Bibliography for Work in Comparative Cultural Studies (History, Theory, Method)
This bibliography is intended for work in comparative cultural studies, an emerging field of scholarship in the humanities and social sciences where tenets of the discpline of comparative literature are merged with tenets of cultural studies. For an outline of comparative cultural studies, see Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, "From Comparative Literature Today toward Comparative Cultural Studies" in CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
1) Selected Bibliography of Bibliographies of Studies in Comparative Literature and Culture
For a bibliography of papers in comparative literature and comparative culturals tudies available online in see CLCWeb's Cumulative Index at <>
Baldensperger, Fernand, and Werner P. Friedrich. Bibliography of
Comparative Literature. 1950. Rpt. New York: Russell and Russell, 1960.
Chi, Ch'iu-lang, and John J. Deeney. An Annotated Bibliography of
English, American, and Comparative Literature for Chinese Scholars.
Taipei: Tamkang College of Arts and Sciences, Western Literature Research
Institute, 1975.
Dyserinck, Hugo, and Manfred S. Fischer. Internationale Bibliographie
zur Geschichte und Theorie der Komparatistik. Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann,
Ibrovac, Miodrag. Uvod u proucavanje romanistike i uporedne knjievnosti
I: Bibliografski prirucnik (Introduction to the Study of Romance
Languages and Literatures and Comparative Literature: A Bibliographical
Manual). Beograd: Naucna knjiga, 1959.
International Bibliography of the Modern Language Association of
America. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1968-. Hard-Copy,
CD-ROM, and World Wide Web: <>.
Liu, Jiemin, and John J. Deeney. Twentieth-Century Comparative Literature
Bibliography from Chinese Perspectives. Hong Kong: The Chinese U of
Hong Kong, Comparative Literature Research Program, 1994.
Momigliano, A. Letterature comparate. Vol. 4. Problemi e
orientamenti critici di lingua e do letterature italiana. Milano: Marzorati,
Thompson, G.A. Key Sources in Comparative and World Literature:
An Annotated Guide to Reference Materials. New York: Ungar, 1982.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "A Selected Bibliography of Work
in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Abe, Jiro. Hikaku bungaku (Comparative Literature). Tokyo:
Iwanami shoten, 1932. 2 vols.
Abousenna, Mona. "Nationalism versus Universalism in Comparative Literature."
Multilogue: Comparative Literrature and National Literatures. Ed. Gurbhagat
Singh. Delhi: Ajanta, 1991. 115-25.
Adams, Florence. Latinos and Local Representation : Changing Realities,
Emerging Theories. New York: Garland Publishing, 1999.
Adams, Hazard. ed. Critical Theory Since Plato. New York: Harcourt
Brace Jovanovich, 1992.
Ahearne, Ed, and Arnold Weinstein. "The Function of Criticism at the
Present Time: The Promise of Comparative Literature." Comparative Literature
in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Charles Bernheimer. Baltimore:
Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 77-85.
Aldridge, A. Owen. "The Comparative Literature Syndrome." Modern
Language Journal 53.2 (1969): 110-16.
Aldridge, A. Owen. The Reemergence of World Literature: A Study
of Asia and the West. Newark: U of Delaware P, 1986.
Aldridge, A. Owen, ed. Comparative Literature: Matter and Method.
Urbana: U of Illinois P, 1969.
Alewyn, Richard. "Comparative Literature in Germany." Comparative
Literature NewsLetter 1.4 (1942-43): 1-2.
Al-Khateeb, Hussam. "Comparative Literature in Arabic: History and
Major Tendencies to the 1980s." Yearbook of Comparative and General
Literature 41 (1994): 12-20.
Alphonso-Karkal, John B. Comparative World Literature: Essays.
Bombay: Popular Books, 1974.
Anderson, Victor. Beyond Ontological Blackness: An Essay on African
American Religious and Cultural Criticism. London: Continuum International
Publishing Group, 1999.
Andrew, Joe, Malcolm Crook, and Michael Waller, eds. Why Europe?
Problems of Culture and Identity: Political and Historical Dimensions,
New York: Palgrave, 2000.
Anonymous. "Twenty-five Years of Comparative Literature in India, 1956-1981."
Journal of Comparative Literature 16-17 (1978-79): 110-15.
Anonymous. "Not So Odious: English Neglect of Comparative Literature."
Times: Literary Supplement 12.03 (1964): 215.
Anonymous. "Société algérienne de littérature
comparée." Revue de Littérature Comparée 39
(1965): 493-95.
Apter, Emily. "Comparative Exile: Competing Margins in the History
of Comparative Literature." Comparative Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism.
Ed. Charles Bernheimer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 86-96.
Arnold, James. ed. A History of Literature in the Caribbean. Amsterdam:
John Benjamins Publishing Co, 1997.
Arnold, Stephen H. "Comparative African Literary Studies: A New Discipline."
of Comparative Literature: Current Approaches. Ed. Chandra Mohan. New
Delhi: India Publishers & Distributors, 1989. 82-94.
Auerbach, Erich. "Philologie der Weltliteratur." Weltliteratur.
By Erich Auerbach. Bern: Francke, 1952. 39-50.
Bacchilega, Cristina, ed. Constructions and Confrontations: Changing
Representations of Women and Feminisms, East and West: Selected Essays.
Honolulu : Univ of Hawaii Press. 1997.
Backer, F. de. "Littérature comparée: questions de méthode."
de l'Academie Royale de Belgique. Classe des lettres et des sciences morales
et politiques 45 (1959): 208-11.
Badallic, Josip. "Wege und Perspektiven der Methode der Vergleichenden
Literaturwissenschaft." Festschrift für Alfred Rammelmeyer.
Ed. Hans-Bernd Harder. München: de Gruyter, 1975. 11-19.
Baker, Stephen. The Fiction of Postmodernity. New York: Rowman
and Littlefield, 2000.
Balakian, Anna. "Literary Theory and Comparative Literature." Toward
a Theory of Comparative Literature. Ed. Mario J. Valdés. New
York: Peter Lang, 1990. 17-24.
Balakian, Anna. "How and Why I Became a Comparatist." Building a
Profession: Autobiographical Perspectives on the Beginnings of Comparative
Literature in the United States. Ed. Lionel Gossman and Mihai I. Spariosu.
Albany: State U of New York P, 1994. 75-87.
Balakian, Anna. The Snowflake on the Belfry: Dogma and Disquietude
in the Critical Arena. Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994.
Balakian, Anna. "Theorizing Comparison: The Pyramid of Similitude and
Difference." World Literature Today 69.2 (1995): 263-67.
Balakian, Anna. "The Rape of Literature." Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis
Litterarum Universarum 24.2 (1997): 11-18.
Baldensperger, Fernand. "Où nous en somme: examen de conscience
d'un 'comparatiste'." Revue universitaire 28 (1919): 260-73.
Baldensperger, Fernand. "Littérature comparée. Le Mot
et la chose." Revue de littérature comparée 1 (1921):
Baldensperger, Fernand. "Solidarité internationale de littérature
comparée." Comparative Literature Studies 5.16 (1945): 2-4.
Bamiro, Edmund. The English Language and the Construction of Cultural
and Social Identity in Zimbabwean and Trinbagonian Literatures. New
York: Peter Lang Publishing, 2000.
Barr, Marleen. Genre Fission: A New Discourse Practice for Cultural
Studies. Iowa: U of Iowa P, 2000.
Barricelli, Jean-Pierre. "A View from My Balcony: Perspectives on Comparative
Literature in 1995." The Comparatist: Journal of the Southern Comparative
Literature Association 20 (1996): 6-20.
Barricelli, Jean-Pierre, and Joseph Gibaldi, eds. Interrelations
of Literature. New York: Modern Language Association of America, 1982.
Bartlett, Roger, and Karen Schonwalder, eds. The German Lands and
Eastern Europe : Essays on the History of Their Social, Cultural and Political
Relations. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1999.
Bassel, Naftali. Rahvuskirjandus ja mmailmakirjandus (National
Literature and World Literature). Tallin: Eesti Raamat, 1972.
Bassnett, Susan. Comparative Literature: A Critical Introduction.
Oxford: Blackwell, 1993.
Bauer, Gerhard. "Theorie der Literatur in der Allgemeinen und Vergleichenden
Literaturwissenschaft." Zur Theorie der Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft.
Ed. Horst Rüdiger, G. Bauer, E. Koppen, and M. Gsteiger. Berlin: de
Gruyter, 1971. 15-40.
Baur, Frank. "De Philologie van het letterkundige comparatisme." Handlingen
van het XXIIe vlaams filologen congres. Leuven: U of Leuven, 1957.
Bauer, Roger. "Der Fall der Vergleichenden Literaturwissenschaft."
/ Diskontinuität in den Geisteswissenschaften. Ed. Hans Trümpy.
Darmstadt: Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973. 167-88.
Beall, Chandler, and Henry H.H. Remak. "Comparative Literature."
Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature 38 (1989): 9-15.
Bederman, Gail, and Catherine Stimpson. Manliness & Civilization:
A Cultural History of Gender and Race in the United States, 1880-1917.
Chicago: U of Chicago P, 1996.
Beil, Else. Zur Entwicklung des Begriffs Weltliteratur. PhD
Diss. Leipzig: U of Leipzig, 1915.
Behar, Lisa Block de. "Uruguayan Comparative Literature: The Need for
a Double Bet." Comparative Literature World Wide: Issues and Methods
/ La Littérature comparée dans le monde: Questions et méthodes.
Ed. Tânia Franco Carvalhal. Porto Alegre: L&PM Editores, 1997.
Beker, Miroslav. Uvod u komparativnu knjievnost (Introduction
to Comparative Literature). Zagreb: Skolska knjiga, 1995.
Belic, Oldrich. Verso español y verso europeo : introducción
a la teoría del verso español en el contexto europeo.
Santafé de Bogotá: Instituto Caro y Cuervo, 2000.
Benloew, L. Introduction à l'histoire comparée des
littératures. Dijon: Loireau-Feuchot, 1849.
Berard, T "Dada between Nietzsche's Birth of Tragedy and Bourdieu's
Distinction: Existenz and Conflict in Cultural Analysis." Culture &
Society 16 (1999):141-65.
Berczik, Árpád. "Les Débuts hongrois de l'histoire
littéraire comparée." Acta litteraria 2 (1959): 215-49.
Berczik, Árpád. "Eine ungarische Konzeption der Weltliteratur."
Littérature comparée en Europe orientale. Ed. István
Sötér, K. Bor, T. Klaniczay, and Gy.M. Vajda. Budapest: Akadémiai,
1963. 287-94.
Berczik, Árpád. "Hundert Jahre der ungarischen Komparatistik."
Litteraria Academia Scientiarum Hungaricae 18.3-4 (1976): 416-23.
Bernheimer, Charles. "Introduction: The Anxieties of Comparison." Comparative
Literature in the Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Charles Bernheimer.
Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 1-17.
Bertens, Hans. "From Over-Confidence to Clear and Present Danger: Comparative
Literature and Intellectual Fashion." The Search for a New Alphabet:
Literary Studies in a Changing World. Ed. Harald Hendrix, Joost Kloek,
Sophie Levie, and Will van Peer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1966. 7-12.
Bery, Ashok, and Patricia Murray, eds. Comparing Postcolonial Literatures:
Dislocations. New York: St. Martin's Press, 2000.
Bessière, Jean. "Literature, Cultural Relativism and the Efficacy
of Cognitive Minimalism." The Search for a New Alphabet: Literary Studies
in a Changing World. Ed. Harald Hendrix, Joost Kloek, Sophie Levie,
and Will van Peer. Amsterdam: John Benjamins, 1966. 13-18.
Bessière, Jean. "Littérature comparée et littérature
générale." La Recherche en littérature générale
et comparée en France. Paris: Société Française
de Littérature Générale et Comparée, 1983.
Bessière, Jean. "Le Concept de métafiction. Typologie,
stratégies fictionnelles, croyances fictionnelles et partages culturels."
Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée
à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations.
Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky.
Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 21-30.
Betz, Louis-Paul. "Critical Observations on the Nature, Function and
Meaning of Comparative Literary History." 1896. Comparative Literature:
The Early Years. Ed. Hans-Joachim Schulz and Phillip H. Rhein. Chapel
Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1973. 133-51.
Betz, Louis-Paul. Studien zur vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte
der neueren Zeit. Frankfurt, 1902.
Beverely, John. Subalternity and Representation: Arguments in Cultural
Theory. Durnham: Duke UP, 1999.
Bierwirch, Gerhard. "The First Congress of the German Society for General
and Comparative Literature." Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature
10 (1972): 77-83.
Bierwirch, Gerhard. "Departments of Comparative Literature at West
German Universities." Jadavpur Journal of Comparative Literature
10 (1972): 72-76.
Birus, Hendrik. "Main Features of Goethe's Conception of World Literature."
Literature Now: Theories and Practice / La Littérature comparée
à l'heure actuelle. Théories et réalisations.
Ed. Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky.
Paris: Honoré Champion, 1999. 31-40.
Bisztray, George. "The Theory of Interaction in Sociology and Comparative
Literature." Sensus Communis: Contemporary Trends in Comparative Literature
/ Panorama de la situation actuelle en Littérature Comparée.
Ed. János Riesz, Peter Boerner, and Bernhard Scholz. Tübingen:
Gunter Narr, 1986. 213-19.
Bisztray, George. "A Theoretical Model of Comparative Literature."
Zeitschrift für Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft 21.3 (1986):
Bjornson, Richard. "Comparativism is a Humanism: A Personal View."
Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 13.1 (1986): 365-81.
Bleicher, Thomas. "Einführung in die Komparatistik. Ein Mainzer
Versuch." Mainzer Komparatistische Hefte 2 (1978): 39-56.
Bleicher, Thomas. "Allgemeine und Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft:
Grundlegung und Modell." Neohelicon: Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum
6 (1979): 83-126.
Bleicher, Thomas. "Literaturkomplexe in komparatistischer Perspektive."
Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 8 (1981): 9-42.
Bloch, Peter A. Vergleichende Literaturwissenschaft. Eine Einführung
in die Geschichte, die Methoden und Probleme der Komparatistik. Düsseldorf:
Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1971.
Block, Haskell M. "The Concept of Influence in Comparative Literature."
of Comparative and General Literature 7 (1957): 30-37.
Block, Haskell M. Nouvelles tendances en littérature comparée.
Paris: Nizet, 1974.
Block, Haskell M. "The Use and Abuse of Literary Theory." Toward
a Theory of Comparative Literature. Ed. Mario J. Valdés. New
York: Peter Lang, 1990. 25-31.
Blodgett, E.D. "What is Comparative Canadian Literature?" Aspects
of Comparative Literature: Current Approaches. Ed. Chandra Mohan. New
Delhi: India Publishers & Distributors, 1989. 46-64.
Body, Jacques. "Les Comparatismes vus de France." Neohelicon: Acta
Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 1.1-2 (1973): 354-59.
Body, Jacques. "Enseigner l'histoire comparée du thêâtre?"
Acta Comparationis Litterarum Universarum 12.1 (1985): 9-15.
Boening, John. "Comparative Literature, Incommensurability, and Cultural
Misreading." Cultural Dialogue and Misreading. Ed. Mabel Lee and
Meng Hua. Sydney: Wild Peony, 1997. 153-62.
Bohn, Willard. "Comparative Literature and the Avant-Garde." ACLA:
American Comparative Literature Association Bulletin 14.2 (1993): 139-55.
Bonnell, Victoria, and Linda Hunt, eds. Beyond the Cultural Turn:
New Directions in the Study of Society and Culture. California: U California
P, 1999.
Bonvillian, Nancy. Women and Men: Cultural Constructs of Gender.
New Jersey: Prentice Hall College Div, 2000.
Borenman, John. Subversions of International Order: Studies in the
Political Anthropology of Culture. New York: State U of New York P,
Borghi, L., D. Carpi Sertori, M.P. De Angelis, and V. Fortunati, eds.
letteratura comparata. Metodi e prospettive. Ravenna: Longo, 1992.
Vol. 3.
Bose, Buddhadeva. "Comparative Literature in India." Yearbook of
Comparative and General Literature 8 (1959): 1-10.
Böhme, Hartmut. "Neue Perspektiven: Vergleichende Interkulturelle
Literaturwissenschaft?" Wie international ist die Literaturwissenschaft?
Ed. Lutz Danneberg, Friedrich Vollhardt, Hartmut Böhme, and Jörg
Schönert. Stuttgart: Metzler, 1996. 493-98.
Bouissac, Paul, ed. Encyclopedia of Semiotics. New York: Oxford
UP, 1998.
Brady, Patrick. "Narrativity, Nonlinearity, and Complexity: From History
as Fiction to Fiction as History." Comparative Literature Now: Theories
and Practice / La Littérature comparée à l'heure actuelle.
Théories et réalisations. Ed. Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek, Milan V. Dimic, and Irene Sywenky. Paris: Honoré Champion,
1999. 43-50.
Brandt Corstius, Jan. "The Impact of Cosmopolitanism and Nationalism
on Comparative Literature from the Beginnings to 1880." Actes du IVe
Congrès de l'Association Internationale de Littérature Comparée.
Ed. W.A.P. Smit. The Hague: Mouton, 1966. 380-89.
Brandt Corstius, Jan. Introduction to the Comparative Study of Literature.
New York: Random House, 1968.
Brînzeu, Pia. Corridors of Mirrors: The Spirit of Europe in
Contemporary British and Romanian Fiction. Lanham: UP of America, 2000.
Brooker, Peter. A Concise Glossary of Cultural Theory,
London: Arnold, 1999.
Brooks, Peter. "Must We Apologize?" Comparative Literature in the
Age of Multiculturalism. Ed. Charles Bernheimer. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins
UP, 1995. 97-106.
Brooks, Peter. "Literature And." Comparative Literature:
History and Contemporaneity / Littérature Comparée: Histoire
et contemporanéité. Ed. Milan V. Dimic and Steven Tötösy
de Zepetnek. Canadian Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne
de Littérature Comparée 23.1 (1996): 15-26.
Brown, Calvin S. "Comparative Literature." The Georgia Review
13 (1959): 167-89.
Brunel, Pierre. "L'Etude des mythes en littérature comparée."
Communis: Contemporary Trends in Comparative Literature / Panorama de la
situation actuelle en Littérature Comparée. Ed. János
Riesz, Peter Boerner, and Bernhard Scholz. Tübingen: Gunter Narr,
1986. 117-23.
Brunel, Pierre. "L'Usage de la comparaison en littérature comparée."
Provincia Mundi: Essays in Comparative Literature and European Studies.
Ed. Joep Leerssen and Karl Ulrich Syndram. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1992. 3-11.
Brunel, Pierre, and Yves Chevrel, éds. Précis de littérature
comparée. Paris: PU de France, 1989.
Brunel, Pierre, Claude Pichois, and André Michel Rousseau. Qu'est-ce
la litté-rature comparée? 1983. Paris: Colin, 1996.
Brunetière, Ferdinand. "European Literature." 1900. Comparative
Literature: The Early Years. Ed. Hans Joachim Schulz and Phillip H.
Rhein. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1973. 153-82.
Bryden, Diana, ed. Postcolonialism: Critical Concepts in Literary
and Cultural Studies. New York: Routledge, 2000. 5 vols.
Budick, Sanford, and Wolfgang Iser, eds. The Translatability of
Cultures: Figurations of the Space Between. Stanford: Stanford UP,
Buescu, Helena Carvalhao. "La Littérature comparée au
Portugal: Tendences théoriques et institutionnelles." Comparative
Literature World Wide: Issues and Methods / La Littérature comparée
dans le monde: Questions et métho-des. Ed. Tânia Franco
Carvalhal. Porto Alegre: L&PM Editores, 1997. 139-47.
Burke, Lucy, ed. Routledge Language and Cultural Theory Reader.
New York: Routledge, 2000.
Burns, Rob, ed. German Cultural Studies: An Introduction. New
York: Clarendon Press, 1996.
Calin, William. Minority Literatures and Modernism: Scots, Breton,
and Occitan, 1920-1990. Toronto: U of Toronto P, 2000.
Cambon, Glauco. "The Future of that Unlikely Thing, Comparative Literature."
Germanic Studies 5 (1979): 159-69.
Cammarota, Antonio. "Entwicklungen der Komparatistik in Italien im
20. Jahrhundert." Europa Provincia Mundi: Essays in Comparative Literature
and European Studies. Ed. Joep Leerssen and Karl Ulrich Syndram. Amsterdam:
Rodopi, 1992. 13-21.
Campbell, Neil, and Alasdair Kean, eds. American Cultural Studies:
An Introduction to American Culture. New York: Routledge, 1998.
Campbell, Oscar J. "What is Comparative Literature?" Essays in Memory
of Barrett Wendell. Ed. W.R. Castle Jr. and P. Kaufman. Cambridge:
Harvard UP, 1926. 23-40.
Cao, Shunqing, ed. Bijiao wenxüe shi (A History of Comparative
Literature). Chengdu: Sichuan People's P, 1991.
Caponi, Gena, ed. Signifyin(G), Sanctifyin', & Slam Dunking:
A Reader in African American Expressive Culture. Amherst: U of
Massachusetts P, 1999.
Caramaschi, Enzo. "Pour une convergence de méthodes." Sensus
Communis: Contemporary Trends in Comparative Literature / Panorama de la
situation actuelle en Littérature Comparée. Ed. János
Riesz, Peter Boerner, and Bernhard Scholz. Tübingen: Gunter Narr,
1986. 3-9.
Carré, Jean-Marie. "La Littérature comparée depuis
un demisiècle." Annales du Centre Universitaire Méditerranéen
3 (1949-50): 69-77.
Carriere, Moritz. Die Poesie. Ihr Wesen und ihre Formen mit Grundzügen
der vergleichenden Literaturgeschichte. 1854. Leipzig, 1884.
Carvalhal, Tânia Franco. Literatura comparada. São
Paolo: Editora Atica, 1986.
Carvalhal, Tânia Franco. "Comparare i comparatismi. La letteratura
comparata in Americo Latina." Trans. Anna Trocchi. Comparare i comparatismi.
La comparatistica letteraria oggi in Europa e nel mondo. Ed. Armando
Gnisci and Franca Sinopoli. Roma: Lithos, 1995. 14-26.
Carvalhal, Tânia Franco. "Literatura comparada na América-Latina:
contribuição para novos paradigmas." Literature Comparada:
Os novos paradigmas. Ed. Margarida L. Losa, Isménia de Sousa,
and Gonçalo Vilas-Boas. Porto: Afrontamento, 1996. 465-72.
Cassirer, Ernst. The Logic of the Cultural Sciences: 5 Studies.
Haven: Yale UP, 2000.
Cavell, Richard. "Same Difference: On the Hegemony of 'Language' and
'Literature' in Comparative Studies." Comparative Literature: History
and Contemporaneity / Littérature Comparée: Histoire et contemporanéité.
Ed. Milan V. Dimic and Steven Tötösy de Zepetnek. Canadian
Review of Comparative Literature / Revue Canadienne de Littérature
Comparée 23.1 (1996): 27-34.
Caws, Mary Ann. "What Are We About? For a Personal Criticism." Comparative
Literary History as Discourse. Ed. Mario J. Valdés, Daniel Javitch,
and A. Owen Aldridge. Bern: Peter Lang, 1992. 101-14.
Ceserani, Remo. "Gli studi di comparatistica: esperienze a confronto,
difficoltà e prospettive." Teoria e critica letteraria oggi.
Ed. R. Luperini. Milano: Angeli, 1991. 44-68.
Chambers, Leland H. "Comparative Literature Programs in the United
States and Canada." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature
31 (1982): 96-119.
Chandler, Frank W. "Comparative Literature: Is it Dead?" Books Abroad:
An International Library Quarterly 10 (1936): 136-38.
Chandler, Frank W. "The Comparative Study of Literature." 1910. Yearbook
of Comparative and General Literature 15 (1966): 50-62.
Chang, Han-liang, ed. Concepts of Literary Theory East and West.
Taipei: Comparative Literature Association of the Republic of China / Bookman
Books, 1993.
Chang, Lung-hsi. "Chien Chung-shu on Comparative Literature and Comparison
of Literatures." Peking University Comparative Literature Association
Newsletter 1.2 (1981): 4-11.
Charbonnel, Roger J. "Le Comparatisme et l'extension universitaire."
internationale de l'enseignement 74 (1920): 135-48.
Chasles, Philarète. "Foreign Literature Compared." 1835. Comparative
Literature: The Early Years. Ed. Hans-Joachim Schulz and Phillip H.
Rhein. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1973. 13-37.
Chauvin, Danièle, and Yves Chevrel. Introduction à
la littérature comparée. Du commentaire à la dissertation.
Paris: Dunod, 1996.
Chellappan, K. "Comparative Literary Theory: An Indian Perspective."
Literature: Theory and Practice. Ed. Amiya Dev and Sisir Kumar Das.
Shimla: Indian Institute of Advanced Study, 1989. 295-306.
Chellappan, K. "Thematology of Comparative Indian Literature." Aspects
of Comparative Literature: Current Approaches. Ed. Chandra Mohan. New
Delhi: India Publishers and Distributors, 1989. 109-16.
Chen, Dun, Sun Jingyao, and Xie Tianzhen, eds. Bijiao wenxüe
(Comparative Literature). Beijing: Higher Education P, 1997.
Chen, Peng-hsiang. From Thematics to the "Chinese School" of Comparative
Literature. Taipei: Bookman Books, 1992.
Chen, Peng-hsiang. "Establishing Theory and Procedures for a Chinese
School of Comparative Literature." Proceedings of the National Science
Council. Part C: Humanities and Social Sciences (Taiwan) 4.1 January
1994): 76-87.
Chen, Yuehong. "Cultural Barriers, Cultural Tradition and Cultural
Misreading in Crosscultural Communication and Its Solution."
Licorne et le dragon. Les malentendus dans la recherche de l'universel.
Ed. Yue Daiyun and Alain Le Pichon. Beijing: Peking UP and Transcultura,
1995. 145-58.
Chevigny, Bell Gale. "Teaching Comparative Literature of the United
States and Spanish America." American Literature: A Journal of Literary
History, Criticism, and Bibliography 65.2 (1993): 354-58.
Chevrel, Yves. "Littérature générale et comparée
et rénovation des études de lettres." L'Information Littéraire
27.5 (1976): 231-40.
Chevrel, Yves. "Littérature générale et comparée
en Europe: perspectives pour la formation des maîtres." Documents
pour le renseignement 22.2 (1977): 13-20.
Chevrel, Yves. "Le Discours de la critique sur les oeuvres étrangères:
Littérature comparée, esthétique de la réception
et histoire littéraire nationale." Romanistische Zeitschrift
für Literaturgeschichte 1 (1977): 336-52.
Chevrel, Yves. "The Teaching of Comparative Literature: Lessons of
an ICLA Workshop." Yearbook of Comparative and General Literature
30 (1981): 77-83.
Chevrel, Yves. "Champs des études comparatistes de réception.
Etat des recherches." Oeuvres et critique: Revue internationale d'étude
de la réception critiques des oeuvres littéraires de langue
française 11.2 (1986): 147-60.
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