CLCWeb Cumulative Index Volume 1 (1999) »
Asante-Darko, Kwaku. "Language and Culture in African
Postcolonial Literature."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000): <>.
Axelrod, Mark. "Popular Culture and the Rituals
of American Football."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Baum, Kathleen Kelly. "Courting Desire and the (Al)lure
of David E. Kelley's Ally McBeal." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002): <>.
Birus, Hendrik, "The Goethean Concept of World Literature
and Comparative Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Blich, Baruch. "About Art." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.3 (2001): <>.
Brandabur, A. Clare. "Ward Churchill, A Little
Matter of Genocide: Holocaust and Denial in the Americas, 1492 to the Present."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.1 (1999):
Buchenau, Barbara. "Comparativist Interpretations
of the Frontier in Early American Fiction and Literary Historiography."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001):
Buchenau, Barbara, and Marietta Messmer. "An Introduction
to Intercultural Negotiations in the Americas and Beyond." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001):
Buchenau, Barbara, and Marietta Messmer. "Selected
Bibliography for the Study of Interculturality in the Americas: Theories
and Practice."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Cardwell, Richard A. "A Postmodern Look at Modernism:
A Review Article of Books by Pera and López on Modernista Writers
in Hispanic Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001): <>.
Coulter, Yasamine C. "A Comparative Post-Colonial
Approach to Hedayat's
The Blind Owl." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal2.3 (2000): <>.
Crozier, W. Ray. "Literary Careers: Breaks and Stalls."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.3 (2001):
Dahab, F. Elizabeth. "Théophile Gautier and
the Orient." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
De Glas, Frank. "Literature, 'In-House' Writers,
and Processes of Success in Publishing." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Deltcheva, Roumiana. "East Central Europe as a Politically
Correct Scapegoat: The Case of Bulgaria." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.2 (1999): <>.
Deltcheva, Roumiana. "Western Mediations in Reevaluating
the Communist Past: A Comparative Analysis of Gothár's Time Stands
Still and Andonov's Yesterday." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Deltcheva, Roumiana. "A Selected Bibliography of
Works for the Study of Film and Literature 1985-1999." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library): <>.
Dermitzakis, Babis. "Globalization and Conferencing
Comparative Literature in Egypt and Slovenia." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Dermitzakis, Babis. "Some Observations about the
Suicide of the Adulteress in the Modern Novel." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.2 (1999): <>.
Dev, Amiya. "Comparative Literature in India." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000):
Dickens, Eric. "Literary Translation in Britain
and Selective Xenophobia." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002): <>.
Dyens, Ollivier. "Cyberpunk, Technoculture, and
the Post-Biological Self." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal2.1 (2000): <>.
Eid, Haidar. "Naipul's A Bend in the River
and Neo-colonialism as a Comparative Context." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Fábry, Andrea. "A Comparative Analysis of
Text and Music and Gender and Audience in Duke Bluebeard's Castle."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999):
Flotow, Luise von. "The Systemic Approach, Postcolonial
Studies, and Translation Studies: A Review Article of New Work by Hermans
and Tymoczko." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Fox, Patricia D. "Fiction, Biography, Autobiography,
and Postmodern Nostalgia in (Con)Texts of Return." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Fox, Patricia D. "What’s Past is Prologue: Imagining
the Socialist Nation in Cuba and in Hungary." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.1 (1999): <>.
Frank, Armin Paul. "On the Comparison of Interliterary
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Fusco, Antonio, and Rosella Tomassoni. "A Psychological
Outline of 'Yerma's Dream'." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.3 (2001): <>.
Gálik, Marián. "Concepts of World
Literature, Comparative Literature, and a Proposal." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Gálik, Marián. "Interliterariness
as a Concept in Comparative Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Gifford, James. "Reading Orientalism and the Crisis
of Epistemology in the Novels of Lawrence Durrell." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.2 (1999): <>.
Giordano, Fedora. "Experiencing Texts and Cultures:
A Review Article of New Work Edited by Nemesio and Tötösy and
Sywenky." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
2.1 (2000): <>.
Gnisci, Armando. "Manifesto for a Revolution of
the West." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal1.1
(1999): <>.
Grabovszki, Ernst. "The Impact of Globalization
and the New Media on the Notion of World Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Grabovszki, Ernst. "New Ways in Comparative Literature:
A Review Article of New Work by Tötösy and Tötösy,
Dimic, and Sywenky."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Graf, Marga. "Roots of Identity: The National
and Cultural Self in Présence Africaine." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Grant, Colin B. "Language, Vagueness, and Social
Communication." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.4 (2001): <>.
Hagenbüchle, Roland. "Living Together as an
Intercultural Task."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Halász, László, Károly
Hantos, and Balázs Faa. "A Study of the Effect of Reception of Works
of Art through an Interactive CD-ROM." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal3.3 (2001): <>.
Hokenson, Jan Walsh. "Comparative Literature and
the Culture of the Context." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal
2.4 (2000): <>.
Hoorn, Johan F. "The Hazard of Hidden Interactions:
A Reanalysis of Designs in Reaction-Time Studies on Metaphor." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000):
Hoorn, Johan. "How is a Genre Created? Five Combinatory
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 2.2 (2000): <>.
Imre, Anikó. "Gender, Literature, and Film
in Contemporary East Central European Culture." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Juvan, Marko. "On Literariness: From Post-Structuralism
to Systems Theory."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A
WWWeb Journal 2.2 (2000): <>.
Juvan, Marko. "Thematics and Intellectual Content:
The XVth Triennial Congress of the International Comparative Literature
Association in Leiden ." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal1.1 (1999): <>.
Kao, Karl S.Y. "Comparative Literature and the Ideology
of Metaphor, East and West." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Keunen, Bart. "Bakhtin, Genre Formation, and the
Cognitive Turn: Chronotopes as Memory Schemata." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.2 (2000): <>.
Komins, Benton Jay. "Comparative Spaces and Seeing
Seduction and Horror in Bataille." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Komins, Benton Jay. "Popular Culture, Kitsch as
Camp, and Film." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Komins, Benton Jay. "Sightseeing in Paris with Baudelaire
and Breton."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 2.1 (2000): <>.
Komins, Benton Jay. "Western Culture and the Ambiguous
Legacies of the Pig." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal3.4 (2001): <>.
Kowalczyk-Twarowski, Krzysztof. "Southern American
Regional Sensibility versus the North." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Kozak, Krištof Jacek. "Comparative Literature in
Slovenia." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2000): <>.
Kozak, Krištof Jacek. "The Advantages of Critical
and Systematic Literary Taxonomies: A Review Article of New Work by Cerquiglini,
Juvan, and Zima." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Kushner, Eva. "Is Comparative Literature Ready for
the Twenty-First Century?" CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Lauer, A. Robert. "A Revaluation of Pasolini's Salò."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002):
Lauer, Robert A. "The Systemic Approach and Valle-Inclán,
Semiotics and the Spanish Comedia: A Review Article of New Work by Iglesias
Santos and de Toro." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Lauterbach, Frank. "British Travel Writing about
the United States and Spanish America, 1820-1840: Different and Differentiating
Views." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2001): <>.
Lee, Mabel. "Nobel Laureate 2000 Gao Xingjian and
his Novel Soul Mountain." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Leising, Gary. "Aimé Césaire and Gestures
toward the Universal."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001): <>.
Losada Goya, José Manuel. "Poetic Image and
Tradition in Western European Modernism: Pound, Lorca, Claudel." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.2 (1999):
Lutzkanova-Vassileva, Albena. "Testimonial Poetry
in East European Post-Totalitarian Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Malamud, Randy. "The Culture of Using Animals in
Literature and the Case of José Emilio Pacheco." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.2 (2000): <>.
Martin, Terence. "From Redskin to Redneck: Atrocity
and Revenge in American Writing." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
McClennen, Sophia. "Cultural Politics, Rhetoric,
and the Essay: A Comparison of Emerson and Rodó." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000):
Messmer, Marietta. "Twentieth-Century American Literary
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Milz, Sabine. "Comparative Cultural Studies and
Ethnic Minority Writing Today: The Hybridities of Marlene Nourbese Philip
and Emine Sevgi Özdamar." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.2 (2000): <>.
Mizuo, Ayako. "(Post)Feminism, Transnationalism,
The Maternal Body, and Michèle Roberts." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001): <>.
Mourao, Manuela. "Comparative Literature in the
United States." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Nemesio, Aldo. "An Introduction to Art, Literature,
and the Empirical Paradigm." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and
Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.3 (2001): <>.
Nemesio, Aldo. "The Comparative Method and the Study
of Literature."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 1.1 (1999): <>.
Neubauer, John. "Vargas Llosa's La ciudad y los
perros and the European Novel of Adolescence." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Nielsen, Wendy C. "Querying Komparatistik:
New Books by Corbineau-Hoffman, Konstantinovic, and O'Sullivan." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002):
O'Neill, Angeline. "Comparatist Postcolonial Studies:
A Review Article of Books by Coundouriotis, Matthews Green, Yeager, and
Gould, Vautier, and Canadian Literature." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001): <>.
O'Neill, Angeline, in collaboration with Josie Boyle.
"Literary Space in the Works of Josie Boyle and Jeannette Armstrong." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000):
Paatz, Annette. "The Socio-Cultural Function of
Media in Nineteenth-Century Latin America." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Pavel, Thomas. "A Review of Work by Souiller and
Troubetzkoy." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Petropoulou, Evi. "Gender and Modernity in the Work
of Hesse and Kazantzakis."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.1 (2000): <>.
Pireddu, Nicoletta. "Comparative Literature as a
Messenger of Diversity: New Books by Cassola, Durišin and Gnisci, and Kushner
and Pageaux." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 4.1 (2002): <>.
Pivato, Joseph. "The New Comparative Literature:
A Review Article of Work by Bassnett, Bernheimer, Chevrel, and Tötösy."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999):
Raab, Josef. "El gran viejo: Walt Whitman
in Latin America."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A
WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Ravenwood, Emily. "The Innocence of Children: Effects
of Vulgarity in
South Park."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.2 (1999): <>.
Rodier, Katharine. "Women Writing World War One:
A Review Article of New Work by Higonnet, Ouditt, and Tylee, Turner, and
Cardinal." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
2.3 (2000): <>.
Saramago, José. "Is It Time to Return to
the Author? Between Omniscient Narrator and Interior Monologue." Trans.
Roumiana Deltcheva.
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A
WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Sehmby, Dalbir S. "Wrestling and Popular Culture."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002):
Senst, Angela M. "Regional and National Identities
in Robert Frost's and T.S. Eliot's Criticism." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.2 (2001): <>.
Skulj, Jola. "Comparative Literature and Cultural
Identity." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2000): <>.
Snart, Jason. "Disorder and Entropy in Pynchon's
'Entropy' and Lefebvre's
The Production of Space." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001):
Sojka, Eugenia. "Canadian Feminist Writing and American
Poetry." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2001): <>.
Sucur, Slobodan. "Thematizing the Subject from Gothicism
to Late Romanticism."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Sucur, Slobodan. "Theory, Period Styles, and Comparative
Literature as Discipline." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Swirski, Peter. "Popular and Highbrow Literature:
A Comparative View."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Tack, Lieven. "Word, Image, and Sound from Comparative
Points of View: A Review Article of New Work Edited by Joret and Remael."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.2 (2000):
Tao, Naikan. "Ezra Pound's Comparative Poetics."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.4 (2001):
Tatlow, Antony. "Comparative Literature as Textual
Anthropology." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 2.4 (2000): <>.
Tessarolo, Mariselda. "The Perception of the Song
and Its Video Clip."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 3.3 (2001): <>.
Thornton, William H. "A Postmodern Solzhenitsyn?"
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999):
Thornton, William H. "Analyzing East/West Power
Politics in Comparative Cultural Studies." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "The New Knowledge
Management: Online Research and Publishing in the Humanities." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 3.1 (2001):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Michael Ondaatje's
English Patient, 'History,' and the Other." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "From Comparative
Literature Today toward Comparative Cultural Studies." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Memories
of Hungary: A Review Article of New Books by Suleiman and Teleky." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.1 (1999):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "A Selected
Bibliography of Work in Comparative Literature and Literary Theory (to
1999)." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(Library): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "A Selected
Bibliography of Work in Systemic and Empirical Approaches to Literature,
1969-1995." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(Library): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "A Selected
Bibliography of Works in the Systemic and Empirical, Institution, and Field
Approaches to Literature and Culture (to 1998)." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library): <>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Bibliography
for the Study of Central European Culture." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library): <//>.
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Postcolonial
Literatures: A Selected Bibliography of Theory and Criticism (to 1995)."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Selected
and Annotated Bibliography of German-Canadian Literature and Criticism."
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "Selected
Bibliography of Work on Canadian Ethnic Minority Writing (to 1999)." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven. "A Selected
Shortlist of (Text)Books in Comparative Literature, 1965-1999." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Tötösy de Zepetnek, Steven, Steven Aoun,
and Wendy C. Nielsen. "A Selected Bibliography of Comparative Literature
and Culture: Theories, Methods, Histories (1835 to 2001)." CLCWeb:
Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal (Library):
Tsur, Reuven. "Translation Studies, Cultural Context,
and Dante." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(2001): <>.
Vasvári, Louise O. "Examples of the Motif
of the Shrew in European Literature and Film." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 4.1 (2002): <>.
Vasvári, Louise O. "A Comparative Approach
to European Folk Poetry and the Erotic Wedding Motif." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.4 (1999): <>.
Vega-González, Susana. "Memory and the Quest
for Family History in One Hundred Years of Solitude and Song
of Solomon." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 3.1 (2001): <>.
Welfing, Johannes F. "Nietzsche and the Knowledge
of the Child at Play: On the Question of Metaphysics." CLCWeb: Comparative
Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Wilson, Jean. "Identity Politics in Atwood, Kogawa,
and Wolf." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
(1999): <>.
Yang, Manuel. "Familial Autobiography and the World:
A Review Article of Work by Kenzaburo." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 1.3 (1999): <>.
Zambrano, Pablo. "Comparative Literature in Spain
Today: A Review Article of New Work by Romero, Vega and Carbonell, and
Guillén." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb
Journal 1.2 (1999): <>.
Zhou, Xiaoyi. "East and West Comparative Literature
and Culture: A Review Article of New Work by Lee and Collected Volumes
by Lee and Syrokomla-Stefanowska."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature
and Culture: A WWWeb Journal 2.3 (2000): <>.
Zhou, Xiaoyi, and Q.S. Tong. "Comparative Literature
in China." CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture: A WWWeb Journal
2.4 (2000): <>.
Zubarev, Vera. "The Comic in Literature as a General
Systems Phenomenon."
CLCWeb: Comparative Literature and Culture:
A WWWeb Journal 1.1 (1999): <>.