Critica Literaria Latinoamericana 27 (2001): 153-63.
Beverley, John. Subalternity and Representation.
Durham: Duke UP, 1999.
Beverley, John, ed. Una Modernidad Obsoleta:
Estudios sobre el Barroco. Los Teques, Venezuela: Ediciones ALEM,
Beverley, John, and José Oviedo, eds. The
Postmodern Debate in Latin America. Thematic Issue of boundary 2
20.3 (1993).
Beverley, John and Hugo Achugar, eds. La Voz
del otro: testimonio, subalternidad y verdad narrativa. Pittsburgh:
Latinoamericana Editores, 1992.
Beverley, John and Marc Zimmerman. Literature
and Politics in the Central American Revolutions. Austin: U Texas P,
Beverley, John, Phil Cohen, and David Harvey.
and homogenization = subcultura i homogeneïtzacio. Barcelona:
Fundació Antoni Tàpies, 1999
Bhabha, Homi K. The Location of Culture.
London: Routledge, 1994.
Bhabha, Homi K. Nation and Narration. London:
Routledge, 1990.
Biron, Rebecca. Murder and Masculinity: Violent
Fictions of Twentieth-Century Latin America. Nashville: Vanderbilt
UP, 2000.
Bissoondath, Neil. Selling Illusions: The Cult
of Multiculturalism in Canada. Toronto: Penguin Books, 1994.
Block de Behar, Lisa. "Uruguayan Comparative Literature:
The Need for a Double Bet." Comparative Literature World Wide: Issues
and Methods / La Littérature comparée dans le monde: Questions
et méthodes. Ed. Tânia Franco Carvalhal. Porto Alegre:
L&PM Editores, 1997. 149-72.
Blodgett, E. D. "Towards an Ethnic Style." Postcolonial
Literatures: Theory and Practice / Les Littératures post-coloniales.
Théories et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek and Sneja Gunew. Thematic issue of Canadian Review of Comparative
Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature Comparée 22.3-4
(1995): 623-38.
Bloom, William. Personal Identity, National Identity,
and International Relations. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1990.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “El arte narrativo y la magia.”
Buenos Aires: M. Gleizer, 1932.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “Nathaniel Hawthorne.” Other
Inquisitions, 1937-1952 . Trans. Ruth L.C. Simms. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1968. 47-65.
Borges, Jorge Luis. “Note on Walt Whitman.” Other
Inquisitions, 1937-1952. Trans. Ruth L. C. Simms. New York: Simon and
Schuster, 1968. 66-72.
Braga, Thomas. “Castro Alves and the New England
Abolitionists.” Hispania 67.4 (1984): 585-93.
Brakel, Arthur. “Ambiguity and Enigma in Art: The
Case of Henry James and Machado de Assis.” Comparative Literature Studies
19.4 (1982): 442-49.
Brathwaite, Edward Kamau. History of the Voice:
The Development of Nation Language in Anglophone Caribbean Poetry. London:
New Beacon Books, 1984.
Bredella, Lothar, and Dietmar Haack, eds. Perceptions
and Misperceptions: The United States and Germany. Studies in Intercultural
Understanding. Tübingen: Narr, 1988.
Breen, T.H. "An Empire of Goods: The Anglicization
of Colonial America, 1690-1776." Journal of British Studies 25 (1986):
Breinig, Helmbrecht. Interamerikanische Beziehungen.
Einfluss, Transfer, Interkulturalität. Frankfurt: Vervuert, 1990.
Brickhouse, Anna. “Hawthorne in the Americas: Frances
Calderón de la Barca, Octavio Paz, and the Mexican Genealogy of
'Rappaccini's Daughter'.” Proceedings of the Modern Language Association
113.2 (1998): 227-42.
Bronfen, Elisabeth, Benjamin Marius, and Therese
Steffen, eds. Hybride Kulturen. Beiträge zur anglo-amerikanischen
Multikulturalismusdebatte. Tübingen: Stauffenburg, 1997.
Brotherston, Gordon."Arielismo and anthropophagy:
The Tempest in Latin America." The Tempest and its Travels. Ed.
P.Hulme and W. Sherman. London: Reaktion Book. 2000. 212-21.
Brotherston, Gordon. Book of the Fourth World:
Reading the Native Americas through Their Literature. Cambridge: Cambridge
UP, 1992.
Brotherston, Gordon. “Bringing It Home in Translation,
Marx, Neruda and Chihuailaf.” New Comparison 29 (2000): 147-59.
Brotherston, Gordon. “A Controversial Guide to the
Language of America.” 1642: Literature and Power in the Seventeenth
Century. Ed. F. Barker, et al. Colchester: U of Essex, Sociology of
Literature Papers, 1981. 84-100.
Brotherston, Gordon. Image of the New World:
The American Continent Portrayed in Native Texts. London: Thames and
Hudson, 1979.
Brotherston, Gordon, ed. José Enrique
Rodó: Ariel. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1967.
Brotherston, Gordon. “The Latin American novel and
Its Indigenous Sources.” Modern Latin American Fiction. Ed. J. King.
London: Faber, 1987. 60-77.
Brotherston, Gordon. “Ubirajara, Hiawatha, Cumandá:
National Virtue from American Indian Literature.” Comparative Literature
Studies 9.3 (1972): 243-52.
Brotherston, Gordon. “World Views & Defined
Territories.” Mapping the Americas. Ed. P. Antrobus, V. Fraser,
and P.Hulme. Colchester: U of Essex, 1992. 11-17.
Brotherston, Gordon, and Lúcia de Sá.
"First Peoples of the Americas and Their Literature." Comparative Cultural
Studies and Latin America. Ed. Sophia A. McClennen and Earl E. Fitz.
Thematic issue of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 4.2 (2002): <>.
Bruce-Novoa, Juan. “Pluralism vs. Nationalism: U.S.
Literature.” Council on National Literatures/Quarterly World Report
6.1-2 (1983): 13-18.
Bruner, Charlotte. “The Meaning of Caliban in Black
Literature Today.”
Comparative Literature Studies 13.3 (1976): 240-53.
Brushwood, John S. “Two Views of the Boom: North
and South.” Latin American Literary Review 15.29 (1987): 13-31.
Buchenau, Barbara. "Comparativist Interpretations
of the Frontier in Early American Fiction and Literary Historiography."
Negotiations in the Americas and Beyond. Ed. Barbara Buchenau and Marietta
Messmer. Thematic issue of CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Buchenau, Barbara. Zwischen Windschattenfahrt
und Eigenständigkeit. Vergleichende Studien zum historischen Roman
in den USA des frühen 19. Jahrhunderts. Diss. Göttingen:
U of Göttingen, 1999.
Buchenau, Barbara. "'Wizards of the West?' How Americans
Respond to Sir Walter Scott, the Wizard of the North." James Fenimore
Cooper: His Country and His Art. Ed. Hugh MacDougall. Oneonto: State
U of New York P, 1999. 14-25.
Buchenau, Barbara, Annette Paatz, Rolf Lohse, and
Marietta Messmer, eds. Do the Americas Have a Common Literary History?
Frankfur: Peter Lang, 2001.
Buchenau, Barbara, Eva Findenegg, Frank Lauterbach,
Beata Weinhagen, and Frank Seemann. "Normative Programs and Artistic Liberties:
Inter-American Case Studies in Historical Fiction and the Campaigns for
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Wallstein, 2000.
Buell, Lawrence. "American Literary Emergence as
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Bush, Andrew. “On Exemplarity and Postmodern Simulation:
Robert Coover and Servero Sarduy.” Comparative Literature 14:2 (992):
Cabezon Doty, Claudia. “Literatura y cine latinoamericanos
en dialogo intermedial.” Taller de Letras 26 (1998): 29-54.
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Multilingual American Literature." Multilingual America: Transnationalism,
Ethnicity, and the Languages of American Literature. Ed. Werner Sollors.
New York: New York UP, 1998. 17-28.
Campos, Maria do Carmo. “Poetics and Contemporary
Culture in Drummond and Borges.” Latin America as Its Literature.
Ed. Maria Elena de Valdés, Mario J. Valdés, and Richard A.
Young, 1995. 89-104.
Cândido, Antônio, et al. Hacia una
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das Letras, 1993. 130-39.
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Chanady, Amaryll, ed. Latin American Identity
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Clifford, James. Routes: Travel and Translation
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Christ, Ronald J. The Narrow Act: Borges' Art
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Cisneros-Lavaller, Alberto. “Old Wine in New Bottles:
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(1972): 267-88.
Cobb, Martha K. Harlem, Haiti and Havana.
Washington: Three Continents P, 1979.
Cohn, Deborah. “`He was one of us': The Reception
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Literature Studies 34.2 (1997): 149-69.
Cohn, Deborah H. History and Memory in the Two
Souths: Recent Southern and Spanish American Fiction. Nashville: Vanderbilt
UP, 1999.
Colás, Santiago. Postmodernity in Latin
America: The Argentine Paradigm. Durham: Duke UP, 1994.
Colás, Santiago. "Of Creole Symptoms, Cuban
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Comparative Cultural Studies and Latin
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