Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal ISSN 1481-4374
Library of Research and Information CLCWeb Contents
4.4 (December 2002)
University Press
Selected Bibliography of Textual Analysis in Cultural
Xianfeng MOU and Urpo KOVALA, comp.
bibliography includes selected works of textual culture analysis including
discourse analysis in cultural studies. For a background bibliography of
works in (comparative) cultural studies see Steven Totosy de Zepetnek,
Steven Aoun, and Wendy C. Nielsen, "Bibliography for Work in Comparative
Cultural Studies (History, Theory, Method)" CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library) (2001-): <>.
Abodunrin, Femi. “Blackness: Faith, Culture, Ideology and Discourse.” Journal
of Humanities 13 (1999): 1-25.
Akudinobi, Jude. “Tradition/Modernity and the Discourse of African Cinema.”
18 (1995): 25-37.
Alexander, Leola Dolly. African French: Cultural Patterning of Oral
Persuasion: A Study of Discourse Techniques Used by Public Speakers in
Cote d'Ivoire. Dissertation Abstracts International 1989 January v49.7,
Allor, Martin. “Cultural Metissage: National Formations and Productive
Discourse in Quebec Cinema and Television.” Screen 34.1 (1993):
Alonso, Carlos J. The Burden of Modernity: The Rhetoric of Cultural
Discourse in Spanish America. New York: Oxford UP, 1998.
Alphen, Ernst van. “Symptoms of Discursivity: Experience, Memory, and Trauma.”
of Memory: Cultural Recall in the Present. Ed. Mieke Bal, Jonathan
Crewe, and Leo Spitzer. Hanover: UP of New England, 1999. 24-38.
Amariglio, Jack, and Antonio Callari. “Marxian Value Theory and the Problem
of the Subject: The Role of Commodity Fetishism.” Fetishism as Cultural
Discourse. Ed. Emily Apter and William Pietz. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1993.
Andersen, Flemming G. “A Cross-Cultural View of
Repetitions and Formulaic Diction in Spoken Discourse.” Multilingua
12.3 (1993): 291-307.
Angenot, Marc, and Regine Robin, eds. “Social Discourse:
A New Paradigm for Cultural Studies.” Sociocriticism 3 (1987), 4.(2.6,
1.7) (1988).
Anson, Chris M. “Book Lists, Cultural Literacy,
and the Stagnation of Discourse.”
Literacy: Language and Power.
Ed. Dianne L. Vipond and Ronald Strahl. Long Beach: California State UP,
1994. 115-22.
Apter, Emily, and William Pietz, eds. Fetishism
as Cultural Discourse. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1993.
Arac, Jonathan. “Intersections of Literary History and Cultural History:
Towards a Critical Genealogy of the U.S. Discourse on Identity.” Real:
The Yearbook of Research in English & American Literature 17 (2001):
Arent, Russell Eugene. The Pragmatics of Cross-Cultural Bargaining in
an Ammani Suq: An Exploration of Language Choice, Discourse Structure and
Pragmatic Failure in Discourse Involving Arab and Non-Arab Participants.
Dissertation Abstracts International 1999 May v59.11, p4121A.
Aron, Jean-Paul, and Roger Kempf. “Triumphs and Tribulations of the Homosexual
Discourse.” Homosexualities and French Literature: Cultural Contexts
/ Critical Texts. Ed. George Stambolian and Elaine Marks. Ithaca: Cornell
UP, 1979. 141-57.
Bakalaki, Alexandra. “Gender-Related Discourse and Representations of Cultural
Specificity in Nineteenth-Century and Twentieth-Century Greece.” Journal
of Modern Greek Studies 12.1 (1994): 75-112.
Bakhtin, Mikhail. “Discourse in Life and Discourse in Art (Concerning Sociological
Poetics).” Contemporary Literary Criticism: Literary and Cultural Studies.
Ed. Robert Con Davis and Ronald Schleifer. New York: Longman, 1998. 471-88.
Balme, Christopher. “Inventive Syncretism: The Concept of the Syncretic
in Intercultural Discourse.” Fusion of Cultures? Ed. Peter O. Stummer
and Christopher Balme. Amsterdam: Rodopi, 1996. 9-18.
Bardeleben, Renate von. “'Beyond the Lexicon': A Plea for Cultural Competence
in Translator Training: Or, Sampling the Oratory of the Clinton Presidency”
The 2nd Riga Symposium on Pragmatic Aspects of Translation/Pragmatische
Aspekte der Translation 2-es Rigaer Symposium: Wissenschaftliche Vortrage.
Ed. Andrejs Veisbergs and Ieva Zauberga. Riga: U of Latvia and the Johannes
Gutenberg University Mainz, 1999. 7-28.
Barr, Marleen S. Genre Fission: A New Discourse Practice for Cultural
Studies. Iowa City: U of Iowa P, 2000.
Bartoloni, Paolo, Karen Lynch, and Shane Kendal, eds. Intellectuals
and Publics: Essays on Cultural Theory and Practice. Bundoora: School
of English, La Trobe U, 1997.
Beach, Christopher. “'A Strong and Sweet Female Race': Cultural Discourse
and Gender in Whitman's Leaves of Grass.” American Transcendental
Quarterly 9.4 (1995): 283-98.
Bennett, Tony, and Janet Woollacott. Bond and Beyond: The Adventures
of a Popular Hero. Houndmills: Macmillan, 1987.
Bernardo, Robert. “Subjecthood and Consciousness.” The Pear Stories:
Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production.
Ed. Wallace L. Chafe, Roy Freedle, and John W. Du Bois. Norwood: Ablex,
1980. 275-99.
Berthold, Michael C. “'Jeopardy!' Cultural Literacy, and the Discourse
of Trivia.” Journal of American Culture 13.1 (1990): 11-17.
Bhabha, Homi K. “Difference, Discrimination and the Discourse of Colonialism.”
Politics of Theory. Ed. Francis Barker, et al. Colchester: U of Essex,
1983. 194-211.
Bhabha, Homi K. “The Other Question: Difference, Discrimination, and the
Discourse of Colonialism.” Black British Cultural Studies: A Reader.
Ed. Houston A. Baker Jr., Manthia Diawara, and Ruth H. Lindeborg. Chicago:
U of Chicago P, 1996. 87-106.
Bizzell, Patricia. “Beyond Antifoundationalism to Rhetorical Authority:
Problems Defining 'Cultural Literacy'.” Rhetoric in an Antifoundational
World: Language, Culture, and Pedagogy. Ed. Michael Bernard-Donals
and Richard R. Glejzer. New Haven: Yale UP, 1998. 371-88.
Blake, Norman F. “Shakespeare, Discourse and the Teaching of English.”
Culture, Reception: Cross-Cultural Aspects of English Studies. Ed.
Rüdiger Ahrens and Heinz Antor. Heidelberg: Winter, 1992. 431-45.
Blakemore, Diane. “The Organization of Discourse.”
The Cambridge Survey, I: Linguistic Theory: Foundations; II: Linguistic
Theory: Extensions and Implications; III: Language: Psychological and Biological
Aspects; IV: Language: The Socio-Cultural Context. Ed. Frederick J.
Newmeyer. Cambridge: Cambridge UP, 1988. 229-50.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana. “Playing It Safe: The Role
of Conventionality in Indirectness.” Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests
and Apologies. Ed. Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Juliane House, and Gabriele
Kasper. Norwood: Ablex, 1989. 37-70.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, and Juliane House. “Cross-Cultural
and Situational Variation in Requesting Behavior.” Cross-Cultural Pragmatics:
Requests and Apologies. Ed. Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Juliane House, and
Gabriele Kasper. Norwood: Ablex, 1989. 123-54.
Blum-Kulka, Shoshana, Juliane House, and Gabriele
Kasper, eds. Cultural Pragmatics: Requests and Apologies. Norwood:
Ablex, 1989.
Boos, Florence S. “An (Almost) Egalitarian Sage:
William Morris and Nineteenth-Century Socialist-Feminism.” Victorian
Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power. Ed. Thais
E. Morgan. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990. 187-206.
Bordelon, Suzanne. Gertrude Buck's Democratic
Theory of Discourse and Pedagogy: A Cultural History. Dissertation
Abstracts International 1999 January v59.7, p2478A.
Borsch, Sabine. “Introspective Methods in Research
on Interlingual and Intercultural Communication.” Interlingual and Intercultural
Communication: Discourse and Cognition in Translation and Second Language
Acquisition Studies. Ed. Juliane House and Shoshana Blum-Kulka. Tubingen:
Narr, 1986. 195-209.
Bourke, Richard. Romantic Discourse and Political
Modernity: Wordsworth, the Intellectual and Cultural Critique. New
York: St. Martin's, 1993.
Boyd, Todd Edward. It's a Black Thang: The Articulation
of African-American Cultural Discourse. Dissertation Abstracts International
1992 July v53.1, p5A.
Bracher, Mark. Lacan, Discourse, and Social Change:
A Psychoanalytic Cultural Criticism. Ithaca: Cornell UP, 1993.
Brewster, Anne. “The Discourse of Nationalism and
Multiculturalism in Singapore and Malaysia in the 50s and 60s.” Span:
Journal of the South Pacific Association for Commonwealth Literature &
Language Studies 24 (1987): 136-50.
Brodey, Inger Sigrun. “Natsume Soseki and Laurence
Sterne: Cross-Cultural Discourse on Literary Linearity.” Comparative
Literature 50.3 (1998): 193-219.
Brown, Paul. “'This Thing of Darkness I Acknowledge
Mine': The Tempest and the Discourse of Colonialism.” Political
Shakespeare: New Essays in Cultural Materialism. Ed. Jonathan Dollimore
and Alan Sinfield. Manchester: Manchester UP, 1985. 48-71.
Bruce, Donald. “Discourse Analysis in Cultural Theory:
'Une Discipline Transversale'.” Canadian Review of Comparative Literature
(1995): 63-92.
Bruce, Donald. “Translating the Commune: Cultural
Politics and the Historical Specificity of the Anarchist Text.” TTR:
Traduction, Terminologie, Redaction. Etudes sur le texte et ses transformations
7.1 (1994): 47-76.
Bruns, John. “Laughter in the Aisles: Affect and
Power in Contemporary Theoretical and Cultural Discourse.” Studies in
American Humor 3.7 (2000): 5-23.
Buell, Lawrence. “Toxic Discourse.” Critical
Inquiry 24.3 (1998): 639-65.
Burke, Helen Mary. Cultural Production and the
Question of the Text in Dryden, Wycherley, Defoe, and Pope. Dissertation
Abstracts International 1991 August v52.2, p544A.
Candlin, Christopher N. “Beyond Description to Explanation
in Cross-Cultural Discourse.” Discourse across Cultures: Strategies
in World Englishes. Ed. Larry E. Smith. Englewood Cliffs: Prentice-Hall,
1987. 22-35.
Candlin, Christopher N. “Discoursal Patterning and the Equalizing of Interpretive
Opportunity.” English for Cross-Cultural Communication. Ed. Larry
E. Smith. New York: St. Martin's Press, 1981. 166-199.
Cao, Shunqing. “Reconstructing Chinese Literary Discourse.” Cultural
Dialogue and Misreading. Ed. Mabel Lee and Hua Meng. Sydney: Wild Peony,
1997. 419-22.
Carcamo, Silvia Ines. “Autobiografia, texto erudito y texto popular en
Paradiso de Jose Lezama Lima.” Literatura como intertextualidad: IX
Simposio International de Literatura. Ed. Juana Alcira Arancibia. Buenos
Aires: Inst. Lit. y Cultural Hispanico, 1993. 150-56.
Carpenter, Mary Wilson. “The Trouble with Romola.” Victorian Sages and
Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power. Ed. Thais E. Morgan.
New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990. 105-28.
Casanave, Christine Pearson, and Paul Prior. Writing Games: Multicultural
Case Studies of Academic Literacy Practices in Higher Education Mahwah:
Erlbaum, 2002.
Casaregola, Vincent G. “The Literature of the Essay and the Discourse of
Values.” Values and Public Life: An Interdisciplinary Study. Ed.
Gerard Magill and Marie D. Hoff. Lanham: UP of America, 1995. 57-88.
Case, Frederick Ivor. “The Cultural Syncretism of Ontological Discourse.”
and Cultural Criticism. Ed. Clive Thomson and Hans Raj Dua. London:
Mestengo, 1995. 237-51.
Casteras, Susan P. “Malleus Malificarum: Or, the Witches' Hammer: Victorian
Visions of Female Sages and Sorceresses.” Victorian Sages and Cultural
Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power. Ed. Thais E. Morgan. New
Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990. 142-70.
Chabram, Angie. “Chicano Critical Discourse: An Emerging Cultural Practice.”
a Journal of Chicano Studies 18.2 (1987): 45-90.
Chafe, Wallace L. “The Deployment of Consciousness in the Production of
a Narrative.” The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic
Aspects of Narrative Production. Ed. Wallace L. Chafe, Roy Freedle,
and John W. Du Bois. Norwood: Ablex, 1980. 9-50.
Chafe, Wallace L., Roy Freedle, and John W. Du Bois, eds. The Pear Stories:
Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative Production.
Norwood: Ablex, 1980.
Chan, Ching-kiu Stephen. “Split China, or, the Historical/Imaginary: Toward
a Theory of the Displacement of Subjectivity at the Margins of Modernity.”
Politics, Ideology, and Literary Discourse in Modern China: Theoretical
Interventions and Cultural Critique. Ed. Kang Liu and Xiaobing Tang.
Durham: Duke UP, 1993. 70-101.
Chang, Han-liang. “Image/Mirage of the Other: Contemporary Chinese Poets'
Reception of French Surrealism.” East-West Comparative Literature: Cross-Cultural
Discourse. Ed. Tak-wai Wong. Hong Kong: Dept. of Comp. Lit., Univ.
of Hong Kong, 1993. 227-51.
Chang, Huei-keng. “Genre Criticism, Textual Strategy and Difference: Historicizing
Samuel Johnson's Writing of Private Lives.” Studies in Language &
Literature 9 (2000): 61-86.
Charland, Maurice. “Rehabilitating Rhetoric: Confronting Blindspots in
Discourse and Social Theory.”Contemporary Rhetorical Theory: A Reader.
Ed. John Louis Lucaites, Celeste Michelle Condit, and Sally Caudill. New
York: Guilford, 1999. 464-73.
Chartier, Roger. On the Edge of the Cliff: History, Language, and Practices.
G. Cochrane. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1997.
Cheyette, Bryan. Constructions of 'The Jew' in English Literature and
Society: Racial Representations, 1875-1945. Cambridge: Cambridge UP,
Chou, Ying-hsiung. “Between the Substantive and the Empty: The Chinese
Historical Novel as Mediation.” East-West Comparative Literature: Cross-Cultural
Discourse. Ed. Tak-wai Wong. Hong Kong: Dept. of Comp. Lit., Univ.
of Hong Kong, 1993. 49-90.
Christ, Carol T. “'The Hero as Man of Letters': Masculinity and Victorian
Nonfiction Prose.” Victorian Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating
Gender and Power. Ed. Thais E. Morgan. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990.
Christian, Imanuel Gulabbhai. Linguistic and Cultural Analysis of Three
Gujarati Folktales. Dissertation Abstracts International 1984 January
v44.7, p2134A
Cicourel, Aaron V. “The Interaction of Cognitive and Cultural Models in
Health Care Delivery.” Talk, Work and Institutional Order: Discourse
in Medical, Mediation and Management Settings. Ed. Srikant Sarangi
and Celia Roberts. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1999. 183-224.
Clancy, Patricia M. “Referential Choice in English and Japanese Narrative
Discourse.” The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects
of Narrative Production. Ed. Wallace L. Chafe, Roy Freedle, and John
W. Du Bois. Norwood: Ablex, 1980. 127-202.
Clapp, Alisa. Angelic Airs / Subversive Songs: Music as Cultural Discourse
in Victorian Literature and Society. Dissertation Abstracts International
1997 February v57.8, p3505A.
Clyne, Michael, Jimmy Hoeks, and Heinz-Josef Kreutz. “Cross-Cultural Responses
to Academic Discourse Patterns.” Folia Linguistica 22.3-4 (1988):
Cmejrkova, Svetla, and Frantisek Danes. “Academic Writing and Cultural
Identity: The Case of Czech Academic Writing.” Culture and Styles of
Academic Discourse. Ed. Anna Duszak. Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997.
Cohen, Walter. “The Discourse of Empire in the Renaissance.” Cultural
Authority in Golden Age Spain. Ed. Marina S. Brownlee and Hans Ulrich
Gumbrecht. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995. 260-83.
Corson, David J. “Minority Cultural Values and Discourse Norms in Majority
Culture Classrooms.” The Canadian Modern Language Review/La Revue canadienne
des langues vivantes 48.3 (1992): 472-96.
Crymes, Ruth, and William Potter. “Questions in the Negotiation for Understanding.”
English for Cross-Cultural Communication. Ed. Larry E. Smith. New York:
St. Martin's Press, 1981. 123-150.
Daly, Conor Anthony. Linguistic Change and Cultural Paradigms: The Development
of Russian Scholarly Prose (18th-20th Centuries). Dissertation Abstracts
International 1992 November v53.5, p1500A.
Davey, Frank. “Translating Translating Apollinaire: The Problematizing
of Discourse in Some Recent Canadian Texts.” Cross-Cultural Studies:
American, Canadian and European Literatures: 1945-1985. Ed. Mirko Jurak.
Ljubljana: English Department, Filozofska Fakulteta, 1988. 41-46.
Davis, Scott Christopher. Telling Tales: Ideology and the American Observer,
1890-1896. Dissertation Abstracts International 2001 August v62.2:
Dellamora, Richard. “Traversing the Feminine in Oscar Wilde's Salome.”
Sages and Cultural Discourse: Renegotiating Gender and Power. Ed. Thais
E. Morgan. New Brunswick: Rutgers UP, 1990. 246-64.
Derrida, Jacques. Limited Inc. Trans. Samuel Weber et al. Evanston:
Northwestern UP, 1988.
Di Leo, Jeffrey R., and Christian Moraru. “Posttheory, Cultural Studies,
and the Classroom: Fragments of a New Pedagogical Discourse.” Class
Issues: Pedagogy, Cultural Studies, and the Public Sphere. Ed. Amitava
Kumar. New York: New York UP, 1997. 237-44.
Dijk, Teun A., et al. “Discourse, Ethnicity, Culture and Racism.” Discourse
Studies: A Multidisciplinary Introduction, I: Discourse as Structure and
Process; II: Discourse as Social Interaction. Ed. Teun A. van Dijk.
London: Sage, 1997. 144-80.
Dissanayake, Wimal. “Cinema, Nationhood, and Cultural Discourse in Sri
Lanka.” Colonialism and Nationalism in Asian Cinema. Ed. Wimal Dissanayake.
Bloomington: Indiana UP, 1994. 190-201.
Douglas, Christopher Robins Dunfield. Reciting America: Repetition and
the Cultural Self-Sufficiency of the United States in the Fiction of Russell
Banks, Ralph Ellison, Maxine Hong Kingston, and T. Coraghessan Boyle.
Dissertation Abstracts International 1998 December v59.6, p2021A-2022A.
Downing, Pamela. “Factors Influencing Lexical Choice in Narrative.”
The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative
Production. Ed. Wallace L. Chafe, Roy Freedle, and John W. Du Bois.
Norwood: Ablex, 1980. 89-126.
Du Bois, John W. “Beyond Definiteness: The Trace of Identity in Discourse.”
The Pear Stories: Cognitive, Cultural, and Linguistic Aspects of Narrative
Production. Ed. Wallace L. Chafe, Roy Freedle, and John W. Du Bois.
Norwood: Ablex, 1980. 203-74.
Dupont, Louis. “L'Americanite in Quebec in the 1980's: Political and Cultural
Considerations of an Emerging Discourse.” American Review of Canadian
Studies 25.1 (1995): 27-52.
Durham, Meenakshi Gigi. “Articulating Adolescent Girls' Resistance to Patriarchal
Discourse in Popular Media.” Women's Studies in Communication 22.2
(1999): 210-29.
Duszak, Anna. “Cross-Cultural Academic Communication: A Discourse-Community
View.” Culture and Styles of Academic Discourse. Ed. Anna Duszak.
Berlin: Mouton de Gruyter, 1997. 11-40.
Eastman, Carol M. “Exclamations in Standard Swahili as Cultural Communication.”
of African Languages & Linguistics 5.2 (1983): 157-180.
Ebacher, Colleen. “The Old and the New World: Incorporating American Indian
Forms of Discourse and Modes of Communication into Colonial Missionary
Texts.” Anthropological Linguistics 33.2 (1991): 135-65.
Elfimov, Alexei. “Academics and the Production of an Intellectual Discourse
of Modernity in Russia.” Para-Sites: A Casebook against Cynical Reason.
Ed. George E. Marcus. Chicago: U of Chicago P, 2000. 225-55.
Engler, Bernd. “The Cultural Dynamics of Metafictional Discourse in Early
American Literature: A Response to Jurgen Wolter.” Connotations: a Journal
for Critical Debate 5.1 (1995-1996): 95-107.
English, Fiona. “What Do Students Really Say in Their Essays? Towards a
Descriptive Framework for Analysing Student Writing.” Students Writing
in the University: Cultural and Epistemological Issues. Ed. Carys Jones,
Joan Turner, and Brian Street. Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1999. 17-36.
Esteves, Rosa. “Discourse Genres in Nineteenth-Century Portuguese Newspapers
and Literary Journals.” The Systemic and Empirical Approach to Literature
and Culture as Theory and Application. Ed. Steven Totosy de Zepetnek
and Irene Sywenky. Edmonton: Research Institute for Comparative Literature,
U of Alberta, 1997. 267-77.
Faerch, Claus, and Gabriele Kasper. “Internal and External Modification
in Interlanguage Request Realization.” Cross-Cultural Pragmatics: Requests
and Apologies. Ed. Shoshana Blum-Kulka, Juliane House, and Gabriele
Kasper. Norwood: Ablex, 1989. 221-247.
Farrell, Lesley. “Doing Well ... Doing Badly: An Analysis of the Role of
Conflicting Cultural Values in Judgments of Relative 'Academic Achievement'.”
and Styles of Academic Discourse. Ed. Anna Duszak. Berlin: Mouton de
Gruyter, 1997. 63-88.
Fernandez, Roberta. “'The Cariboo Cafe': Helena Maria Viramontes Discourse
with Her Social and Cultural Contexts.” Women’s Studies-An Interdisciplinary
Journal 17.1-2 (1989): 71-85.
Finger, Anke Karen. The Poetics of Cultural Unity: Gesamtkunstwerk and
the Discourse on National Arts in German and American Cultures. Dissertation
Abstracts International 1997 October v58.4, p1349A.
Fiske, John. “British Cultural Studies and Television.” Channels of
Discourse: Television and Contemporary Criticism. Ed. Robert Clyde
Allen. Chapel Hill: U of North Carolina P, 1987. 254-289.
Fludernik, Monika. “The Hybridity of Discourses about Hybridity: Kipling's
'Naboth' as an Allegory of Postcolonial Discourse.” Crossover: Cultural
Hybridity in Ethnicity, Gender, Ethics. Ed. Therese Steffen. Tuebingen:
Stauffenburg, 2000. 151-218.
Fore, Steven James. The Perils of Patriotism: The Hollywood War Film
as Generic and Cultural Discourse. Dissertation Abstracts International
1987 March v47.9, p3215A.
Franco, Jean. “El pasquin y los dialogos de los muertos: Discursos discronicos
en Yo el Supremo.” Trans. Mario Toer. Augusto Roa Bastos y la produccion
cultural americana. Comp. Saul Sosnowski. Buenos Aires: Ediciones de
la Flor, 1986. 179-196.
Frega, Donnalee. Speaking in Hunger: Gender, Discourse, and Consumption
in Clarissa. Columbia: U of South Carolina P, 1998.
Fregoso, Rosa Linda. “The Discourse of Difference: Footnoting Inequality.”
a Journal of Critical Essays 2.2 (1990): 182-87.
Friedman, Edward H. “Creative Space: Ideologies of Discourse in Gongora's
Polifemo.” Cultural Authority in Golden Age Spain. Ed. Marina S.
Brownlee and Hans Ulrich Gumbrecht. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins UP, 1995.
Funes, Leonardo. “El surgimiento de la prosa narrativa en Castilla: Un
enfoque historico-cultural.” Studia Hispanica Medievalia, IV. Ed.
Azucena Adelina Fraboschi, Clara I. Stramiello de Bocchio, and Alejandra
Rosarossa. Buenos Aires: Facultad de Filosofia y Letras, Pontificia Universidad
Catolica Argentina, 1999. 162-71.
Furnkas, Josef. “Alltagssprache, Bildungssprache, Fachsprache: Interdiskursive
Topik als Aufgabe einer interkulturellen Germanistik.” Deutschlandstudien
international 2: Dokumentation des Symposiums 'Interkulturelle Deutschstudien.
Methoden, Moglichkeiten und Modelle' in Takayama/Japan 1990. Ed. Kenichi
Mishima and Hikaru Tsuji. München: iudicium, 1992. 265-90.
Gabrielpillai, Matilda. Orientalizing Singapore: Psychoanalyzing the
Discourse of 'Non-Western Modernity'. Dissertation Abstracts International
1998 July v59.1, p177A.
Gallaher, Rhea, Jr. “Cross-Cultural Conversation: Time as a Variable and
Paralinguistic Cues for Persuasion.” The Aymara Language in Its Social
and Cultural Context: A Collection of Essays on Aspects of Aymara Language
and Culture. Ed. Martha J. Hardman. Gainesville: UP of Florida, 1981.114-121.
Gallert, Petra Martina. Ur-Texts and the Historiography of Knowledge:
How Restored Versions of American Novels Have Fared in Cultural Discourse.
Dissertation Abstracts International 1997 July v58.1, p166A.
Gay, Brenda, Carys Jones, and Jane Jones. “Writing Assignments on a PGCE
(Secondary) Course.” Students Writing in the University: Cultural and
Epistemological Issues. Ed. Carys Jones, Joan Turner, and Brian Street.
Amsterdam: Benjamins, 1999. 81-102.
Geest, Dirk de. “Systems Theory and Discursivity.” Canadian Review of
Comparative Literature-Revue Canadienne de Litterature Comparee 24.1
(1997): 161-75.
Gensheimer, Thomas R. “Cross-Cultural Currents: Swahili Urbanism in the
Late Middle Ages.” Hybrid Urbanism: On the Identity Discourse and the
Built Environment. Ed. Nezar Al Sayyad. Westport: Praeger, 2001. 21-41.
George, Diana. “Changing the Face of Poverty: Nonprofits and the Problem
of Representation.” Popular Literacy: Studies in Cultural Practices
and Poetics. Ed. John Trimbur. Pittsburgh: U of Pittsburgh P, 2001.
Gerbner, George. “Mass Media Discourse: Message System Analysis as a Component
of Cultural Indicators.” Discourse and Communication: New Approaches
to the Analysis of Mass Media Discourse and Communication. Ed. Teun
A. van Dijk. Berlin: de Gruyter, 1985. 13-25.
Gibson, Mark. “Blood in the Water: Violence and the Democratic Public.”
Review: Cultural Studies & New Writing 4.1 (1998): 155-68.
Giroux, Henry A., and Peter L. McLaren. “Radical Pedagogy as Cultural Politics:
Beyond the Discourse of Critique and Anti-Utopianism.” Theory/Pedagogy/Politics:
Texts for Change. Ed. Donald Morton and Mas'ud Zavarzadeh. Urbana:
U of Illinois P, 1991. 152-86.
Glissant, Edouard. “Caribbean Discourse.” Documenta X: The Book: Politics
Poetics. Ed. Catherine David and Jean-Francois Chevrier. Ostfildern:
Cantz, 1997. 518-21.
Gokberk, Ulker. “Encounters with the Other in German Cultural Discourse:
Intercultural Germanistik and Aysel Ozakin's Journeys of Exile.” Other
Germanies: Questioning Identity in Women's Literature and Art. Ed.
Karen Jankowsky and Carla Love. Albany: State U of New York P, 1997. 19-55.
Gold, Gerald L. “Cousin and the Gros Chiens: The Limits of Cajun Political
Rhetoric.” Politically Speaking: Cross-Cultural Studies of Rhetoric.
Ed. Robert Paine. Philadelphia: Institute for the Study of Human Issues,
1981. 143-163.
Gold, Moshe. “Ethical Practice in Critical Discourse: Conversions and Disruptions
in Legal, Religious Narratives.” Representations 64 (1998): 21-40.
Gonzalez-Casanovas, Roberto J. “Colon's Cultural Discourse of Quest and
Utopia: A Critical Model Based on Contemporary Theory.” Rla: Romance
Languages Annual 6 (1994): 478-85.
Gonzalez-Walker, Antonio. The Fifth World(s): Global Discourse and the
Politics of Cultural Transformation in the Virtual Age. Dissertation
Abstracts International 1998 February v58.8, p3120A-3121A.
Greimas, Algirdas Julien. “The Veridiction Contract.” Trans. Frank Collins
and Paul Perron. New Literary History 20.3 (1989): 651-660.
Grewal, Inderpal, and Caren Kaplan. “Warrior Marks: Global Womanism's Neo-Colonial
Discourse in a Multicultural Context.” Keyframes: Popular Cinema and
Cultural Studies. Ed. Matthew Tinkcom and Amy Villarejo. London: Routledge,
2001. 52-71.
Grossberg, Lawrence. Bringing It All Back Home: Essays on Cultural Studies.
Durham & London: Duke UP, 1997.
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